关键词 > CIS2017-N



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Module Code: CIS2017-N

Module Title: Relational and No SQL Databases

Assignment Title:

SQL Server - TSQL Modules and MongoDB Data Analytics Portfolio for Employability.

Central Assignments Office (Middlesbrough Tower M2.08) Notes:

· All work must be clearly marked with the student name, number and module title.

· An Assignment Front Sheet should be fully completed before the work is submitted.

· When an extension has been granted, a fully completed and signed Extension form must be submitted to the SCEDT Reception.

Online Submission Notes:

· All submissions on Blackboard

· Please follow carefully the instructions given on the Assignment Specification

· When an extension has been granted, a fully completed and signed Extension form must be submitted to the SCMA Reception.

Library Support for Academic Skills

Did you know you can book an individual 30 minute tutorial in the Learning Hub with an adviser to help you with your academic skills, writing or numeracy? Or that there are loEDT of really useful workshops available to help you with your studies and assessments? Have a look at the Succeed@Tees workshops for more details.



In-course Assessment

One of the necessary skills for becoming a Developer is understanding how to properly structure database tables and write queries. Building databases and developing queries, programme views, functions, and stored procedures are just a few of the many database-related tasks that database developers oversee.

Our main assessment focus with SQL Server (RDMS) is on creating TSQL scripts or queries that are optimised to extract relevant data so that it may be used by other applications.

With MongoDB (NoSQL), the emphasis is on finishing the MongoDB University Course - M001 - MongoDB Basics and receiving a certificate of completion.  How to load dataset collections, perform CRUD operations, query data, and perform fundamental data analytics on industry datasets using Google Cloud's MongoDB.

For this In-Course Assessment (ICA) you are required to provide a Portfolio of the module deliverables:

You will submit your portfolios for both the SQL Server TSQL and MongoDB portfolios in a final written Report*.

*Report: The term "report" generally refers to a Word document, although you are free to offer demonstration and solution using PowerPoint or Videos along with hyperlinks to any supporting code, such as SQL Server.sql or MongoDB Json scripts.

By the due date, you need to upload your ICA to the submission links (see online Assessment Folder) on Blackboard.

The report should mostly be made up of screenshots, with the text kept concise or in bullet points.  For your convenience, we have given Report Templates (see online Assessment Folder) so that you can customise the content that must be submitted.

The following are your assessment deliverables:

Task 1 of 3: SQL Server - TSQL Modules Portfolio (60 marks)

SQL Server Sample Databases for TSQL Module [09-18] ICA Demos:

We have released new 2022 SQL Server Database samples which are all populated with ‘real’ data.  Download from Blackboard under Learning Material.

Select only ONE for your TSQL Demos.

· Olympics - 120 years of Olympics, Olympians, events and medals records.

· Movies - worlds movie library database

· Video_Games - worlds video game library database.

· MuiscDB2021 – international music sales

· Superheros - Superhero database

· Universities - worlds Times ranked university data.

You may develop your own SQL Server Database but focus on between 6-12 entities and use data generators to populate the tables.  You must discuss this option with your tutors.

SQL Server - TSQL Essentials Portfolio

Total 10

Ideally identify 3 tables (many to many) with suitable test data (min 10 records approx.) and provide a portfolio of TSQL Basics Demos You may consider implementing one of the databases from the Library of Free Data Models for this section.

· A: TSQL03-ICA Demo - Querying with Select

· B: TSQL04-ICA Demo – Querying with Multiple Tables

· C: TSQL05-ICA Demo – Sort and Filtering Data

· D: TSQL06 ICA Demo – Working with SQL Server Data

· E: TSQL07 ICA Demo – Using DML to Modify Data

· F: TSQL08 ICA Demo – Using Built-In Functions

10 marks

SQL Server - TSQL Basics Portfolio

Total 10

For this section onwards use one of the recommended ICA Server Databases.

