关键词 > CHEM0028



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B.Sc. DEGREE 2023

M.Sci. DEGREE 2023


Credit value: 15

Deadline:  16:00 GMT

2 February 2024

Candidates should attempt ALL questions. Each section is marked out of 30.

Your submission must be word-processed, using the settings below.

A4 paper

Minimum margins 1.25 cm (0.5 inch)

Minimum font size: 10 pt

Single Spaced

No cover sheet is required.

Work must be submitted as three separate files on Moodle.

Start each section on a new page. The page limit for EACH section is 2 pages, including any figures and references.  The figures in this paper can be included in your work without further reference. Work beyond 2 pages on any question will not be marked. Any additional sources beyond the course notes and reading must be referenced.


This question related to the material from Dr Rivera on molecular mechanics. You may answer this section in handwritten format, but do not exceed 2 pages.

1) A forcefield is being parameterised for glycolaldehyde depicted below:

Scheme 1

Name each kind of bond, bond angle, and torsional angle that needs to be considered for this parameterisation.      [7 marks]

2) This molecule is modelled using periodic boundary conditions with lattice vectors:

Two conformers are considered which are identical except for their dihedral angle: the cis and trans conformers. The program writes their Cartesian coordinates in ˚Angstroms as such:

a)   For each atom, write the coordinates of the periodic image closest to the origin. [6 marks]

b)   Identify which  conformer is cis, which is trans. You  may distinguish between them solely based on the O-O distance.  [4 marks]

c)   We use the following torsional potential for :

A third conformer is simulated at uto(3)rsion = 2 kcal mol-1. Find the angle for the third conformer in degrees in the range [-180◦,180◦]. There are multiple solutions, but you only need to give one. You may use the following cos(2x) = 2cos2(x) − 1.         [10 marks]

3) A master student successfully simulates the molecular dynamics of glycolaldehyde in a solvent. They then want to repeat the calculation at a constant higher temperature, but their results don’t make sense. Their supervisor suggests the following changes:

• Make the timestep shorter.

• Change the bond stretch potential from harmonic to Morse.

• Change from the Verlet algorithm to the Velocity Verlet algorithm.

Explain why each of these pieces of advice would be helpful to model dynamics at a constant high temperature.        [3 marks]


This question related to the material from Dr Heleon Quantum Methods.

Part 1

The Born-Oppenheimer Hamiltonian can be written as

He = Te + veN + vee

Where Te is the kinetic energy of the electrons

veN is the interaction between each electron and each nucleus

where the summations are over i = 1, … ,N electrons and A = 1, … ,M nuclei, and vee is the interaction between electrons

There is also the repulsion between nuclei

which is added in at the end of the calculation.

Considering Te, veN, vee and vNN, state with brief reasoning which of these terms (if any) need not be considered for the following systems:

a)   H2+

b)   H2

c)   A single Lithium atom   [6 marks]

Part 2

Comment on the suitability of Restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) for description of the dissociation of molecules. For the case of H2  in a minimal basis, would you expect configuration interaction singles  (CIS)  to  significantly  improve  on  a  conventional   RHF  calculation?  What  about  a configuration interaction singles and doubles (CISD) calculation?                                 [7 marks]

Part 3

The intense blue colour of lapis lazuli is due to the trisulphur radical anion S3•- . Describe how you  might  computationally  find the  bond  angle  and  bond  length  of  S3•- .  How  might  you estimate  computationally  the  energy  required  to  oxidize  S32-   to  S3•-?   Briefly  discuss  an advantage and disadvantage of the methods you propose.        [8 marks]

Part 4

Pariser-Parr-Pople  (PPP) theory  can  be  considered  a  modification  of  Hückel  theory  which retains the neglect of differential overlap (NDO) assumption and a simplified one-electron Hamiltonian but includes electron-electron repulsion and therefore accounts for Coulomb and exchange effects. For the purposes of this question you may assume that the one-electron Hamiltonian elements hij area if i =j, β if i and j are nearest neighbours and zero otherwise, where a and β are constants as in Hückel theory, and that only the π electrons are treated explicitly. To what extent would you expect PPP theory to improve upon Hückel theory for the following properties? Briefly justify your answer:

a)   Geometry optimization

b)   Simulation of UV-vis absorption spectra

c)   Vibronic effects   [9 marks]


This question related to the material from Dr Crespo-Otero on hybrid methods and excited states.

The photochemistry of protonated Schiff bases in retinal is of great interest because they are part of rhodopsins, which are important for vision. The 2,4-pentadiene-iminium cation (PSB3) is widely  used as a  model  system for  retinal  protonated  Schiff  bases. The  photochemical process involves cis-trans photoisomerisation around the central double bond, which occurs through aS1-S0 conical intersection. To model this process accurately, it is important to include double  excitations.  An  investigation  of  the  excited  state  dynamics  of  PSB3  in  water  was performed using an additive QM/MM hybrid scheme and electrostatic embedding. The QM region comprised the PSB3 model at CASSCF[6,6]/6-31G* level of theory and the MM region included 300 water molecules simulated using the OPLSAA force field.

Scheme 2

Scheme 2

a.)  Explain  why  electrostatic  embedding  was  used  in  these  simulations  and  how  the QM/MM interactions are calculated in this scheme.                            [4 marks]

b.)  Calculate the number of additional one-electron terms included in the electrostatic embedding Hamiltonian.    [7 marks]

c.)  If  instead  of  water  n-hexane  is  considered  as  a  solvent,  would  it  appropriate  to perform the simulations employing mechanical embedding? Compare with respect to the simulations in water. Provide a concise rationale.   [3 marks]

d.)  Could you  briefly mention and justify a strategy to improve the description of the photochemistry of PSB3?     [2 marks]

e.)  The CASSCF active space comprised 6 electrons distributed across 6 π orbitals (3 π and 3 π*). Justify the selection of this specific active space.                             [3 marks]

f.)   For  a  CASSCF[6,6]  active space, draw a diagram for a single-excited and a double excited configuration. Only consider the electrons and orbitals in the active space. [6 marks]

g.)  Would be TDDFT a good methodology to investigate the photoisomerisation of PSB3.

Briefly explain. [2 marks]

h.)  Do  you  need to go  beyond the  Born-Oppenheimer  approximation to  describe the photochemistry of PBSB3? Explain.   [3 marks]