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BUSI4406 Current Issues in Accounting 2023/24


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BUSI4406 Current Issues in Accounting

20 Credits Level 4 Semester 1 2023/24

Details of Group coursework

Select TWO corporations that have previously been embroiled in accounting or financial scandals, with the preference that they are or were listed on prominent stock exchanges in different countries. 

Your task is to compose a comprehensive report in which you:

1. Identify and explain the key aspects of corporate governance in each company.

2. Highlight the corporate governance weaknesses in each company.

3. Highlight the similarities and/or differences between the two scandals and discuss how these differences are linked with the corporate governance characteristics in each company.

Further details will be given during lectures, seminars and via other resource on Moodle.

Deadline Date for Submission of Coursework

Your coursework needs to be submitted electronically to Moodle. See the Student Services website for further details of this process. The deadline for coursework submission is 3pm on Thursday, 14th December 2023. Late submission will attract a mark penalty unless an extension has been approved by Student Services. Please familiarise yourself with the extenuating circumstances policy and the process for submitting a claim.

A maximum word count of 3000 words must be adhered to. The penalty for exceeding this limit is a five mark deduction.

· The actual word count of the assignment must be stated by the student group on the first page (cover sheet) of the assignment.

· The overall word count does include citations and quotations.

· The overall word count does not include the references or bibliography at the end of the coursework.

· The word count does not include figures and tables.

· Appendices may or may not be included in the word count as specified by the Module Convenor. For this module the following applies:

Appendices are not included in the overall word count.

Students should prepare and submit their coursework assessments in the following format:

Font: Verdana 11 point
Spacing: 1.5 spaced
Margins: Normal (2.5cm)
Referencing: Harvard citation style