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College of Hospitality, Retail, & Sport Management (CoHRSM)

Department of Sport and Entertainment Management (SPTE)



Winter Session 2023-2024

Tuesday, December 26, 2023 – Monday, January 15, 2024

Course Description

Administrative tasks for computer usage, including software and hardware selection, applications, and solutions.


There are no course pre-requisites. No prerequisite knowledge of Excel is required.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

1.  correctly use computer terminology related to Microsoft Excel;

2.  efficiently prepare Excel spreadsheets;

3.  integrate Excel components with each other; and

4.  perform quantitative analysis.

5.  create effective presentation tutorials pertaining to Excel.

Required eText

All students must have access to the SIMnet and SIMbook. The following textbook and SIMnet options are provided. The SIMnet assignments are linked with Blackboard.

Follow the directions below to purchase the book and access SIMnet for this course.

Book & Registration Options

Book Title: Microsoft Excel 365 – IN PRACTICE – 2021 Edition

Authors: Stewart, Kathleen & Nordell, Randy

ISBN: 9781266783692 (access to SIMnet and eBook)

ISBN: 9781264673117 (SIMnet code w/ eBook and hard copy loose leaf textbook)

See the Options below.

Option 1: Purchase SIMnet Digital Access (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)

.    Login to Blackboard

.    Click on a SIMnet assignment

.    If you already have a McGraw Hill SIMnet account, login with your Username and Password.

.    If you do NOT already have a McGraw Hill SIMnet account, create a new account and enter the information requested.

.    Purchase SIMnet and SIMbook.

Option 2: Purchase at Bookstore

.    Purchase Book and SIMnet Code from Bookstore.

.    Login to Blackboard

.    Click on a SIMnet assignment

.    If you already have a McGraw Hill SIMnet account, login with your Username and Password.

.    If you do NOT already have a McGraw Hill SIMnet account, create a new account and enter the information requested.

.    Enter the SIMnet Code purchased from the Bookstore.

NOTE: If you choose to purchase the Courtesy SIMnet Digital Access, this only lasts two (2) weeks and then you must purchase either Option 1 or Option 2 above.

Used Book: If students choose to purchase a used book, they will also have to purchase access to SIMnet. To purchase SIMnet for your used book, follow the instructions for Textbook Option 1 above, but just purchase SIMnet and not the e-text during the SIMnet registration process.

Optional Resources:

.    Students may find these resources helpful. However, students are not required to utilize these resources. They are optional.

o SIMbook Show Me

. Show Me is a video that shows you the necessary steps to

complete a Let Me Try task. Audio narration helps you follow along as you watch each step being completed in the application. This

exercise is not interactive but you are able to pause and replay portions of the video.

o SIMbook Guide Me

Guide Me is an interactive exercise that guides you through each

Let Me Try task step-by-step. Each step gives you one specific

instruction that you must complete correctly to advance, and you

have an unlimited number of attempts for each step. Continue

answering each step until you've reached the end of the Guide Me.


To access SIMnet to complete assignments (after purchasing the book and access to SIMnet), simply click on a SIMnet assignment within Blackboard. SIMnet is the online   environment which you will utilize to complete all assignments in SIMnet. ALWAYS go through Blackboard to gain access to the SIMnet.

SIMnet Student Support

Visit the SIMnet Tech Online Support Centeror contact us below:

Hours of Operation:

Sunday: 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM ET                     Friday: 12:00 AM to 9:00 PM ET

Monday-Thursday: 24 hours                               Saturday: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET

Phone:(800) 331-5094

Online:Submit a Support Request(you will receive a Case Number to provide to Dr. Crews or Instructors)

Chat:Chat with a Representative

Problems with SIMnet? Try these common fixes:

1.  Review the System Requirements.


2.  Clear your browser's cache and cookies. Close your browser and retry.

3.  Try a different browser (Google Chrome and Firefox are preferred)

4.  Disable your popup blocker, allow popups always for the SIMnet site.

Course Overview and Purpose

This is a totally, pure online course. Online classes are not easier than face-to-face (F2F) classes. To succeed in an online class, you must be motivated and well-organized. You will need to purchase the SIMnet with SIMbook and have access to SIMnet by the first day of the course. All course materials are available via Blackboard and SIMnet. Regular Internet access is necessary for successful completion of the course.