TSQL09-Grouping and Aggregating Data

· TSQL09-ICA Demo A-Using Aggregate Functions

o like MAX, MIN, COUNT, SUM and AVERAGE function

· TSQL09- ICA Demo B-Using the GROUP BY Clause

· TSQL 09-ICA Demo C-Filtering Groups with HAVING

5 marks

TSQL10-Using Subqueries

· TSQL10- ICA Demo A-Writing Self-Contained Subqueries

· TSQL10- ICA Demo B-Writing Correlated Subqueries

· TSQL10- ICA Demo C-Using the EXISTS Predicate with Subqueries

5 marks

SQL Server - TSQL Intermediate Portfolio

Total 20

TSQL11-Using Table Expressions

· TSQL11-ICA Demo A-Using Views

· TSQL11- ICA Demo B-Using Inline TVFs

· TSQL11-ICA Demo C-Using Derived Tables

· TSQL11- CA Demo D-Using CTEs

5 marks

TSQL12-Using Set Operators

· TSQL12- ICA Demo A-Writing Queries with the UNION Operator


· TSQL12-ICA Demo C-Using APPLY

5 marks

TSQL13-Using Window Ranking, Offset, and Aggregate Functions

· TSQL13-ICA Demo A-Using Creating Windows with OVER

· TSQL13- ICA Demo B-Using Exploring Window Functions

5 marks

TSQL14-Pivoting and Grouping Sets

· TSQL14-ICA Demo A-Writing Queries with PIVOT and UNPIVOT

· TSQL14-ICA Demo B-Working with Grouping Sets

5 marks

SQL Server - TSQL Advanced Portfolio

Total 20

TSQL15-Executing Stored Procedures

· TSQL15-ICA Demo A-Querying Data with Stored Procedures

· TSQL15-ICA Demo B-Passing Parameters to Stored Procedures

· TSQL15-ICA Demo C-Creating Simple Stored Procedures

· TSQL15-ICA Demo D-Working with Dynamic SQL

5 marks

TSQL16-Programming with T-SQL

· TSQL16-ICA Demo A-T-SQL Programming Elements

· TSQL16-ICA Demo B-Controlling Program Flow

5 marks

TSQL 7-Implementing Error Handling

TSQL17-ICA Demo A-Implementing T-SQL Error Handling

TSQL17-ICA Demo B-Implementing Structured Exception Handling

5 marks

TSQL18-Implementing Transactions in SQL Server

· TSQL18-ICA Demo A-Transactions and the Database Engine

· TSQL18-ICA Demo B-Controlling Transactions

5 marks

TASK 1 – TSQL Submission Requirements

You may submit a single zip folder labelled [student#][surname-initials]-RnD-SQL-ICA and should  containing all the following:

Task 1: SQL Server - TSQL Modules ICA Demo Portfolio

Submit the following evidence for your:

To submit your TSQL ICA Demo Portfolio, you need to provide the following:

1. A Report or PowerPoint presentation covering your best TSQL Demos with SSMS screenshot and results evidence. Only one best example per Demo.

2. One or more .sql files containing the TSQL module demo code. You can provide one .sql file per module or one .zip file containing all the .sql files.  We prefer you to indicate the steps for each of your best Demos. These can be zipped and uploaded separately.

3. (Optional) Mini videos to supplement your submission, zipped into a separate file.  These should be hyperlinked into main report or presentation.  Ideally have them in a folder and zipped and uploaded separately.

· File name example: [surname-initials]-TSQL-ICA Demos 1 to xx .ppt or .docx

· Note sample templates are provided on Blackboard for you to revise and personalise.

All uploads via the Blackboard Assessment tag.

A submission link will be available via Blackboard under the Assessments link.

You must submit your files by the due date reported on the front page of this document.

Task 2 of 3: MongoDB Data Analytics Portfolio (30 marks)

Task 2: MongoDB Data Analytics Portfolio (30 marks)

· Complete the MongoDB University: M001 - Introduction to MongoDB.

The Introduction to MongoDB course guides you through the foundational skills and knowledge you need to get started with MongoDB. This includes connecting to a MongoDB database, how to conduct simple CRUD operations, and key topics such as aggregation, indexing, data modeling, and transactions.

Investigate and demonstrate a range of MongoDB skills within a document-oriented sample database. Demonstrate and provide evidence of your MongoDB skills on how to undertake CRUD, Query Your Data (Query Bar) and  how to Analyse your Data Schema (Schema Tab) for aggregated data analytics on one of the sample MongoDB Collections.

