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600426 Financial Control Assignment 1 2023/2024


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The Business School

Level 6 Examination

Assignment 1


Financial Control

DEADLINE: January 13th 2024

Assignment Questions:

Q1 Critically evaluate Puente Hills Toyota (PHT) performance measures and incentive systems (PMIS) use in rewarding managers. Please note your answer should include;

(a) Discussions using the criteria for evaluating reward systems or incentive schemes (20 marks)

(b) Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the performance measures incentive systems used by Puente Hills Toyota (PHT). (20 marks)

(c) What changes will you recommend to improve Puente Hills Toyota (PHT) performance measures and incentive systems (PMIS) use in rewarding managers (20 marks)

(Tips: You can begin answering this question by (i)Explaining performance measures and  incentives  systems  (PMIS)  (ii)identifying  the  weaknesses  in  the performance measures and incentive systems (PMIS) used by PHT company. (iii) identifying the company’s critical success factors or key performance indicators (iv) indicating who has/have the authority in each of these critical areas (v) identify the advantages and disadvantages of the performance measures and reward system used by PHT. (vi) discuss and recommend changes that have to be made in the PHT company PMIS.

Q2 Are Balance Scorecards Valuable or Is this a step too far and too costly? Using examples from the Puente Hills Toyota (PHT) company case, critically discuss the above statement. (40 Marks)

(Tips: You can begin answering this question by (i)Explaining the meaning of balance score card (ii)evaluate Puente Hills Toyota performance measures from the following perspectives; (a) Financial perspective (b) Customer perspective (c) Business process perspectives and (d) learning and growth perspectives (iii) Use examples from the PHT case to support your arguments.

Please note the Puente Hills Toyota (PHT) case study can be found in the pdf version of the online management control textbook in canvas (see pages 58 – page 70)



This grading criterion is designed to give you insight into what is expected concerning academic achievement at each grading classification level used on this module.

(i) Excellent outcome: 1st 70%+

Identified and critically discuss all the relevant requirements to the questions. Ability to apply key concepts to answering the questions asked. Ability to provide logical and convincing arguments in answering all sections of the questions. Can critically argue (i.e. for and against) thus demonstrating in-depth knowledge about Performance measures and incentives systems and balance scorecard. Ability to demonstrate in-depth understanding of all key concepts and ability to show in-depth or wider reading. Excellent references use throughout the answers. Excellent presentation grammatically with no spelling errors.

(ii) Above-average outcome: 2:1 60-69%

Identified and critically discuss most of the relevant requirements to the questions. Ability to apply some key concepts to answering the questions asked. Ability to provide reasonably logical and convincing arguments in answering all sections of the questions. Can critically argue (i.e. for and against) thus demonstrating in-depth knowledge about Performance measures and incentives systems and balance scorecard. Ability to demonstrate in-depth understanding of most key concepts and ability to show in-depth or wider reading. Very good references use throughout the answers. Very good presentation grammatically with little or no spelling errors.

(iii) Average outcome: 2:2 50-59%

Identified and discuss most of the relevant requirements to the questions. Ability to apply some key concepts to answering the questions asked. Ability to provide average arguments in answering all sections of the questions. Can argue (i.e. for and against) thus demonstrating in-depth knowledge about Performance measures and incentives systems and balance scorecard. Ability to demonstrate in-depth understanding of most key concepts and ability to show in-depth or wider reading. Some good references use throughout the answers. Some good presentation grammatically with some few spelling errors.

(iv) Satisfactory outcome: 3rd 40-49%

Identified and provide satisfactory answers to the questions. Ability to apply some key concepts to answering the questions asked satisfactorily. Ability to provide satisfactory arguments in answering all sections of the questions. Can argue (i.e. for and against) thus demonstrating satisfactory knowledge about Performance measures and incentives systems and balance scorecard. Ability to demonstrate satisfactory understanding of most key concepts. Satisfactory references use throughout the answers. Satisfactory presentation grammatically with some spelling errors.

(v) Unsatisfactory outcome: Fail 0-39%

Lack of identification and description of the relevant information involved in the case study with no evaluation of the PHT’s system of measuring, evaluating, and rewarding the performances of the managers, and on the whole descriptive. Inappropriate arguments (i.e. for and against) that demonstrate a lack of understanding in executive scorecards. May have omitted sections/key points. Showed no breadth of research coupled with poor referencing. Presentation of assignment to a very poor standard. Consistent errors of grammar and spelling which may detract from the overall clarity of meaning.

Evidence of wider reading and academic referencing is expected and will influence marks awarded.