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Math Placement Exam


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Math Placement Exam

You must take the online Math Placement Exam before your advising appointment. All first-year students and many transfer students take this exam because math courses are required for a large majority of majors at the university. Math is particularly important for students entering the sciences, computer science, engineering, business, and mathematics. Even if your major has no relation to math, some General Education courses have a prerequisite based on this exam, and all students need to fulfill the Basic Math Skills (R1) and the Analytical Reasoning (R2) requirements.

The Math Placement Exam covers the basics of algebra, coordinate geometry, and trigonometry. There are 40 questions broken into two tests, 30 for test Part A and 10 for test Part B. OWL will allow you 60 minutes for each part, but the test usually takes much less time than this (normally one hour or less). You may use a calculator. The exam will ensure that you are placed in the right courses for your skills, which is essential for your success. Please take the placement exam seriously as it will determine placement into your first math class as well as many science classes.  You can only take the math placement test once, so give it your best effort.

Students wishing to brush up on their skills before the exam may review subject material at the Khan Academy website, particularly the sections on basic geometry, geometry, algebra basics, algebra, algebra 2, and trigonometry.

khan academy link
