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QBUS2310 – Semester 2 2023 Assignment 2 – Details


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QBUS2310 – Semester 2 2023 [Total maximum marks: 40]

Assignment 2 – Details

Due Sat 4th November at 11:59pm

In Assignment 1, we asked you to model and solve a distribution problem for the milk industry in NSW, Australia. In part 1 and 2 of this assignment, you will explore extensions to the problem in the first assignment. In parts 3 and 4, we want you to explore ChatGPT and provide a critical analysis of its ability to solve a variety of optimisation problems.

Submission requirements: For part 1 and 2, please submit a jupyter notebook file (including relevant code/comments, and explanations/discussions in markdown cells). For parts 3 & 4, please submit a word document or pdf. There is no overall word limit, only individual question limits (only where specified).

Part 1: [13 marks] Consider the milk distribution problem that you worked on in Assignment 1 (you may assume conditions in part 1 for simplicity).

Instead of modelling the cost of distributing milk as being d x n x $0.10 (as described in Assignment 1), you now need to allocate a series of tankers to distribute milk from each of the distribution centres to the LGAs themselves (you can assume that the distribution only needs to happen from the distribution centres to the LGA centre, and any additional travel from the LGA centre to, e.g. the supermarkets, is taken care of and does not need to be modelled).

Each distribution tanker can hold up to 10,000L of milk and can only service up to 4 LGAs from a single distribution centre. The cost of buying each new tanker is $125,000, and the cost of distribution is d x n x $0.10 where d = distance between A and B (in km) and n = number of litres.

a) [9 marks] Re-model the problem to determine not only where to situate the distribution centres, but additionally how many tankers each distribution centre must purchase.

Part 2: Due to the perishable nature of fresh milk, you are concerned that if each tanker has a delivery route that is too long, you may risk losing some of the milk due to spoilage. As such, there is pressure to reduce each tanker’s distribution route time, where the distribution route time  =  distance travelled / 40 (km/hr) average local speed + 1.2 hrs * n.

a) [6 marks] Re-formulate your problem from part 1 to account for the new objective of minimising the total time taken to deliver milk to the entire state.

b) [2 marks] Discuss how you might accommodate the competing objectives of minimising cost, and minimising time for delivery. [Approx. ½ page maximum]

c) [3 marks] What additional goals or objectives might be important to consider? Provide a short discussion of how these would impact your model, and how you would incorporate them into your modelling [Maximum 1 page].

Part 3: In week 9, we talked about the rise in the use of generative AI in our day to day lives and some of its current limitations. In this part of your assignment, we want you to ask ChatGPT (or another similar GenAI chatbot) the problem that you solved in part 1 of Assignment 1 and provide a critical analysis of its output. You should ask for both a model formulation and some sample code.

Please provide:

a) [8 Marks] A critical analysis of the output that you obtain from ChatGPT, including any errors that were made, any improvements that are needed/observed. You may like to compare the output to that of your own assignment 1 part 1 response. Please include the input prompt and the outputs received from ChatGPT. [Maximum 1 page discussion]

b) [5 Marks] A critical discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of using generative AI in solving this problem. [Maximum 1 page discussion]

Part 4: Choose one of your tutorial questions from this semester (choose from the tutorial 3-5 content), provide the problem to ChatGPT (or similar) and:

a) [3 marks] Provide a critical analysis of the output (model + sample code) that you obtained from ChatGPT. [Maximum 1/2-page discussion]

b) [4 marks] Compare your critical analyses of 3(a) to those of 4(a). Is there any difference in responses for the two problems, and can you draw any conclusions about where ChatGPT (or similar) is more or less useful. [Maximum ½ page discussion]