关键词 > CIS2031-N

CIS2031-N Artificial Intelligence


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Module Title:


Artificial Intelligence

Module Leader: Dr Alessandro Di Stefano

 Module Code:        CIS2031-N

Assignment Title:



Investigating existing AI products and designing a new AI solution

Deadline Date:         11/01/2024

Deadline Time:        5:00pm

Submission Method:

Online (Blackboard)    Middlesbrough Tower



Online Submission Notes:

 •    Please follow carefully the instructions given on the Assignment Specification

•   When Extenuating Circumstances (e.g., extension) has been granted, a fully

completed and signed Extenuating Circumstances form must be submitted to the School Reception or emailed to [email protected].

Central Assignments Office (Middlesbrough Tower M2.08) Notes:

•   All work (including DVDs etc) needs to be secured in a plastic envelope or a folder and clearly marked with the student’s name, number and module title.

•   An Assignment Front Sheet should be fully completed before the work is submitted.

•   When Extenuating Circumstances (e.g., extension) has been granted, a fully

completed and signed Extenuating Circumstances form must be submitted to the School Reception or emailed to [email protected].



Artificial Intelligence


In-course Assessment

Overview of Requirements

Assessment for Artificial Intelligence (CIS2031-N) requires you to investigate existing AI products, evaluating the use of Artificial  Intelligence (AI) in recent and well-known products (for example, products by Google, Amazon etc.)’. Then, you are requested to design and implement a new solution to a specific problem of your choice and develop a framework solution using AI techniques.

Assessment will be via developing a conference style document and the production of artefacts or examples.

The implemented AI solutions will be assessed by a single in-course assessment consisting of two elements:

•    The first element (60%) will be evaluated through an assignment on ‘Evaluating the use of AI in recent and well-known products  (for example, products  by Google, Amazon etc.)’. The students  should  demonstrate their knowledge and   understanding  though  developing  a conference-style document with a word limit of 2,000 words [60 points].

•    The second element (40%) consists of selecting a specific problem of the student’schoice and develop a solution or a portfolio of solutions  using AI techniques. Assessment will  be via production of a report with a word limit of 4,000 words, an artefact or examples, consisting of either a single AI solution or a portfolio of work (usually 2-3), demonstrating application of the AI techniques to one or a small collection of real-world case studies chosen by students (see section ‘Requirements for the AI solution’ for further details). Moreover, students are required to produce brief voiceover walk-through video (between 2 minutes and 5 minutes), showing and demonstrating what has been done in this second element of the  ICA.   [40 points].

Further details are given below and there will be a supporting briefing session on the ICA.

Submission of materials must be made via Backboard to the link provided. The submission date is specified in the submission schedule. 

Requirements for the AI solution

Your assessment requires you to produce two artefacts and a walk-through video:

1.    Investigating existing AI product [60 points]

Exploration of the current state-of-the-art of Artificial Intelligence products, evaluation of the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques in recent and well-known products (for example, products by Google, Amazon etc.)’. Students are required to critically evaluate the scientific literature, understanding how these existing AI solutions have been thought, and the main motivations and reasoning behind the implemented AI techniques. The students should demonstrate  their  knowledge  and understanding though developing a conference-style document or report with a word limit of 2,000 words. This first element will assess learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3.

2.    Designing a new AI solution [40 points]

Design and implement AI techniques to a real-world case study of students’ choice. Provide  a  reflection  on  your  module  experience  and  how  you  met  the  in-course assessment requirements. Students could decide either to work on a single project or submit a portfolio of work demonstrating application of the AI techniques to a small collection (usually 2-3) of real-world case studies chosen by students. In this second case, the  problems will  be  negotiated  and  agreed  with  the  tutor, and the  number required will be based upon the size and complexity of them. Your report (equivalent to 4,000 words) should document your learning and personal development, providing evidence (e.g., screenshots or images of practical or in-course assessment work) where appropriate to support your solution. You should concentrate on what you learned and how your knowledge and skill developed as you addressed the in-course assessment and module content. Document the challenges you encountered and what you did to resolve them. You could also consider  how your experience may affect your future studies  and  employment  options  or  choices.  You  could  also  design  a  personal development learning plan based on yourself-evaluation. This should be in the form of a  MS  Word  or  PDF  document  or  an  alternative  document  in  a  readable  format. Moreover, in this second element, you will also upload the file containing all the source code of your solution (e.g., the .r and/or .ipnby file(s)), and please submit also the other files used for your experiments in a readable format. As part of the second element, the student will also  produce a voice over  brief walk-through video  (between  2  and  5 minutes), showing and demonstrating what has been done in the second element of the ICA. It is expected that the student will introduce his work and discuss what has been  achieved.  It  is  also  recommended  that  the  student  highlights  the  issues  and limitations encountered during implementation. This second element will meet all the learning outcomes 4, 5 and 6.

Learning Outcomes

Personal and Transferable Skills

1.   Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current research and important topics in state-of- the-art AI techniques

2.  Discuss real-life problems suitable for AI to solve along with probable design and implementation issues.

3.  Analyse, discuss and present a topic using balanced and logical arguments supported by references to appropriate academic research papers.

Research, Knowledge and Cognitive skills

4.   Demonstrate an understanding of the key issues involved in the application of AI techniques to real life problems.

5.  Develop feasible solutions to a given AI related problem using widely used computing tool.

Professional skills

6.  Solve practical problems with appropriate AI techniques and algorithms.