The purpose of this course is to help you become more skilled in using Microsoft Excel   and be prepared for subsequent courses. This is particularly important if your major field of study is HRTM, RETL or SPTE. The following courses require Microsoft Excel knowledge prior to taking the course.

.    FINC 333 or 336 – Finance

.    HRTM 290 – Hosp/Tourism Practicum

.    HRTM 421 – Hosp. Financial Mgmt.

.    HRTM 490 – Hosp. Mgmt. Strategy

.    HRTM 495 – Hosp/Tourism Internship

.    RETL 295 – Retailing Practicum

.    RETL 366 – Retail Buying

.    RETL 472 – Category Management

.    RETL 495 – Retailing Internship

.    SPTE 295 – Practicum

.    SPTE 404 - Promoting Entertainment Events

.    SPTE 440 – SPTE Business & Finance

.    SPTE 444 – SPTE Event Management

.    SPTE 495 – SPTE Internship

Professors in the College of HRSM have noted that for these courses noted above, you

must know how to do the following.

.    Basic Excel functions                                    .     Forecasting

.    Sorting data                                                   .    Linking Cells Within and Between

.    Use Print Area to print certain                             Worksheets spreadsheet portions                                    .    Maps

.    Math and Financial Functions                       .     Financial Functions

.    Pivot Tables

This course is organized in a logical order.  You will access all modules through

Blackboard and SIMnet. All documents are formatted in Microsoft Word and/or PDF

format. To view PDF documents, you need Adobe Reader.  You can download Adobe Reader http://get.adobe.com/reader/

Tips for Being Successful in this Course

It is estimated that you will need to spend a minimum of nine (9) hours per week to complete course work, discussions, communication and to work toward being successful in this online course. If you do not take this time each week, you may feel overwhelmed and frustrated and your opportunity for success will be jeopardized.

Successful online learners

1.  do not procrastinate;

2.  are open to sharing professional experiences online;

3.  enhance online discussions;

4.  have good written communication skills;

5.  use proactive communication;

6.  are self-motivated and self-disciplined;

7.  have a commitment to learning;

8.  have critical thinking and decision-making skills;

9.  believe quality learning can take place in an online environment; and 10.have good time management skills.

Overall Structure of the Course

The course is structured to begin with the Getting Started Module in BBoard and then

additional Course Modules in SIMnet. The course also includes a Spreadsheets In Your Major Field assignment in BBoard. See the Course Outline and Deadline Checklist at

the end of the syllabus.

Minimal Technical Skills

Minimal technical skills are needed in this online course. All work in this course must be completed and submitted online. Therefore, you MUST have consistent and reliable access to a Windows-based computer and the Internet. Without a computer and reliable Internet access and these minimal technology skills, it will be virtually impossible to succeed in the course. Before starting this course, you must also feel comfortable doing the following.

The minimal technical skills you should have include the ability to

.    follow written instructions;

.    organize and backup electronic files;

.    save electronic files;

.    use email/Blackboard and attach files;

.    check email and Blackboard daily;

.    download and upload documents;

.    locate information with a browser; and

.    use SIMnet.

Computer Technical Requirements

.    Computer (Windows-based to earn full credit on all assignments), Microsoft Excel, Web Camera, Speakers, Microphone, and Internet Access.

.    Students must save files on a thumb/flash/mobile drive or computer (especially with Capstone Projects). Therefore, students should have a back-up of all of their files in another location. This is essential in case your mobile drive/computer malfunctions.

USC Technical Support

Blackboard Support

If you have Blackboard issues, please contact the Division of Information Technology    (DoIT) at 803-777- 1800 or enter a support request at https://sc.edu/ithelp. The Thomas Cooper Library at USC has computers for you to use and, if you are not in Columbia,    most public libraries have computers you may use if you find yourself facing computer   problems.

Technology Assistance

Students can contact the Carolina Tech Zone for their personal computer issues. Location: Byrnes Building, 901 Sumter Street, Ste. 119

Phone: 803.777.1800

https://sc.edu/about/offices_and_divisions/division of information_technology/end_user _services/available_technology_resources/carolina_tech_zone/

Course Communications

If you have questions pertaining to this course, do not email Dr. Crews. Instead, post your questions on the “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) Discussion Board in Blackboard so that all students may benefit from the questions and answers. Anyone    may answer your questions. Each question will be answered within 24 hours if posted   Sunday - Thursday. Students who provide responses that are complete and correct will receive extra credit up to 10 points.

