关键词 > LICA259



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Length: 1700-2000 words

Due date: Friday, 19 January 2024, 12:00 PM (Week 11) – Submit online via Moodle

*This essay is worth 35% of your overall module mark                                                                

Evaluative Essay - each student will be required to submit an individual essay. The essay does not focus on the student's role on their production group, nor does it focus specifically on the process of making the group project. Rather, the essay focuses on the integration of theory and practice; that is, on how specific principles of the theory and film aesthetic are evident in the group's practical project.

•   Write a 2000-word analysis of your short film project.

•   Your analysis should include:

    A discussion of what your film has achieved (or what it set out to achieve)

    The filmmaking methods and devices used to help your short film achieve its aim(s); you should discuss your planning, the storytelling technique, the genre, camera work and composition, production design and mise-en-scène, editing, soundtrack and any other relevant aspects of your film. You must give reasons why you used such methods (you may refer to other films that have used those methods successfully).

. Focus on the style, look and feel of your film. You must give reasons why you used such methods.

. Reference to other films, world cinema traditions and styles. You are expected to refer to the debates, contexts and histories of cinema in order to contextualise and justify the decisions you have made for your film.

    You may wish to discuss elements of your short film that were unsuccessful and suggest ways in which it could have been improved.

•   Your essay is an academic essay; it is not supposed to tell the story of ‘how you made your short film’. Therefore, in your answer you are expected to refer to some of the concepts and theories you have been introduced in modules such as LICA150 and LICA251 or MCS101. You are expected to demonstrate an understanding of how the concepts and theories you have studied are relevant for your finished short film project. Your essay must follow accepted academic conventions (including referencing, bibliography and filmography where applicable).