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UFCFWR‑15‑3 Advanced Systems Programming: Assignment 2022


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UFCFWR‑15‑3 Advanced Systems Programming: Assignment


A Fiber Scheduler (C++) :: Assignment

If you have not already done so, complete the setup process for you choice of OS. Instructions for this are on Blackboard under Learning Materials.

All work for this assignment should be commited and pushed to a repo on Gitlab and a README.md included that details what is contained in the repo and your solution works and can be built and run. The URL for the repo should be submitted to BB.

The deadline for this assignment is 4th January 2024.


The goal of this assignment is to implement a simple runtime that supports coperative tasks running within a single thread.

POSIX or any other type of runtime threads cannot be used to complete this assignment.

Threads were designed to parallelize compute‑intensive tasks, enabling independent components within a single application to progress on their own, while supporting ‘simple’ direct communication. However, there are many drawbacks to threads, in particular, they are both computational and mem‑ ory intensive, which for applications that are I/O intensive or tasks that are short lived, for example, this can be performance bottle neck. Languages such as Javascript, used heavely in the I/O world of the web, have long avoided this through the use of callbacks and more recently promises.

The problem with callbacks, often refered to as ‘callback hell’, is the issue with nested callbacks, e.g. something like following:

asynFunc( 'whatever', function(err, data) {

asynFunc( 'whatever', function(err, data) {

asynFunc( 'whatever', function(err, data) {

asynFunc( 'whatever', function(err, data) {

asynFunc( 'whatever', function(err, data) {

asynFunc( 'whatever', function(err, data) {

// finally get around to do something







Of course, there are ways of mitigating this somewhat, see for example, Node’s use of streams.

Why does Javascript use callbacks? In Javascript callbacks can be either:

• Synchronous; A synchronous callback is executed direclty in as part of the evaluation of the function. In general, this is no different to passing a function to another function that can be used to compute values. C++, for example, supports lambda functions for this purpose

• Asynchronous; An asynchronous callback is executed after the execution of the function that uses the callback. This might happen a longtime in the future after the original function was called, e.g. once a network request has completed.

However, as already noted these days many applications are I/O (Input / Output) intensive and Javascript is not the only language of web. For a long time Microsoft have developed the language C# and pushed an alternative to the ‘callback hell’ of Javascript’s callbacks, often refered to as co‑routines or the similar concept Async Await. Async Await was not invented by the C# architects, it first appeared in Microsoft’s F# language, but there is a strong argument that they help push them into the main stream developer’s mind.

Async Await and Co‑routines in one form or another are making their way into most modern program‑ ming languages, including Python, javascript, C++, Rust, and the Google’s language Go is designed from the ground up around this notion.

In truth there is a slight difference bettwen Async Await and Co‑routines (as defined by D. Knuth), the details do not concern us here, but are something we will return to later in the module.

What is Async Await?

To understand Async Await we first need to explore the idea of a Promise, sometimes called Futures in other programming languages. Again we will use Javascript, but any of you that did the Internet of Things module will have already come across them in Python in the library asyncio, which we used for to communicate with our web sockets.

A Promise in Javascript is a guarantee that we will do something in the future, e.g. return the content from a web request. As in real live, a promise is either kept or it is not. In Javascript terms a Promise is either resolved when it is ready or it is rejected. This sounds a little like an if‑statement, however, a promise is the result of asynchronous computation, fitting well with Javascript’s asynchronous mind‑ set, it does not wait for asynchronous operations to complete before processing the next sequential one, and a promise ‘wraps’ or ‘defers’ a computation until it is ready (resolved) or fails (rejected). Later a sequential statement can try to resolve the promise and use any returned results.

A promise has the following states:

•  Pending: State at creation of the promise

•  Resolved: A completed promise

•  Rejected: Failed promise, which is an error state

So when a request is made to server via a promose, it is in a pending state until the data is returned.

A promise can be created as follows:

const aPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

// condition


An (tivial) example use case is:

const aPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

const condition = true;

if(condition) {


resolve("Promise is resolved!"); // fulfilled

}, 500);

} else {

reject( 'Promise is rejected!');



Here you can see that is the promise is correctly resolved, then a call is made to the function resolve, while if it ‘fails’ then a call is made to ‘reject’.

But how do we use a promise?

To use the above promise (aPromise) we use then()for resolve and catch()for reject.

aPromise.then((successMsg) => {


}).catch((errorMsg) => {



This is syntax is a little ‘noisy’ but it can easily be wrapped in a function to help abstract out its use:

const wrapPromise= function() {

aPromise.then((successMsg) => {


}).catch((errorMsg) => {





Notice now that the above code avoids, for the most part, the complex control flow of using callbacks. Rather we can see that with some careful thought asynchronous control flow can be merged with synchronous code in a way that releaves much of the complexity. Of course, the use of then and catch still introduce quite a bit of additional syntax use, we must declare lambda functions, we have to handle both cases, which again introduces more noise and so on.

