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MATH4090/7049: Computation in financial mathematics


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MATH4090/7049: Computation in financial mathematics

Assignment 4

Semester II 2021

Submission instructions:

Submit onto Blackboard softcopy (i.e. scanned copy) of (i) your assignment, as well as (ii) Matlab code by 5:00pm 29 October 2021. Hardcopies are not required.

You also need to upload all Matlab files onto Blackboard.

General coding instructions:

You are allowed to reuse any code developed in tutorials.

An assignment question may have specific programming instructions which you are required to follow. Failure to do so will result in a loss of 50% of the questions’s total marks.

For programming questions that require you to submit tables of results, you are not required to write Matlab code to produce the tables. Handwritten tables of results are acceptable.

Notation: “Lx.y” refers to [Lecture x, Slide y]

Assignment Questions

Question 1. (10 marks) Consider the risk-neutral dynamics

where a, b, and c are positive constants.

(a) (5 marks) Give an ordinary Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate where E[·] denotes the expectation operator under the associated risk-neutral measure.2 In your algorithm, use M as the number of samples. If a timestepping method is employed, use N as the number of time intervals, with time points tn = n∆t, n = 0, 1, . . . , N, and ∆t = T /N.

Hint: You can use the composite trapezoidal rule:

Here, vt generically denotes an integrand.

(b) (5 marks) Implementation of the above algorithm. Real values of the model parameters are to be added soon.

2. (12 marks) Consider a T-maturity basket option that is based on three underlyings whose time-t prices are denoted by , d = 1, . . . , 3. The payoff of the option at time T is given by

where K > 0 is the strike. Assume that , d = 1, . . . , 3.

Here, the constant interest rate r = 0.02, and the constant volatilities are = 0.3, 0.2, and = 0.4. The time-0 prices of the underlying assets are = 100, 110, = 90. The Brownian motions and have correlations ρij, where ρ12 = 0.8, ρ23 = 0.5, and ρ13 = 0.4.

We denote by Ct the time t price of this option.

a. (7 marks) Present an antithetic Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm to estimate C0. In your al-gorithm, use M as the number of paths for each underlying asset and use Euler timestep-ping with a total of N uniform timesteps.

Implement in Matlab the above algorithm. Use the parameters M = , N = 100, T = 0.5, and K = 110. Report the antithetic MC estimate  and the standard error.

b. (5 marks) Let  and consider the “geometric basket” option with payoff given by

Let be the time-0 price of a geometric basket option with payoff  There exists a closed-form expression for , which is given in the provided Matlab function exact_geo_basket3(·). (You need to understand correctly how this function works before using it in your code.)

Using a geometric basket option as a control variate, implement a control variate MC technique to estimate C0. Use the same parameters as in Part (a). Report  as discussed in class. Report the asymptotically valid standard error