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MGEE – Aural Skills Examination


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MGEE – Aural Skills Examination

Part 1: Melody transcription

The following melody played by the violin in this piano trio by Clara Schumann has been incorrectly transcribed. Using the boxes provided, add a check mark to any incorrectly transcribed pitch.

Part 2: Harmonic dictation.

Provide the Key and Roman Numeral chords (and their inversions where necessary), in the spaces provided. Lead sheet chords may be used instead of Roman Numeral chords if you are more comfortable identifying harmony in that manner.s

Elisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre

Part 3: Contemporary (post-tonal) compositional techniques

Choosing from the lettered options below, identify which post-tonal compositional technique best describes the listening excerpt (recording attached).

1. g_______________

2. h_______________

3. b_______________

4. d_______________

a) Aeolian mode

b) Dorian mode

c) Whole-tone scale

d) Octatonic scale

e) Quartal harmony

f) Pandiatonicism

g) Polyharmony

h) Free atonality

Part 4: Sight singing and rhythm

Using your smart phone, laptop, or other device, record the melody and rhythm below as follows. Upload your recording as instructed on Blackboard.

Melody: Sing the melody below using solfege syllables, numbers, or on the syllable “la.”

Rhythm: “Ta” the following rhythm, ge#ing as close to the indicated rhythm as possible. Count off one full measure before starting.