When you post a question, place it in the correct discussion board thread (e.g., Excel Ch. 3 Assignments, etc.) and use a descriptive phrase for the subject line. Use key descriptive phrases like “Ch. 4 Step 10” . Be sure to check previous posts on the FAQ  Discussion Board prior to posting your question as your peers may have already asked and answered the question.

If you have personal questions pertaining to this course, please email Dr. Crews. Do NOT post these on Blackboard. Remember that Dr. Crews does not consistently check Blackboard and email on Saturday and Sunday. However, she will respond within 24

hours if contacted Sunday – Thursday. When sending an email, please include a   concise, relevant detailed subject line. Additionally, make sure you reference the course – SPTE 274 - and sign the email with your name.

All communication on the Discussion Boards and via emails should be professional.

Spelling/grammar should be carefully checked in all emails and discussion board posts.

Write in a professional tone. Text message language is not accepted. See the Netiquette section below.

Netiquette: Etiquette for Communicating Online

.    Treat one another with respect. We all hold different opinions, but we can all

respect those opinions and communicate in a professional manner.

.    Address the recipient with respect (e.g., Begin these emails with a proper

salutation (e.g., Dear Dr. Crews, Good Afternoon Dr. Crews, etc.).

.    Do not use all CAPITAL LETTERS in emails or Discussion Board postings. This is considered “shouting” and is viewed as impolite or aggressive.

.    Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Text messaging language is not acceptable.

.    Use good taste when communicating. Profanity is neither appropriate nor


.    Be proactive in your communication. Communicate in advance and be proactive instead of reactive.

.    Re-read, think, and edit your message before you post/click/send/submit.

Course Evaluation

At the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to formally evaluate Dr. Crews through a College of HRSM provided evaluation. This process is very important, and Dr. Crews truly appreciates your feedback. You will receive email reminders to complete a course evaluation from an automated system. Once you complete the course evaluation, the email reminders will cease.

Students will receive 5 extra credit points for completing the course evaluation. All evaluations are anonymous; however, Dr. Crews is provided with a simple list of names of those students who have completed the evaluation via the automated system so that extra credit may be provided. The anonymous results of the course evaluations are shared with Dr. Crews after the final grades are posted.

Grades Will Be Calculated As Follows

. Getting Started Assignments

o Introduction on Discussion Board

o Orientation Assessment

o Academic Integrity Assessment

o SIMnet Assessment)

(4 @ 10 pts. each – In Blackboard)                                                                   40 points

.         SIMbook Let Me Try (12 @ 10 pts. each – In SIMnet)                             120 points

. Guided Projects (10 @ 25 pts. each – In SIMnet)                                   250 points

. Spreadsheet Uses in Major Field of Study (1 @ 35 pts. – In Blackboard)       35 points

. Chapter Quizzes/Exams (5 @ 20 pts. each – In SIMnet)                       100 points

. Black Belt Credential Exam ( 1 @ 200 pts. – In SIMnet)                         200 points

TOTAL                 1,545 points

*Grade distribution for the course:

1,391 – 1,545 points (90%) 1,360 – 1,390 points (88%) 1,236 – 1,359 points (80%) 1,205 – 1,235 points (78%) 1,082 – 1,204 points (70%) 1,051 – 1,081 points (68%) 927 – 1,050 points (60%)    Below 927 points

















. Late Work/Make-Up Policy: The suggested deadlines are provided for students to   follow to complete the assignments on a timely basis and not procrastinate. It is highly suggested that you meet all of the suggested deadlines. However, the following hard deadline applies. No late work will be accepted after the hard deadline. As you

review the Course Outline and Deadline Checklist on the last few pages, the suggested deadlines is listed in garnet and the hard deadline is listed in blue.

. Monday, January 15 by 5:00 p.m. EST – Hard Deadline for all assignments.


Getting Started Module

Through this module students will introduce themselves on the Discussion Board and

respond to at least two peers, complete an Orientation Assessment, complete an

Academic Integrity assessment and assessment on other information pertinent to

SIMnet. Additional information about these assignments is provided in Blackboard

through the Getting Started Module. Refer to the Course Outline and Deadline Checklist at the end of this document.

