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Term Assignment #1 Rubric


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Term Assignment #1 Rubric

(10% of your final grade)


You will develop a hypothetical research experiment that examines the effectiveness of a best practice exam study program (or method) for first year university students. This assignment should be submitted by Sunday December 3, 2023, by 11:55pm at the latest. The assignment should include the following sections:

(1) Title page: A title page with the title of your term assignment, course number, your name and student ID number. This should be in APA format.

(2) Rationale for Study: A concise overview of the relevant scientific literature on best-practice study habits for university students, as well ashow your hypothetical study expands on this prior literature. You should also discuss the potential theoretical or real-world implications of your hypothetical study.

(3) Objectives & Hypotheses: A description of the main goals of your hypothetical  study, along with your expected findings.

(4) Research Methodology: An overview of the participants you will be recruiting, variables (e.g., independent vs. dependent variables) you are testing, research materials and research procedures in your study.

(5) Ethical Considerations: A summary of how you will ensure that your hypothetical study

will be administered ethically and respect the rights of the participants. (6) Reference List: In American Psychological Association (APA) format.

Assignment Length & Format: For this assignment, you will submit either a term paper OR a PowerPoint presentation (not both).

•   If you chose to submit a paper, then the paper should be a maximum of 4-pages in length (not including the title page or reference list) using double-spacing and 12-point Times New Roman font.

•   If you choose to develop a PowerPoint presentation instead of the paper, this assignment should be around 10 to 12-minutes in length. In addition to having informative and stylized slides, you  should  also incorporate  audio  of yourself  explaining  the content  in  your presentation. Short videos are permitted as examples. However, I am most interested in hearing your perspectives and arguments.

•   At the end of each assignment, you should append a reference section that lists the sources of all materials (and only those materials) cited in your paper or presentation. Use APA style (7th edition) for formatting your paper and references.

Assignment Deadline: This assignment is worth  10%  of your  final  grade, and it  should be submitted over OWL by Sunday December 3, 2023, by 11:55pm at the latest.

Additional Requirements for Term Assignment #1

APA style must be used when formatting your assignments. For those submitting term papers, APA formatting  should  be used  for  the title page, headers, in-text  citations  and reference list. For those choosing to submit a PowerPoint presentation, then APA formatting should be used for the in-text citations and reference list.

•   A minimum of 3 peer-reviewed and scholarly scientific resources should be used for your term assignment.

•   Your assignments should be proofread with the spelling and grammar checked thoroughly.

•   Your assignments should NOT BE PLAGIARIZED. According to the American Psychological Association (2020), if you use four or more words in a row verbatim that are the author’s original words, you must then use quotation marks and cite the author. When you paraphrase information, you give a citation without using quotation marks. Below is an example of an APA formatted book reference:

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style (Seventh Edition.). American Psychological Association.

In general, your assignment grades will be based on:

-    Accurate use and application of the scientific literature and course material.

-    Writing and presentation style (clear, concise and organized).

-    Following instructions regarding content and formatting.

Once your assignment has been submitted, it cannot be returned until it has been graded (i.e., students cannot re-submit an assignment even if the due date has not passed). Thus, please double check that the version you submit is the final version of your assignment.

Late Policy

Late submissions (i.e., even hour minute late) will lose 10% per day, including weekend days. Late assignments handed in over 7 days late will receive a grade of 0 and will not be marked. To avoid being late, make sure your assignment is submitted via OWL well in advance of 11:55pm on Sunday December 3, 2023. Make sure you plan ahead to avoid any possible technical problems that may arise or any last-minute illnesses.

Grading Criteria

Grading Category


1.   Rationale for Study


2.   Objectives & Hypotheses


3.   Proposed Research Methodology


4.   Ethical Considerations


5.   Writing/Presentation Style


6.   Use of Scientific Literature


7.   APA Formatting