Please seek advice and guidance from the module leader if you are interested in developing your own MongoDB Collection and document set from a CSV file.  We will help you identify suitable big data collections from Kaggle – the data science platform.

You will receive a Certificate of Completion whenever you finish each unit.  You must provide each certificate as part of your Introduction to MongoDB Portfolio.   You should also consider scaling some screenshot or mini video demos evidence using anyone of the sample MongoDB Collections provided by MongoDB University.

You will be presented with Q&A as part of each unit.  Do not redo if you get answers incorrect since you will be presented with correct answers. The marks are awarded for participation and evidence.

To be consider for a PASS (40-49) attempts the following:

1. Start Here - Intro to MongoDB

2. Getting Started with MongoDB Atlas

3. MongoDB and the Document Model

4. Connecting to a MongoDB Database

To be consider for a 2:2 (50-59) also attempts the following:

5. MongoDB CRUD Operations: Insert and Find Documents

6. MongoDB CRUD Operations: Replace and Delete Documents

To be consider for a 2:1 (60-69) also attempts the following:

7. MongoDB CRUD Operations: Modifying Query Results

8. MongoDB Aggregation

To be consider for a 1st (70-100) also attempts the following:

9. MongoDB Indexes

10. MongoDB Atlas Search

11. MongoDB Data Modeling Intro

12. MongoDB Transactions

TASK 2 of 3: MongoDB Submission Requirements

MongoDB Deliverable 1:

The MongoDB Data Analytics Portfolio is to comprise of supporting evidence undertaking the MongoDB University: M001 - Introduction to MongoDB - Report or PowerPoint comprising of MongoDB Certificates of Completion for each unit with supporting screenshot demonstrations.

Task 3: SQL & NoSQL Reflective Report (10 marks)

Reflective Report

Task 3: A reflective report. (10 marks)

· Reflect on your experience with SQL Server TSQL Modules and MongoDB development platforms.

· Reflect on your Learning Journey of newly acquired Developer Skills.

· Rate your skills and experience.

TASK 3 – Reflective Report Submission Requirements

SQL & NoSQL Reflective Report: Provide a short reflective piece on your ICA work (500 words). Reflection on your learning experience with SQL Server and MongoDB database technology stacks.

TU Reflective Report Guide

Task 3. Self-Assessment and Individual Reflective Report

Marks 10

1. Overall Self-Assessment Grade for TSQL and MongoDB (A-D)

2. Individual reflective report on TSQL programming in SQL Server:

a) Learning goals and objectives

b) Challenges and obstacles

c) Strengths and weaknesses

d) Summary of TSQL modules you have a competent understanding.

e) Summary of TSQL modules still need more practice.

f) Summary of TSQL modules self-study study plan for those not undertaken.

3. Individual reflective report on Introduction to MongoDB:

a) Learning goals and objectives

b) Challenges and obstacles

c) Strengths and weaknesses

d) Summary of MongoDB units you have a competent understanding.

e) Summary of MongoDB units you still need more practice.

f) Summary of MongoDB units self-study study plan for those not undertaken.

4. Summary on skills you have acquired and how you feel SQL support your personal development into employability as a Graduate Developer.

Errors and Technical Issues

Technical issues and errors are the norm in the development world.

If you get any errors, then please 'document' them as this is considered good practice by

industry. Along with an investigation into the development community for plausible solutions and such sources to be referenced.

Do not spend too long trying to solve your errors. It is acceptable in a 'proof of concept' system to 'move on' to other development activities. Time permitting you can always come back to try and resolve the issue.

You will not get penalised if something in your report did not work as expected as we are more interested in the overall tasks you are able to perform.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

Module Learning Outcomes

Personal and Transferable Skills

PTS1. Reflect on experiences, feedback and action plans to inform personal development.

PTS2. Investigate key characteristics of relational and NoSQL databases.

Research, Knowledge and Cognitive Skills

RKC1. Develop a deep understanding of database theories and concepts.

RKC2. Investigate the information security requirements of, and the tools to facilitate these within a SQL and NoSQL database.

Professional Skills

PS1. Design and build a relational and NoSQL database solution to meet identified business requirements.

PS2. Test a database solution to ensure it meets agreed business requirements.