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715N1 Assessment 2: Essay 2023-2024 Term I


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715N1 Assessment 2: Essay (70%, individual work)

‘Change and Leadership’

2023-2024 Term I

This is a case-study essay based on the following scenario. Read through the scenario and the essay questions that follow.

“The XYZ organisation is beginning a change programme that will result in alterations to the work responsibilities and work methods of its staff.  The senior management team have decided to reduce and delayer the management structure, thus removing some manager-posts, whilst delegating their responsibilities to self-managed teams. Some of the cost savings could be used to reward staff. This has not been decided yet. At the same time, senior managers may agree to a hybrid working policy on a more permanent basis open to all staff.  This is something that staff have said they wanted. Up to now a limited number of staff have been allowed to continue hybrid working.  Some managers believe that the policy should be staff returning to mainly full time in the office, so at least 4 days out of 5 in the office with many staff on 5 days in the office. Other managers feel it is better to continue with allowing 3:2 or 2:3 hybrid working for most staff. It is believed by senior management that technologies can assist with both self-managed team-working and with hybrid working.”

If it helps you to develop your analysis and synthesis you can portray this fictional organisation in one sector such as banking, software design, legal services or government services (like social security) or a setting of your choosing. These are just examples. This is up to you.

Using the above case example write as essay using module materials and wider materials that answers these three questions:

1) What leadership approach would be best to enable these changes to be successful and why?

2) What change method(s)/model(s) should be used to maximise the chances of success?

3) What problems may be encountered; and how can these be effectively dealt with consistent with your chosen leadership and change management methods?

The organisational changes described in the case scenario are found in many organisations in the private, public and voluntary/charity sectors.  Therefore, the case shows a realistic situation that you are asked to explore by applying theoretical ideas and concepts.

Students must demonstrate an understanding of leadership styles and approaches, and organisational change models and frameworks. Include any diagrams, data and illustrations in the essay that you think are useful and appropriate. You are expected to draw on use of module teaching materials and your own research of good quality and reliable materials.

The essay has a word limit of 1200 words not including reference pages.


You should include a title page with your student number.  A short introduction and sub-headings using the 3 questions would provide a neat structure. An overall conclusion is required.

The font size should be 11 point (Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial) and you should use 1.5 line spacing.

You should employ Harvard referencing and maintain professional levels of writing style, spelling and punctuation. So make sure you use a spelling and grammar checker fully before you submit and put aside time for perfecting your draft.

A references page should be included and this should be in alphabetical order.  An Appendix is not necessary.  For guidance on referencing see the university’s skills hub page: https://www.sussex.ac.uk/skills-hub/referencing-and-academic-integrity/ .  

All essays should be typed and e-submitted on Canvas. Note the submission date and read the procedure on how to submit your work: See http://www.sussex.ac.uk/tel/submission/students.


Essays will be judged using the following criteria:

1. Ability to undertake relevant research and make appropriate conclusions (20%)

2. Demonstration of understanding of organisational behaviour and management concepts and their practical application (40%)

3. Demonstration of the ability to evaluate and critically review (30%)

4. Academic Skills: Effective use of, and accurate reference to, academic materials (10%)

The process will involve ‘turnitin’, which will check the originality of documents. If students have copied or plagiarised from other sources, this will be detected and dealt with accordingly (see below).

Academic misconduct and plagiarism: Students submitting essays and other coursework assessments should be aware that the penalties imposed upon students committing academic misconduct may include obtaining zero marks for the assessment unit, or even more severe penalties. For example, if a student has been found to have copied another student’s work, they will fail the assessment. See http://www.sussex.ac.uk/s3/?id=155  for further information. The most common forms of misconduct that are usually detected are plagiarism and personation. Find out more about them – and how to avoid them – here: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/s3/?id=35 

University Marking Criteria


Mark %

Check List




Learning & Knowledge

High level of reflective learning.

Excellent knowledge of subject area.


Extensive, relevant & appropriate use of literature

Writing & structure

Very well structured, written and argued essay

Analysis & level of criticality

Critical thinking.

Evidence of in-depth analysis

Research skills

Very-well researched essay

The essay demonstrates excellent understanding of the subject and provides a critical analysis of themes and issues.  It draws effectively on relevant literature, which is well-referenced and cited, and concepts to build a comprehensive and cohesive argument. Work graded at 70 and above is characterised by persuasive reasoning backed up by appropriate illustrative examples.



Learning & Knowledge

Reflective learning

Good knowledge of subject area


Uses a range of relevant literature

Writing & structure

Well written, structured & argued

Analysis & level of criticality

Evidence of appropriate analysis

Attempt to be critical

Research skills

Demonstrates research skills

The essay demonstrates a very good understanding of the subject. Key themes and debates in the literature are recognised and are at least referred to if not taken up throughout the discussion. It makes an attempt to analyse and discuss the topic. This work however, does not go in-depth neither does it develop critical thinking and analysis.  



Learning & Knowledge

Some evidence of reflective learning.

Basic understanding of the subject & limited understanding of the academic debates in the area.


Uses relevant literature

Writing & structure

Arguments and writing style are basic and somewhat incomplete in places.

Analysis & level of criticality

Evidence of basic data analysis

Limited or lack of critical thinking

Research skills

Basic research skills

The essay demonstrates a basic understanding of the subject. It draws on some relevant literature but makes limited use of it.  It makes an attempt to develop some arguments which however lack critical and analytical context.  Basic structure of the essay and a patchy flow of arguments.


Less than 50

Learning & Knowledge

Fails to achieve reflective learning


Very limited use or lack of bibliography and use of in-text citations.

Writing & structure

Poor or lack of structure and confusing writing style

Analysis & level of criticality

Lack of analysis and

critical thinking

Research skills

Poor research skills

The essay demonstrates poor understanding of the subject. There is limited or no use of relevant literature and significant gaps in its interpretation. The discussion lacks analysis and coherent arguments.