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BSSC0016: Technology 1: Data and Digital Delivery


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BSSC0016: Technology 1: Data and Digital Delivery

1. Introduction:

This document includes information regarding the summative assessments for BSSC0016:

Technology 1 – Data and Digital Delivery.

This modules consists of two assessed coursework components: Part A and Part B.

- Part A: “Digitalising Construction” paper.

- 50% weighting of the final mark for the module

- 1 submission as a PDF document

- Part B: Autodesk Revit model and Portfolio:

- 50% weighting of the final mark of the module

- 2 submissions:

- Part B.1: Autodesk Revit Model

- Part B.2: 10-page PDF portfolio document

For both, Part A and B, these have been designed to be coursework for individuals to promote your own independent thinking.

2. Assessment Brief:

Part A: “Digitalising Construction” Paper

This is a 1,500 word paper to conduct a critical review of the relevant academic literature and industry case studies to explore the application of a chosen digital methodology and its application to a construction project problem scenario. An emphasis will be placed on analysing the relevant problems, research challenges, identifying key industry stakeholders and their socio-technical requirements to propose a digital strategy for greater adoption.

Part B: “Autodesk Revit model and Portfolio”

This involves modelling a small residential building in the Autodesk Revit software. The building will be single storey - approximately 200m2 in floor area.

You are asked to develop an Autodesk Revit BIM model for the building making your own assumptions and decisions regarding the architectural design features, dimensions and choice of materials etc. You will be provided some sketches as a guide in developing your Revit BIM model.

You will be required to submit the output for this assignment in 2 parts:

- Part B.1 Submission 1: ‘Autodesk Revit Model’

- Part B.2 Submission 2: 10-page PDF portfolio document consisting of model output and exports.

Your submission should demonstrate your understanding of the following:

1. 3D BIM Modelling using Autodesk Revit Architecture (only)

2. Modelling (Grids and levels, Walls, Floors, Roofs, Windows, Doors, etc.)

3. Loading and placing basic components/fittings (bathroom, kitchen fittings and furniture etc)

4. Room Tagging

5. Views (3D, Plans, Elevations, Sections etc)

6. Creating documentation - drawings or sheets (exporting drawings, using appropriate templates, layout, title blocks, annotations, and dimensions etc)

The PDF document should include 1 page commentary on the following topic: ‘What are the benefits of using a BIM based approach for designing buildings based on your experience of using Autodesk Revit on this module’. The rest of the pages should be dedicated to the Autodesk Revit model exports and documentation including: 3D views, plans, sections, elevations and any other relevant outputs of your choice.

Note: Use only ‘Autodesk Revit Architecture’ functions. Ignore structural, mechanical or electrical elements such as foundations, stairs, beams and columns, wiring, etc.

3. Assessment sequence and weighting:

4. Format:

Part A:

This assignment has a limit of 1,500 words (excluding tables, figures, references and appendices). The below format must be used and submitted as a PDF document:

- Font: Use a sans-serif typeface (Arial or equivalent, not Arial Narrow) and font size of 11pt, excluding text on diagrams and the use of mathematical symbols

- Line Spacing: minimum of single line spacing and standard character spacing must be used

- Margins: Must not be less than 2cm.

Word Count: There is a 10% leeway for the word limit- submissions that are within 10% over or under the word count won’t be penalised. See Table 1.

All sources and references included in the commentary should be acknowledged using the Harvard referencing system.

Part B:

This assignment has a limit of: one Autodesk Revit Model (Part B-Submission 1) and 10-pages of PDF portfolio of outputs (Part B-Submission 2). One page in the PDF portfolio should be dedicated to commentary (Topic: What are the benefits of using a BIM-based approach for designing buildings based on your experience of using Autodesk Revit on this module ). The commentary has a word limit of 400 words (excluding tables, figures or any references)

All sources and references included in the commentary should be acknowledged using the Harvard referencing system.

There is a 10% leeway for the word limit for the commentary page: submissions that are within 10% over or under the word count won’t be penalised. See Table 1.


For this assignment you will need to download a free educational copy of Autodesk Revit (available only for Microsoft Operating System) on your personal computer from this webpage: https://www.autodesk.com/education/free-software/revit by registering on Autodesk website. Please download Autodesk Revit 2022. This software available to access remotely through Desktop@UCL Anywhere. Further instructions on how to access this software has been provided in lectures and is on Moodle.

Practical software training sessions and coursework support workshops in Term 2 will adequately prepare you for this assignment. There will be additional video tutorials from ‘Autodesk’ and ‘LinkedIn learn’ platforms to support you in developing different aspects of your assignment.

Computer Requirements

See Computer System Requirements for Running Autodesk Revit on your personal computers:


Microsoft operating system is the highly recommended since Autodesk Revit does not have a native Macintosh version. If you are a Macintosh (Apple) user it is less ideal but you can find further information on ‘workarounds’ here:


Individual Work

Please be reminded that this is an INDIVIDUAL coursework. Each student must submit their own Autodesk Revit file and PDF portfolio. We will digitally inspect the submitted Autodesk Revit files to verify the origin of authorship. The Revit file that you submit must not be a modified version of someone else’s work.

