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BIT 3524 DATABASE PROJECT Deliverable 2: Updated EER diagram and DB Normalization


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Deliverable 2: Updated EER diagram and DB Normalization

Please look at the comments made on your Deliverable 1 document, once they have been uploaded back into your folder in Canvas, and revise your EER diagram in response to them.

Aft er addressing all comments, please map all of your entities and relationships into database relations that are normalized to Boyce-Codd normal form. Provide a listing of the schemas for these relations (like on slide 18 in Unit 1-6), where the relations and their attributes are given appropriate names, and the primary key for each relation is identified (by underlining the attribute name), along with any foreign keys. You should then update your EER diagram to reflect any changes that resulted from normalizing the entities (such as the addition of any new entities, including associative entities, and the inclusion of foreign keys in the appropriate entity types).

As with the first deliverable of the project, please use a graphics program (Visio/PowerPoint, etc) to draw the EER diagram instead of drawing it by hand. This will allow you to modify the diagram later if necessary. Please then save the file as a PDF to submit it, being sure that it is legible and easy to read – as in the first deliverable, this may require you to include the entire diagram on a single page, but then also insert additional pages, as necessary, so that the different portions of the EER diagram are larger and easier to see.

Your PDF document should be submitted at some point before 11:59 pm on January 4, 2024, either individually or as part of a group (only one submission is needed per group), and it should be named DB2-groupNN.pdf, where NN is your 2-digit group number (i.e., DB2-group01.pdf, etc.). In order to receive credit for the submission, please be sure to include all group members' names and the assignment number on the first page of the PDF file.

If, for some reason, you are unable to connect to Canvas when it is time to submit your deliverable, please email Prof Monday your submission (so that there is record of it being submitted on time) at [email protected], and then try to upload the file to Canvas again later. If you are unable to submit this deliverable on time, you have up to 24 additional hours to submit it but there will be a 10% penalty. Aft er 11:59 pm on January 5, 2024, submissions will not be accepted for credit.