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ENG102 – Engineering Design 1


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ENG102 – Engineering Design 1

Assessment Task 4 – Design Project

Light exposure level testing board



In this project, you will be developing a testing board to explore the light exposure levels around Hobart. As a key outcome you will read ambient light using a variety of light sensors, and perform analysis. Key skills which you will engage with include electrical CAD, electrical practical including soldering and troubleshooting circuits, and utilising Matlab for design work and for processing collected data.

The main components of the project have already been designed however there are some smaller design challenges you will complete. Your team will need to define appropriate criteria to evaluate the implementation of the design solution. Your group should prepare a design for each of the following elements and include your design solutions in the final report. Your group will also prepare a short 2 minute video describing your design, testing and evaluation of the light exposure level testing board.

The light exposure level testing board is shown below.

Design challenges:

Design aspects you will explore with your team:

-  Calculate a suitable resistor value for the LDR resistor

-  Calculate if all your resistors are within tolerance

-  Calculate if all your resistors are within specified power rating

-  Calculate output voltage range of measurement circuit

-  Designing an enclosure

-  Mounting of the board

-  Where to locate and take measurements and environment

-  Design code to analyse the readings

-  Comment the provided code

-  Propose and develop a method to convert the electrical readings to light levels

-  Improve the proposed approach to give greater accuracy

-  Use literature to confirm your findings

-  For the photoconductive photocell, reproduce the cell resistance vs Illuminance plot in Matlab using the plot function

-  How does temperature and humidity affect your results

-  Predict resistance of LDR under a given condition

-  Future enhancements identified by the team

In lab measurements/post lab experiments:

-  Measure resistance over LDR in various light conditions

-  Measure an ADC value

Electrical CAD tasks:

There is printed circuit board (PCBs) for this project. In your team each individual should complete the PCB design for this board. This will be signed off during your Electrical CAD classes and should be included in your ePortfolio.

Construction tasks:

Each member of your team should construct their own board (and have this tested and signed off during the electrical prac classes, unless you are on the alternative task list). Each team will receive at least 1 x Arduino for testing. An alternative task will be made available for offshore students.

Project report Requirements:

The project report should be a maximum of 20 pages (excluding appendices) and is due on Friday 15 October at 5pm. The report will be submitted to the dropbox on MyLO.

Video presentation requirements:

Each group should prepare a 2 minute video showcasing your design, testing and evaluation procedure. The video is due at the same time as the report and the link to your video should be submitted to the dropbox on MyLO.


This project contributes 30% to your final grade for ENG102 – Engineering Design 1. Of this the Project report contributes 70% of your mark and the video presentation 30%. This project assesses you on learning outcomes 1-2:

1.  Design a solution for a societal problem using engineering design practice and principals in conjunction with project management within a team context

2.  Select and apply a range of civil, electrical or mechanical engineering design tools and techniques by applying them to address specific design requirements.

Specific criteria which you will be assessed on in completing this task are summarised below with links to the Engineers Australia stage 1 competencies:

1.  present possible design options to address the stated requirements (EA2.1b, 2.1c, 2.1d, 2.3a, 2.3b)

2.  apply appropriate evaluation criteria to justify the choice of final solution (EA2.1f, 3.5e)

3.  build and test a simple prototype of the system (EA2.2a, 2.2h)

4.  present simple analysis of the performance of the design (EA1.1a, 2.2d)

5.  write a design report suitable for a professional audience (EA3.2a, b)

6.  present to a professional audience the engineering design as a team (EA3.2a, 3.5f, 3.6b)