关键词 > 2175

Dynamics of Consumer Behaviour


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Programme Title


Module Title

Dynamics of Consumer Behaviour.

Module Code



Influence on Consumers Leisure Purchases.






Faiza Khan, Rehana Khanam, Peter Hogg

W/C Hand Out Date


Due Date

By 17:00 on 23/01/2024

Feedback Post Date




Assignment Word Count

4500 words

Submission Format


Choose an option.

Permitted use of Artificial Intelligence within this assessment

Delete as required

Artificial Intelligence can ONLY be used as per the formal UCB guidance (see UCB’s guidance on the next page)

Artificial Intelligence can also be used to: [insert, with approval from a Deputy Dean]


Opportunities for the Leisure Market.

According to Mintel (2023), Britons are passionate about leisure activities and there is a good opportunity for leisure operators to offer a complete package – entertainment, food and drinks. Activities suited to socialising are more likely to appeal to leisure consumers. While traditional leisure activities such as visitor attractions remain popular post Covid-19 lockdowns, social entertainment gaming and immersive experiences have also gained popularity with participation increasing by 3 percentage points year-on-year. The reports states that people are increasingly interested in new and innovative forms of leisure activities and seek premium experiences with a sense of adventure but which are also affordable.

Mintel (2023). Leisure Outlook – UK- Autumn

You are a Marketing Consultant specialising in the Leisure sector. You are tasked with exploring and examining in depth the consumer behaviour for a leisure attraction or experience of your choice and justifying the introduction of more engaging experiences for it.

Critically assess the growing trends particularly for experiential offerings and factors influencing consumer choice and decision making in this area.

Finally, you are required to reflect upon your own performance in a persuasive pitch to investors for your chosen attraction justifying your recommendations.

Include both academic and industry related research.


Portfolio Assignment

The submission should follow the following format:

1. Part 1 – Introduction (Identification of leisure attraction and experience)

This requires a brief but clear introduction setting out the context of your work and how you intend to address the question. Explain the reasons for your choice of attraction /experience. Consider how the ‘Experience Economy’ has shaped this trend. The identification of the attraction and/or experience should be contextualised with an analysis of the target market.

Critically evaluate and apply 1 or more models of consumer behaviour that explain the purchase decision process. 1000

2. Part 2 - Sociological and Situational factors

What are the main sociological and situational factors that influence a consumer to choose this attraction and engage in this experience? In your analysis justify your choice of factors.

At least 2 factors need to be explored in detail justified with examples and applied to experiences of this nature. Within this consider the impact and role of social media and digital technology influencing the consumers’ choice and any emerging themes relating to todays’ wider environment.1500 words

3. Part 3 - Individual and Psychological factors

What are the main Individual and Psychological factors that influence a consumer to choose this attraction and engage in this experience? In your analysis justify your choice of factors.

At least 2 factors need to be explored in detail justified with examples and applied to experiences of this nature. Within this consider the impact and role of social media and digital technology influencing the consumers choice and any emerging themes relating to todays’ wider environment. 1500 words

4. Part 4 – Five-minute recorded presentation via Panopto Upload & Personal Reflection Statement

Deliver a 5-minute recorded presentation that justifies your recommendations using the most salient factors and theories to justify your arguments.

The aim of the presentation is to persuade leading figures in the industry to invest in your chosen attraction / experiential offering. Consider examples of successful attractions /experiential offerings and emerging trends along with the most salient factors and theories identified in parts 1 -3 to justify your arguments.

After you have viewed the recording, reflect upon and assess your own skills and competencies (Personal Reflection Statement section within the template). Assess to what extent you demonstrated negotiation and communication skills and how you would do things differently next time. 500 words

Please note: It is the reflection which will be assessed not the presentation. However, you are required to submit the recording as evidence of your presentation on which you will base your reflection.

Please use the ‘Portfolio Template’ available on Canvas

Your portfolio should also include the following appendices:

- Segmentation framework or Consumer Persona

- Panopto Recording of your pitch.

- Any additional pictures, charts, graphs or infographics that are relevant to your work.

- You may also want to include a customer journey map detailing potential touchpoints.

Each appendix must be numbered, named and referred to in the main body of the work.

● For additional guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available on Canvas.




Mark Allocation


Part 1


Identification of leisure attraction or experience that is leading the way in experiential offerings and offers sustainable competitive advantage with the target market identified through segmentation framework.

Consider using the following tools:

- Segmentation framework to justify typography selected or develop and discuss a customer persona

- at least 1 model of consumer behaviour to explain the purchase decision process for this type of product with consideration on how they would purchase the experience

- You may also want to create a Consumer Journey Map with touchpoints identified

The articulation/synthesis/ justification of discussion along with supporting reading will equate to 20% of your marks.

1000 words



Part 2

Sociological and  Situational


Analyse at least 2 theories of sociological and /situational factors influencing consumers’ decision to choose and engage  with  this attraction/experience.

The articulation/synthesis/ justification of discussion along with supporting reading will equate to 30% of your marks.

1500 words



Part 3

Individual and Psychological factors

Evaluate of the nature of at least 2 Individual and/or psychological factors at play in the consumers’ decision to choose and engage with this attraction/experience.

The articulation/synthesis/ justification of discussion along with supporting reading will equate to 30% of your marks.

1500 words



Part 4

Reflection on own communication skills based on a 5 minute recorded persuasive pitch

500 words




At least 25 references across different sources are expected.  The currency and triangulation of references (cross referencing information to add further justification of points) are critical.

Marks for referencing will also be embedded but the accuracy, extent, currency and quality of references will account for 10% of the marks.



● This assignment will require you to submit your work by uploading a document in Word or PDF format to Canvas. Please follow this online guide on document submissions and contact the DICE team on [email protected] if you need any further support.


● Evaluate the nature and impact of consumer psychology on consumers’ decision making

● Critically evaluate the theories of consumer behaviour and apply to a range of case studies.

● Analyse theories of sociological & situational factors that influence consumers

● Reflect on own performance in given scenarios and develop communication and negotiation skills.


● The skills outcomes to be developed by completing this assignment can be found here.


Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethically within your assessments

Please read the guidance attached within this link on how to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethically within your assignments – https://rise.articulate.com/share/4h250QmyY8hNnsQ9HS7B702dJedhlsM6

Teamwork and ITS Assessment

Should this assignment require you to work as part of a team, you will receive an individual grade based upon your performance as well as personalised feedback. The module leader will explain how your individual grade and feedback will be determined.

Importance of Word Count and Presentation Timings

Assignment word counts and presentation timings should always be observed. Ignoring a word count increases significantly the risk of your work losing marks because it lacked focus and clarity.  Students will be required to state their word count on all submissions. A 10% leeway will be allowed – so the maximum a student should submit will be the word count + 10%.

The word count will exclude:

o The title page

o The contents page

o Models, graphs, data tables and other exhibited figures or images

o Lists of references

o Appendices (these should be kept to a minimum)

In addition, timings must be observed for assessed presentations for the same reasons.



Cut-off date for late work


Grading criteria




Extenuating Circumstances


UCB Referencing Guide


Access the Assignment Life Cycle
