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Quantitative Assignment


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Quantitative Assignment

2019 Version

Business Research Methods

Research for Decision Makers

Assessment Task 3

This assessment task is designed to assess three main competencies in Quantitative Methods and serves as Assignment 3 in for Business Research Methods (UofA Specialist Masters Programs) and Research for Decision Makers (UofA MBA program). The competencies involve Questionnaire Design, Data Preparation, and Basic Data Analysis.

AT3a: Questionnaire Design – From Research Problem to Data Collection Instrument

Using Qualtrics, you need to design a Questionnaire that addresses a simple research problem. You will need to demonstrate the following:

Questions that collect Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio Data

Macro Survey flow using block logic

Micro Survey flow using display logic

Professional presentation and wording of the questionnaire (landing and exit page and question phrasing.

Sharing your survey correctly with your markers

AT3b: Data Import, Export and Preparation – Towards a usable SPSS file

Within Qualtrics, Excel and SPSS you need to move files around, cleanse data of incomplete responses and finish with an SPSS data file that you can conduct further analysis on.

Import a survey into Qualtrics that was already built

Import data into that survey

Perform the act of “purging” incomplete responses (export to .csv, delete dead responses and re-import to Qualtrics

Perform an export to SPSS and tidy up the data labels so that the SPSS file is easy to use

AT3C: Basic Data Analysis

We need you to show us that you can do the following:

Create “Topline Results” (Frequencies, charts) from the Qualtrics platform

Explore data using Crosstabs and represent those crosstabs using Excel charts

Transform variables to collapse categories in SPSS

Compare means in SPSS

Explore associations between variables in SPSS; Correlations and Regression

Appreciate the statistical tests that can be used for the above techniques

What you need to do for this assignment

You need to submit a single document, to the MyUni site. Label your document (for instance) labelled AT3_a1234567_cullen.docx. In that document you will have three subsections – parts a, b and c. From that document you’ll need to point us to two external sources:

You’ll need to point us to your Qualtrics survey that you have shared with [email protected] also giving us the name of the survey. Failure to do so means we will not assess part a.

You’ll need to insert a permanent link to an SPSS data file. This is best done as a shareable link from Google drive with Edit Access granted. If we can’t simply download the document from your paper we will not assess your part b.

So, here is what you need to do for each part.

AT3a: Questionnaire Design – From Research Problem to Data Collection Instrument

Your activity

Step 1

Think of a small example business for which you would run a little data collection project. Let’s make this little questionnaire a customer satisfaction survey and your choice of business doesn’t really matter. Here are some you might choose:

A local lunch spot


A bar or nightclub

A retail store

Step 2

Now think up a simple research problem

Something as simple as “how well known is my Lunch spot/ Cinema etc by various South Australians and happy are my customers with what we provide?”

Step 3

Build a Qualtrics survey that will help you address this research problem. Make sure that you have shared the survey with [email protected].

Please note: you never will launch this survey – it’s just a way of showing that you know how to build a survey.

The output

All you need to do is share your survey with us in Qualtrics, and tell us the name in Part a of your single AT3 submission.

DO NOT give us a respondent link to your survey

DO NOT print your survey out

AT3b: Data Import, Export and Preparation – Towards a usable SPSS file

We need you to import a survey, import a set of responses, and then work through a process that prepares, or “cleanses” the data so that it’s ready for further analysis. This is the dataset that you will use to conduct some data analysis.

Your activity

Import a survey into Qualtrics. The survey file is AT3b_c_in_2019_Quant_assignment_for_RDM_and_BRM.qsf

Import a dataset full of responses into that survey in Qualtrics. The datafile is AT3b_c+in+2019+Quant+assignment+for+RDM+and+BRM.csv

Have a quick look at the (uncleansed) data in Qualtrics

Purge incomplete responses. This involves exporting as a csv. Removing dead responses, copying your survey to a “CLEANSED” version and importing the clean data.

Have a quick look at the cleansed data in Qualtrics

Export the data to SPSS This is a big job

Change the data labels so that you can use the SPSS dataset for analysis

The output

Save your cleansed SPSS file in the cloud, somewhere (Google Drive is my choice). Pro tip – do this after you’ve done AT3_c.

Get a shareable link from Google Drive (make sure it is not protected)

Copy the shareable link, perhaps with some explanation, into part b of your single AT3 submission.

AT3C: Basic Data Analysis

Every dataset has a story inside of it. We have covered a great deal of data analysis in this course. For part c we need you to do two things:

Show us you can do the techniques

Try to uncover the story contained in this data

Your activity

As we have said before above. You need to:

Create “Topline Results” (Frequencies, charts) from the Qualtrics platform

Explore data using Crosstabs and represent those crosstabs using Excel charts

Transform variables to collapse categories in SPSS

Compare means in SPSS

Explore associations between variables in SPSS; Correlations and Regression

Appreciate the statistical tests that can be used for the above techniques

The output

This provides the bulk of your single AT3 submission where you investigate the data. You have creative control of how you build this document. You might choose your heading styles based on the techniques (rubric items) or you may choose to focus on telling the story that lies in the data. Submit one AT3 document into MyUni.