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COM4503/COM6503: 3D Computer Graphics Assignment 2


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COM4503/COM6503: 3D Computer Graphics

Assignment 2 (60% of module mark)

Deadline: 3pm, Tuesday 16 January 2024

Making objects and scenes look less pristine in Computer Graphics


•   Your task is to write a report on: ‘ Making objects and scenes look less pristine in Computer Graphics 

•    What is realism?

•   photorealism (e.g. can we distinguish a rendered image from a real image?),

•   behaviour realism in a simulation (e.g. does that simulated human movement look real? does that human skin behave realistically?),

•   interaction realism (e.g. does that object behave correctly when dropped from a height? does that material deform when compressed?) and

•   functional realism (e.g. is the functional behaviour clear irrespective of how the scene is rendered, for example, can I repair my appliance using those

nonphotorealistically rendered instructions?)

•   This assignment is concerned with a specific aspect of photorealism: how to make rendered scenes look less pristine.

Things to consider

•    Language and terminology

•   How will you refer to old, worn, dirty, aged objects and scenes?

•   What does it mean to less pristine?

•   What causes an imperfection?

•   Texture-mapping approaches

•   What approaches can be used for  in rendering less pristine scenes?

   What can’t be achieved?

•    How are the techniques used to produce less pristine scenes controlled?

•   How to control the application of the technique?

•   Labour-intensive, manual? Or automated? Cause and effect?

•   Is time part of the consideration?

Report Structure

•    Short introduction

•   Context and reasoning for report structure

•    Some more sections

•   You choose – see ‘Things to consider’ slide

•    Conclusions

•   Summarise the main points

•    Illustrations – see next slide


   At least five

•   Published research papers or other kinds of reputable reference


.    MUST be included

.   Connectedness to the discussion will be considered in the marking.

.   THREE screenshots from assignment 1

.   Make changes to Assignment 1 program to show a less pristine scene

(Examples: dirty marks on alien clothing, rusty security lamp, add another object that is less pristine, etc…)

.   THREE photographs of the real world

.   Each photo must demonstrate a different object/surface that is less pristine

.   Also, consider close-up views of parts of your photographs

.   THREE illustrations using commercial software

.   E.g. Unity and Blender (are both free to students)

.   General illustrations from the internet

.   No limit, but check the copyright permissions before you use any illustrations from the Internet

Deliverables and marking

•    Report: 3000 words (+/- 10%)

•   Total does not include the list of references or the figure captionsortables

•    Handin: pdf document via Blackboard

•   Turnitin will be used to check for plagiarism


•    Coverage of the topic area and relevance of material

•   Is the material relevant? Is there evidence of independent reading to find advanced/interesting aspects of the topic? Good references?

•    Knowledge and understanding of relevant material

•   Demonstrate knowledge and understanding? Is deeper understanding

demonstrated by comparing and contrasting ideas? Information accurate?

•    Organisation, clarity of expression and diagrams

•   Report tidy and organised? Good flow? Clear writing? Good use of illustrations connected to the discussion?