To avoid some of this synatatic complexity Async Await was introduced, which provides a synatatic wrapper for promises. It goes futher in intergrating asynchronous code with its synchronous counter part. Which for the most part makes it easier for us programmers to understand.

async function printAsync() {

await printString("1")

await printString("2")

await printString("3")


Using the async keyword, on a function, effectly marks ‘printAsync’ as a function that returns a promise, with the use of the await keyword handling the resolve ( .then()) process of a promise.

It is important to note that to use await we must be within a context, e.g. function, marked with async. This implies that await cannot be used at the global level and those of you who remember using asyncio in Python will note that this was a similar restriction there, where a call to asyn- cio.run(...) was required. This is down to Javascript/Python runtimes requiring the ability to create an asynchronous execution context.

The Javascript await keyword is used in an async function, ensuring that all promises returned in the async function are synchronized, forcing them to wait for each other. This appoarch means that the callbacks .then()and .catch()are avoid. The value passed to the .then()callback is returned in place and try/catch blocks can be used to catch errors that would be handled by .catch(). The following is an example reworking of the above wrapPromise function:

async function wrapPromise() {

try {

let message = await aPromise;


}catch((error) => {

console.log("Error:" + error.message);



// finally, call our async function

(async () => {

await wrapPromise();


If you are wondering how Async await are implemented, then you are in luck, as the remainding parts of this assignment look at how to implement a basic Fiber API in C++. We will not get as far as imple‑ menting promises and Async await, but it will support asynchronous functions, which we call tasks for this assignment. We will develop a round robin scheduler tasks and support giving up control from one task to allow another to run and so on. Later in the module we will look at how Async await can be implemented in a small language, building on the knowledge developed here.

For those interested to see where a task runtime is used in practice, a much simplived version we are going to implement here, is used in productions systems, beyond just web requests and I/O,then check out Naughty Dog parallelized their game engine for PS4 and more recently PS5.

Before continuing it is worth reminding ourselves about the difference between preemptive and co‑ operative scheduling, which was covered in your 2nd year Operating Systems module:

• Preemptive scheduling is when the scheduling of the tasks is out of the control of the developer, entirely managed by a runtime.  Whether the programmer is launching a synchronous or an asynchronous task, there is little difference in the code.

• Cooperative scheduling, the developer is responsible for telling the runtime when a task is ex‑ pected to spend some time waiting for I/O or for another task, e.g. using the await keywork.


There are 3 tasks and they will be marked as follows:

• Task 1, worth a maixmum of 40%

• Task 2, worth a maximum of 30%

• Task 3, worth a maximum of 30%

Each prior task must be attempted before moving on to the next.

Each task will be marked for:

• Funcitonality against the requirments

• Code quality

Advanced techniques, e.g. template meta programming

• Testing

- Use a unit test framework

•  Documention in README.md

As noted in the introduction this assignment aims at implementing a simple runtime that supports execution of fibers. Why fibers? There are many other names used for tasks or fibers, including:

green threads

•  user‑space threads

• coroutines

• tasklets

•  microthreads

We are going to use fibers, for one as we are not planning on building a complete productiron runtime, which could provide addtional features that make it more of a fully fleged task runtime. For an exam‑ ple of such as runtime take a look at Intel’s Thread Building Blocks. These kind of task runtimes have a lot of additional features that go beyond the lightweight user threads that we are discussing here.

As an example consider the following program:

void func1() {

printf("fiber 1\n");



void func1() {

printf("fiber 2\n");



int main() {

fiber f2{func2};

fiber f1{func1};




return 0;


This program first creates two fibers, with the spwan(...) function, and then runs the scheduler, with do_it(), which returns only once all fibers has completd. Compiling and running this program produces the following output:

fiber 1

fiber 2

Functions such as yield() that relinquish control from a running fiber are emitted from this exam‑ ple, but form a key part of the ability for fibers to run concurrently. The full API that you will implement to complete this assignment is as follows:


// API for fibers


/// @brief terminates a fiber


/// note call control flow within a fiber must terminate with a call

/// to fiber_exit. Returning from a fiber without a call fiber_exit is

/// undefined.

void fiber_exit()();

/// @brief get pointer to data passed as part of fiber creation

/// @return pointer to data passed in at fiber creation

void * get_data();

/// @brief yield control back to scheduler

/// once rescheduled fiber will restart directly following call to

// yield.

void yield();

/// @brief create a new task for execution

/// if called from outsite a task it will add task to run queue, but

/// nothing will happen until run() is called.


/// if called from within a task itself, then a new task is added to

/// the run queue and will execute when it is reached by the

/// scheduler, no need to call run().


/// @param function fiber execution body

/// @param data pointer acess from running fiber

void spawn(void (*function)(), void * data = nullptr);

/// @brief run with the current set of fibers queued.


