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CSE 148 Syllabus


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CSE 148 Syllabus

CSE 148 – Course Purpose

CSE 148, Business Computing, will provide students a hands-on experience in using personal productivity software in analyzing and solving business problems.

• CSE 148 does not have any prerequisites. However, students should be familiar with using a PC, performing basic file administration (moving, deleting and renaming files & folders), using a browser and using e-mail

• CSE 148 is a prerequisite to ISA 235.

• CSE 148 was specifically designed for Miami students who are entering the business school. The capabilities that students develop in this course have been carefully aligned to prepare students to be successful in ISA 235. It is also important to note that the capabilities students develop in this course are extremely valuable in other coursework here at Miami and are very valuable in the workplace beyond Miami.

Students who successfully complete CSE 148 will be prepared to effectively use and apply common computer software applications at school and at work.

Course Objectives

1. To provide students with the foundations necessary to use personal productivity software

2. To provide students with the skills needed to effectively use spreadsheet software

3. To provide students with the skills needed to effectively use database software

4. To provide students with the skills needed to effectively use Excel and Access in future business courses

A complete list of the detailed learning outcomes is available at: Detailed Learning Outcomes

Learning Approach

• Skills and the ability to apply those skills are developed through repetition and practice

• This course reinforces learning through multiple activities

▫ Textbook (eBook): SAM Trainings & Projects

▫ Custom Activities: Custom Learning Activities (CLAs) & Custom Cases that apply the knowledge gained through textbook activities

▫ Exam Reviews (practice exams to help prepare for exams)

• Learning Approach

▫ Student are introduced to course material through Textbook modules and case problems that they complete on their own

▫ Knowledge is reinforced and extended by learning to apply the skills and concepts through more complex custom activities


• Students will use a personal computer (PC, Mac or Chromebook) extensively for this course and must have the ability to install software on their computer (public/library computers typically prohibit user-installed software)

• Students are required to have access to a high-speed Internet connection for the entire term (e.g., dial-up access is NOT adequate)

• There is a required eBook (see upcoming syllabus pages)

• VPN software may be required for some non-US students (provided at no-cost – instructions provided in Step #4 of course introduction)

• Use of Miami’s AppPortal remote Desktop software is required (no-cost – instructions provided in Step #4 of course introduction)

• Webcam, Microphone & Speaker – used to connect to the remote proctor for the midterm & final exams and to participate in virtual office hours.

Textbook Requirements

• The eBook is required on the first day of class.

▫ MindTap for Carey/Pinard/Shaffer/Shellman/Vodnik's The New Perspectives Collection, Microsoft® Office 365® & Office 2021, 1 term Instant Access , 1st Edition ISBN13: 978-0-357-70000-6

▫ The eBook may be purchased directly via our Canvas course site on the first day of class. This is the recommended option.

▫ Option for users interested in Cengage Unlimited:

● Miami Courses currently using Cengage textbooks

● Contact Cengage Support for more information

● Call the Cengage Helpline (1-800-354-9706)

Technology Assistance

• There is a lot of technology involved in delivering and completing an online course such as this. Miami’s IT organization is available to assist students in connecting to the university resources.

• Students may contact Miami’s Technology Support at:

▫ Phone: 513-529-7900

▫ Browse/Search ITHelp: http://ithelp.miamioh.edu

● The ITHelp page also has a link to “Click to Chat”

● The ITHelp page also indicates January Hours

▫ Email: [email protected]

• IT Help can assist in connecting to the University systems (Canvas, AppPortal, VPN, Network drives, etc.)

• IT Help should NOT be contacted about completing assignments and using the Office Software

Virtual Office Hours

• Virtual Office Hours take the place of traditional office hours.

▫ Several time slots will be identified each week (will be defined and communicated by your instructor)

▫ Provided via web-conferencing (instructor will specify how to connect)

▫ Provides students the opportunity to ask questions and get help

▫ Instructor (and students) can “share” computer desktop for demonstrations and assistance.

• These online sessions are designed to supplement the video lectures that are provided to the students throughout the course.

• Depending on the number of students enrolled, there may be multiple sections of the course and multiple instructors – students may join office hours from any instructor as an instructor’s office hours are available to all enrolled students.

• Your instructor will communicate how sessions are scheduled and accessed.


• Assignments and exams are graded and used to calculate your letter grade

• Grade Scale

A = 93 – 100%            C= 73 – 76.99%

A- = 90 – 92.99%        C- = 70 – 72.99%

B+ = 87 – 89.99%       D+ = 67 – 69.99%

B = 83 – 86.99%         D = 63 – 66.99%

B- = 80 – 82.99%        D- = 60 – 62.99%

C+ = 77 – 79.99%       F = Below 60%

Assignment Percentages

Assignment Type                                             Approximate % of Final Grade

SAM Assignments (Trainings & Projects)             10%

CLA Assignments & HW Custom Cases                30%

Midterm Exam                                                  24%

Comprehensive Final Exam                                 36%

Total                                                               100%