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CPT109 C programming and SW engineering 1 Lab Practice 8 – Files


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CPT109 C programming and SW engineering 1

Lab Practice 8 – Files

Use your preferred compiler to investigate the programming exercises below. This laboratory concerns the use of files and standard input/output functions.

Exercise 1

Write a C program to read data from the keyboard, write it to a file called INPUT, again read the same data from the INPUT file, and display it on the screen.

Example: Data Input

Programming in C is fun (Enter)

Data Output

Programming in C is fun

Exercise 2

Write a C program to double space the new lines in a file.

Hints: Find a newline and duplicate it. Example:

Input File

Peter: Hello, my name is Peter.

Peter: How are you?

Mary: I am fine. I am Mary. Thanks.

Peter: Do you like C programming?

Mary: Yes, I love it.

Output File

Peter: Hello, my name is Peter.

Peter: How are you?

Mary: I am fine. I am Mary. Thanks.

Peter: Do you like C programming?

Mary: Yes, I love it.

Exercise 3

Analyse and explain in detail the following C program.


#define MAX 100

int main(){

char fname[MAX];

int c;

FILE *ifp;

printf("Please enter a file name: ");

scanf("%s", fname);

ifp=fopen(fname,"rb");                  /*open a file in binary mode for reading*/

fseek(ifp, 0, SEEK_END);                         /*move to the end of the file*/

fseek(ifp, -1, SEEK_END);                      /*move back one character*/


c= fgetc(ifp);                                        /*fgetc moves forward one character*/


fseek(ifp,-2,SEEK_CUR);                         /*back up two characters*/



return 0;


Does the program go wrong? If yes, please explain it.

Exercise 4

Write a C program first to ask user to create a file named DATA which consists of a list of integers (e.g. 1 2 3 5 78 56 …). Then the program reads the numbers from the created file DATA and displays all odd numbers together (e.g. displays them in the same row) followed by all even numbers together.

Hints: You might try to use the functions getw and putw which are integer-oriented functions. They are similar to the fgetc and fputc functions that are used to read and write character values. These functions would be useful for dealing with only integer data (also for this exercise). The syntax of fgetc and fputc is as follows: putw(integer,filepointer) and getw(filepointer).