/// returns only when all fiber have completed.


/// Calling do_it within a fiber is undefined.

void do_it();

Task 1

You might remember from your 1st year architecure or 2nd year operatings Systems modules that a thread running on a CPU core has some state that it requires to execute correclty, e.g.:

•  Instruction Point (IP) that contains the address of the next instruction.

• Stack Pointer (IP) that contains the address of the thread’s top of stack.

• Set of registers, used to pass/return values directly bettween function calls, and for intermidate calulations, e.g. operands to operations such as the CPU’s ADD instruction.

The actual set of registers provided by a given CPU is, of course, defined by the architecture, e.g. x86‑ 64 or Arm, but how they are mapped for executable programs is defined by the Operating System’s Application Binary Interface (ABI). This will be different for different operating systems and archiec‑ tures. As the remote server is a Linux x86‑64 system we need ABI for System V, originally developed by AMD when they move x86 to 64‑bit and later adopted by Intel for 64‑bit Linux systems.

According to Wikipedia In computer software, an application binary interface (ABI) is an interface be‑ tween two binary program modules.  Often, one of these modules is a library or operating system facility, and the other is a program that is being run by a user.  The key take away is that it allows interopbility within and between programs and the OS. But why does this matter to us?

Each fiber has its own stack and multiple fibers will run concurrently on a single thread. Athead has a single stack pointer and thus to support switching between threads we will need to provie the abilty to save a restore a fibers state. Most importantly a fiber’s state will include the stack and instruction pointers, plus some additional registers that must be preserved for a fiber to work correctly when restored.

A small library is provided to support these features with the following API:

1 struct Context {

2    void *rip, *rsp;

3    void *rbx, *rbp, *r12, *r13, *r14, *r15;

4 };


6  extern "C" int get_context(Context *c);

7  extern "C" void set_context(Context *c);

8  extern "C" void swap_context(Context *out, Context *in);

It is implemented in assembly, as it is not possible to directly access the low‑level machine even from C/C++. The library can be downloaded from Gitlab repo. It is recommended that you clone and then copy the header and assember file to where ever you are doing this work. Make sure you include them in your submited repo.

But what do these functions do?  For now we will look at the first two.  get_context saves the current state of execution so that it is possible to return to this point. set_context restores a previ‑ ously saved context, returning execution to the point where the original call to get_context would have returned, i.e. the line after it in the program.

The following pseudo code shows this in action:

1 set x to 0

2 set c to get_context

3 output "a message"

4 if x == 0:

5   set x to x PLUS 1

6   call set_context with c

Setup a variable to indicate that the if has been executed, then saves the state at line 3, outputs a message, and then the first time through x is equal to 0, so the execution continues at line 6, adding

1 to x, then at line 7 control is restored to the previous state and execution starts again at line 4. This time at line 5 x does not equal 5, and control continues with out executing the if’s body at line 8.

The program outputs:

a message

a message

Task 1 is to implement this program inC++, using the provided context library. You should mark the variable (x) with the keyword ‘volatile’ to avoid the compiler performing an optimization that would cause the conditional at line 5 to alway be true.

it is fine to use a single git repo for all the tasks in this assignment, but do make sure that each file is clearly named and documented.

The pseudo code above transfered control within the same block in main. For fibers to work we need to transfer control to a function representing the fibers body and additionally we need to setup and switch the stack, as a fiber has its own stack and does not share one with the main thread. Implement, in a new file, the following pseudo code:

1  func foo:

2   output "you called foo"

3 # cannot return to main as they have different stack

4   call function exit


6  func main:

7 # allocate space for stack

8   data is an array of 4096 characters


10 # stacks grow downwards

11  sp is a pointer to characters

12  set sp to be data PLUS 4096


14  create an empty context c

15  set rip of c to foo;

16  set rsp of c to sp;


18  call set_context with c

What happens when you run this? It might work, but it is just as likely to fail! That’s becuase our stack setup code is not valid!

For this to work we must account for SysV ABI when it comes to stack alignment and layout. In partic‑ ular, it states that the stack must be aligned to 16‑bytes. This can beachevied by modifying sp after it is setup with the pseudo code:

1 set sp to sp AND -16L

Not bitwise operations cannot be applied to pointers and so you C++ code will need to cast it to a uintptr_t and then back to a char *.

Finally, SySV has some very specific rules about the stack when calling functions. This states that a 128‑byte space is stored just beneath the stack pointer of the function, called the Red Zone, must be accounted for. This is done with the following pseudo code:

1 set sp to sp MINUS 128

Add these changes to your code and it should now work 100% of the time.

Extend your example to include a ‘fiber’ goo, which is ‘called’ using set_context and has it’s own stack. foo must still run too. Where will control to goo happen?

Can you think of some interesting variants of using set/get_context?