Let Me Try

Let Me Try uses a simulated interface and requires you complete specific steps. If you do not know how to do a specific step, you can choose to complete the Show Me or

Guide Me to help you learn, but for credit you must complete the Let Me Try steps.

These may be completed an unlimited number of times to earn the grade you want until the due date.

Guided Projects

These projects involve downloading an instructions file and an Excel file. The instructions provide more detailed information to help guide you in the completion of the  project. Students edit the Excel spreadsheet per the instructions and upload the finished spreadsheet for grading. Students are also provided with feedback to help them correct  errors and move forward. Guided projects may be completed a maximum of three (3) times. The highest grade will be recorded.

Advanced Projects

These projects are like the Guided Projects; however, the instructions do not provide as much guidance. Students receive minimal feedback while completing these projects.

Advanced projects may be completed a maximum of five (5) times. The highest grade will be recorded.


These are quizzes that use simulated questions similar to the Let Me Try assignments.

They assess one skill at a time. They are designed to cover the content for two

chapters. Exams may be completed a maximum of three (3) times. The highest grade will be recorded.

Capstone Projects

These projects are similar to Advanced Projects, but content from several chapters (Ch. 1-4, Ch. 5-7, Ch. 8- 11) is assessed. Feedback is not provided. These may be

completed a maximum of three (3) times. The highest grade will be recorded

Black Belt Credential Badge

This is a timed (90 minutes), simulated environment in which students complete tasks per instructions. It is similar to a Let Me Try assignments, except feedback is not

provided and it covers content from all chapters (Ch. 1- 11). This may be completed a   maximum of three (3) times and a 90% or higher must be earned to receive the Black  Belt Credential Badge. If a grade less than 90% is earned, that grade will be recorded; however, no badge will be earned.

Earning Belts and Sharing on Social Media

As students progress through this course, they can earn the following Belts (badges) to indicate the knowledge they have learned. These belts can be shared on social media   sites and noted in resumes. The belts are described below.

.    WHITE BELT Credential Badge

o Students successfully complete SIMbook Let Me Try assignments for Chapters 1-4.

.    YELLOW BELT Credential Badge

o Students successfully complete the Capstone Project with score of at least 90% for Chapters. 1-4.

.    PURPLE BELT Credential Badge

o Students successfully complete SIMbook Let Me Try assignments for Chapters. 5- 11.

.    BLACK BELT Credential Badge

o Students earn a Black Belt Credential Badge by completing the timed (90 minutes) simulated exam with a score of at least 90%.

If these badges are earned, you will see them on your SIMbook. You can then share  them on your social media sites and resume. Employers look for these types of skills.

In Blackboard: Spreadsheet Uses in Major Field of Study

Using the PowerPoint template provided in Blackboard, complete the research and

complete each section of the template. The goal behind this assignment is for you to  provide examples of how spreadsheets are used in your major field of study. See the information below prior to completing the assignment.

NOTE: If you complete this assignment using a Mac, you MUST save your file as a

PDF before uploading. If this is not done, your file will not be able to be

opened/graded and a zero will be recorded. Refer to the Course Outline and Deadline Checklist at the end of this document.

Utilizing the PowerPoint Template Provided in Blackboard How Spreadsheets Are Used Within My Major Field of Study

It is important to connect what you are learning to your future. Spreadsheets are used in a variety of ways, and it is important to know the many roles they play within your major field of study. Using your best research skills, find supportive documentation to complete the PowerPoint template.

Follow these steps below to summarize your research into the PowerPoint template provided.

.    Use the PowerPoint template provided.

.    Use at least five (5) references/resources from books, the Internet, journals, and/or any other viable/reliable resources you may find.

.    References must be listed in APA Style. APA Style Reference examples may be

found at this link:https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar- guidelines/references/examples

.    The information provided by students may include research information specific to  Excel or proprietary spreadsheets. describing proprietary software packages, keep in mind that they may incorporate many similar forms and functions of Excel.

.    Provide the definitions for spreadsheets in your own words.

.    Summarize the researched information by completing each section of the template.

.    The completed template should meet the following guidelines provided in the grading rubric below.