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Sustainability and Ethics Report


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Sustainability and Ethics Report


This assignment is concerned with some of the issues you covered in the Ethics and Sustainability lectures, but it is also

1. A writing exercise, using skills that were covered in classes on writing

2. A research exercise, using research skills, presenting an argument and explanation

In writing the report you should consider how you use the research you do, the technical argument, explanation, the structure, and an understanding of sustainability and ethics.

In particular, it requires you to think through a sustainability case study and the ethical issues it raises.  In writing your report ask yourself how you would persuade someone who does not necessarily share your perspectives and values to do the right thing.


Step 1 – Choose a topic

Identify your subject.

You are going to write a report describing the sustainability profile of a material or component in an electronic product and discuss steps that could be taken to make it more sustainable.  Use the life cycle stages that were discussed in the lecture to structure your report.  As you write you should identify any ethical issues that arise in each of the life cycle stages (the extraction of raw materials, manufacture, transport, use, and end of life).

Start by finding an appropriate topic.

First, you must choose specific material or component that is commonly used in an electrical or electronic product.  Possible topics are listed below, but you may wish to find one of your own.

· A component or material used in the manufacture of mobile phones

· A component or material used in the manufacture of electric vehicles

· A component or material used in the manufacture of laptop computers

· A microprocessor – this is a component of other products (choose one product that uses microprocessors)

· A motor – this is component of other products (choose one product that uses motors)

Ethical issues raised by your sustainability profiles might include:

· Outsourcing of unsustainable, unsafe, or damaging manufacturing processes to less developed countries

· Production of toxic by-products or waste

· Exportation of waste products from well-developed countries to less-developed countries

· Use of poorly paid workers in developing economies

Do not choose an example given in the lectures.

Step 2 - Research

Research your subject.

Find anything you can on a material/component/product that is unsustainable in some way and think through any ethical issues that are raised in the manufacture, use and disposal of this item.

Step 3 – The Question

You are an engineer working for a company that is investigating ways to improve the sustainability of their products.  They manufacture electronic products that currently include some unsustainable components or materials.  You have been asked to write a report that investigates the sustainability profile of one product through all the stages of the product life cycle.   Since electronic products are so complex, you should choose just one component or material used in the product and focus on that.  Your manager  has asked you to suggest next steps that could improve sustainability and that you highlight any ethical issues arising from making, using or disposing of this product.

Before you start writing, make sure to review all the resources for the classes on Writing available on the DP&S Moodle page (ENGF0002) - https://moodle.ucl.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=22923

Now, write a report that does the following:

1. Describes the sustainability profile an electronic product focusing on one material or component used in the product (from the list in Step 1).

2. Say why the material/component is used and what it does in this product.

3.  Using headings from the product life cycle, describe any sustainability issues that arise from each stage of the life cycle (see template below).

4. Recommend next steps that would help to improve the sustainability of the component/material.

5. Highlight at least one ethical problem that arises from your discussion of this product.  This may occur at one or more of the life stages which you have described.  Suggest ways in which the ethical problem might be rectified.

4. Your report should include an introduction, conclusion, and references to any sources you used.

5. Persuades management that action needs to be taken