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Affective Psychology of Risk


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Version Number 1 -- 06/11/2023  INFORMATION SHEET FOR PARTICIPANTS

Ethical Clearance Reference Number: MRA- 23/24-40306


CHOICES - 2023- Affective Psychology of Risk

Invitation Paragraph

We would like to invite you to participate in this research study, which is being conducted by Year 2 BSc Psychology and BSc Neuroscience & Psychology students from King’s College London. Before you decide whether you want to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what your participation will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Please ask the student who invited you to participate if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information, or use the contact information below (see: ‘Who should I contact for further information?’).

What is the purpose of the study?

The purpose of the study is to learn about what influences the choice between two options, or the valuation of a single option, for options which have a specified percentage chance of a named outcome. We are interested in options where positive outcomes are possible, such as a prize or reward, as well as options where negative outcomes are possible, such as as the loss of an item or money. This research study is being conducted as part of the Year 2 ‘Choices’ module on the BSc Psychology and BSc Neuroscience & Psychology degrees at King’s College London.

Why have I been invited to take part?

You are being invited to participate in this study because we are recruiting adult volunteer participants (18 years and above) who are not undergraduate Psychology or Neuroscience & Psychology students at King’s College London. Participants must be familiar with UK currency ("GB Pounds").

What will happen if I take part?

If you agree to take part you will complete a survey anonymously. For the main part of the survey, we will ask you to make decisions about options that will be described to you on the screen. The decisions are hypothetical, but are designed to be interesting, and we ask that you make each decision as if you really were faced with this decision. We will also ask you for some information about yourself (e.g., age, gender, student status, paid work) – these questions are optional, and the survey can be completed without answering these questions if you prefer. The survey will take you approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.  

Once data collection has finished, a data file containing the responses of all participants who consented to participate and who completed the survey will be compiled. This data file containing the anonymous data of all participants will be analysed by the staff and students conducting this research study.

Do I have to take part?

Participation is completely voluntary. You should only take part if you want to and choosing not to take part will not disadvantage you in anyway. If you choose to take part you will be asked to provide your consent. To do this you will be asked to indicate that you have read and understand the information provided and that you consent to your anonymous data being used for the purposes explained.

You are free to withdraw at any point during completion of the survey, without having to give a reason. This can be done by closing your web browser without completing the survey. Additionally, the final question of the survey will ask you to re-confirm your consent to have your responses included in the data file of anonymous responses that the students conducting this research will analyse. Withdrawing from the study will not affect you in any way. Once you submit the survey, it will no longer be possible to withdraw from the study because the data will be fully anonymous. Please do not include any personal identifiable information in your responses.

What are the possible risks of taking part?

There are no additional risks of foreseeable discomforts from participating in this research when compared to other ‘everyday’ work or study tasks done on a computer. There are no direct benefits for you as a participant in this research; nonetheless, we hope that you find it interesting to participate.

Data handling and confidentiality

This research is anonymous. This means that nobody, including the researchers, will be aware of your identity, and that nobody will be able to connect you to the answers you provide, even indirectly. Your answers will nevertheless be treated confidentially and the information you provide will not allow you to be identified in any research outputs/publications. Your data will be held securely for an indefinite period of time on the Qualtrics online survey platform that we have used for this survey. Data files containing the anonymous data set will be shared with the staff and students conducting this research. Also, the anonymous data set will be available to other researchers who are interested in this research.

What will happen to the results of the study?

The results of the study will be summarised in research reports written by the students who are conducting this research. They may also be presented at workshops or conferences, and published in an academic journal or book chapter.