Type of content                                                                                  Counts towards the word limit

Table of contents                                                                                No

Reference list or bibliography at the end                                                No

Cover page                                                                                         No

Diagrams, annotated pictures, figures and any other visuals                     No

Appendices                                                                                         No

Abstract                                                                                              No

Acknowledgements                                                                              No

Footnotes                                                                                            Yes

Tables in the main text                                                                          Yes

In-text citations                                                                                    Yes

Text in Autodesk Revit Model                                                                 No

Text in Autodesk Revit Model Outputs or Documentation                           No

Table 1: Content Type and contribution to word count

5. Use of AI:

Category 2 – AI tools can be used in an assistive role

Students are permitted to use AI tools for specific defined processes to support the development of specific skills as required by the assessment, such as data analysis, transcription, and translation, generating insights, giving feedback on content, or proofreading content.

Students must acknowledge where they have used AI within their coursework.

6. Marking Criteria:

Part A:

Your submission will be assessed based upon the following criteria:

- Problem statement and requirement definition setting      (20%)

- Proposal and value proposition                                       (20%)

- Knowledge and critical review of research                        (20%)

- Argument, synthesis and case study analysis                    (30%)

- Quality of writing, clarity and presentation                        (5%)

- References                                                                    (5%)

Part B:

The two submission outputs for this coursework will be reviewed together based on the following criteria.

-BIM Modelling Quality                       (30%)

This will be based on the following factors: representation of design, choice of design features, realism of design assumptions and choices for building type chosen, presence of errors, adequate level of development, consistency in choice of modelling tools and functions and features, Quality of choice of model objects, elements, families and features (e.g. walls, floors, fittings, use of room tagging grids etc). This will be assessed mainly in: Part B.1- ‘Autodesk Revit Model’.

-BIM Documentation Quality               (40%)

Informativeness of documentation and model outputs; Choice of suitable outputs (e.g. views and sheets), Choice of suitable out formats and notations, suitability of outputs for construction documentation. This will be assessed mainly on Part B.2- ‘10-page PDF portfolio’

-Commentary                                      (15%)

Knowledge and understanding, research, critical reflection, structure of arguments. This will be assessed for the 400-word ‘commentary on a topic’ page of Part B.2: ‘10-page PDF portfolio’

-Presentation and Communication           (15%)

Layout, organisation, structure of outputs and exports, referencing, standard of written expression, quality of technical language and terminology used. This will be assessed mainly for both elements: Part B.1- ‘Autodesk Revit Model’ and Part B.2- ‘10-page PDF portfolio’

7. Penalties:

Penalties (as per UCL Academic Manual)

- There will be penalties for not following assignment brief, restrictions on output types and file formats

- Penalties due to over/under-length cannot be more than 10%

- Over/under-length penalty cannot take the student’s mark below ‘Pass Mark’

- In the case the coursework that is submitted is over/under-length and is also late, the greater of any penalties will apply.

- Any use of AI that exceeds the permitted use in this assessment brief will be subject to UCL Academic Misconduct policy and could lead to penalties.

8. Assessment Support:

Software Support: In Term 2 students will participate in Autodesk Revit Practical sessions where they will develop basic skills for using the software. Guidance will be provided on how to access and download software in UCL or on personal computers. Additional video resources will be provided from to support software use for various aspects of the assignment. This will be on LinkedIn Learning as well as Autodesk Resources on Moodle. A coursework support clinic will be organised at the end of Term 2 to specifically address assignment issues.

The Writing Lab is a free service offered through the UCL Academic Communication Centre which runs workshops, tutorials and support sessions to enhance academic writing and research skills. The Writing Lab's services are available for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Joint Faculties of Arts & Humanities and Social & Historical Sciences, the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, and Psychology & Language Sciences: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/writing-lab/

UCL Student Union English Language + Writing Support Programme supports non-native English speaking students with their academic writing and speaking. Peer Tutors run several different types of free activities to help you with your written and spoken English, including a regular programme of workshops, one-to-one sessions and 'Coffee and Conversation' which is a weekly opportunity to get together and practice your spoken English with other students: https://studentsunionucl.org/advice-and-support/support/language-writing-support-programme

9. Academic Integrity:

UCL requires high academic standards in order to maintain trust and confidence in our world-leading research and teaching, as well as the individuals who work and study here.

Through your UCL education you will become an independent learner and knowledge creator. To be successful you must develop good academic practice skills and avoid any type of Academic Misconduct.

See here for the most common types of Academic Misconduct with Case Studies provided for each definition: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/students/exams-and-assessments/academic-integrity/about-academic-misconduct

'Understanding Academic Integrity course for students' is UCL's online and self-paced course is designed to help students to develop good academic practice for completing assessments.

10. Submission Details

Part A:

Submission must be uploaded to Moodle by 15:00 on 08 January 2024

Part B:

Both Submission outputs must be uploaded to Moodle by 15:00 on 02 May 2024.

Part B.1 – Submission 1: The Revit model should be submitted as a Revit file (.rvt)

Part B.2 – Submission 2: The 10-page PDF portfolio should be submitted as a PDF file (.pdf)

The 2 files to be uploaded via Moodle

10. Feedback:

Feedback is an extremely important part of your academic development at UCL, and the Department is committed to providing appropriate support. We aim to ensure that assessment mechanisms allow students to demonstrate the skills and knowledge they have gained and that assessments are carried out fairly and consistently. It is a priority of the Department to provide students with suitably instructive and timely feedback.

The Department aims to return assessed work within 1 calendar month of the submission deadline date. We expect students to have had the opportunity to reflect, and act, on their learning from the feedback in subsequent assessments.