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ME 104 Thermodynamics [F23] Homework Assignment 7


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ME 104 Thermodynamics [F23]

Homework Assignment 7

[Due Wed 10/18]

Text: Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Y. Çengel and M. Boles, McGraw-Hill, 10th Edition, 2024. The link to the book is provided on the course site.

Problem 1: [6–26] A coal-burning steam power plant produces a net power of 300 MW with an overall thermal efficiency of 32 percent. The actual gravimetric air–fuel ratio in the furnace is calculated to be 12 kg air/kg fuel. The heating value of the coal is 28,000 kJ/kg. Determine (a) the amount of coal consumed during a 24-hour period and (b) the rate of air flowing through the furnace.

Problem 2: [6–59] Refrigerant-134a enters the evaporator coils placed at the back of the freezer section of a household refrigerator at 100 kPa with a quality of 20 percent and leaves at 100 kPa and −26°C. If the compressor consumes 600 W of power and the COP of the refrigerator is 1.2, determine (a) the mass flow rate page 292of the refrigerant and (b) the rate of heat rejected to the kitchen air.


Problem 3: [6–90] A geothermal power plant uses geothermal liquid water extracted at 150°C at a rate of 210 kg/s as the heat source and produces 8000 kW of net power. The geothermal water leaves the plant at 90°C. If the environment temperature is 25°C, determine (a) the actual thermal efficiency, (b) the maximum possible thermal efficiency, and (c) the actual rate of heat rejection from this power plant.

Problem 4: [6–112] A Carnot heat pump is to be used to heat a house and maintain it at 25°C in winter. On a day when the average outdoor temperature remains at about 2°C, the house is estimated to lose heat at a rate of 55,000 kJ/h. If the heat pump consumes 4.8 kW of power while operating, determine (a) how long the heat pump ran on that day; (b) the total heating costs, assuming an average price of $0.11/kWh for electricity; and (c) the heating cost for the same day if resistance heating is used instead of a heat pump.