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ESL 90 Fall 2023


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ESL 90 Fall 2023

Essay 4 At a Glance

In essay #3, you explained how implicit bias can negatively affect behavior and have damaging consequences by restating some of the main points in chapters 5,6, and 8 of Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People.  You also imagined a possible real-life scenario in which you described mitigation strategies to reduce (ways to lessen the negative effect of) implicit bias.  In this essay, we will uncover how implicit bias has impacted women in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics) here in the United States.  You will include in your analysis some suggestions on how more women could be encouraged to join and stay employed in STEM jobs in the hopes of increasing STEM technologies to benefit all humans as well as providing a more just, egalitarian society.

Main Goals for Essay 4

● Create an academic argument that establishes a position on a current real-life issue

● Synthesize information from provided multiple texts from at least three sources (two of which are the nonfiction book Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People and the movie Hidden Figures) to help support this argument.

Texts for Essay 4

● Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People by Mahzarin R Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald.  

● The movie Hidden Figures (and here is the script)

● “The STEM Gap: Women and Girls in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics” AAAU (American Association of University Women) website.

● “Why so Few? Women in Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering” by AAUW

● “Solving the Equations” by AAUW

● ‘The Simple Truth About The Gender Pay Gap” by AAUW

● Young Girls Are Less Apt To Think That Women Are Really, Really Smart” by Katherine Hobson

● “Women of color in tech aren’t just underrepresented, they’re also undervalued” by Joan Williams

● “The 5 Biases Pushing Women Out of Stem” by Joan C. Williams

● “How to Design Gender Bias Out of Your Workplace” TED video by Sara Sanford

● “How to Reduce Bias in Your Workplace” TED video by Kim Scott & Trier Byrant

Essay 4 Prompt

What is “The STEM Gap” and why does it exist? Why and how shall we, as a society, increase more STEM opportunities for women?  In your argument, use Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, the movie Hidden Figures, one or more of the other texts above, and your own critical ideas for support.


● Length: 5-6 writing pages, plus a cited page, which makes it 6-7 pages.

● 25% of your final grade

Turn-in Procedures

● In-class outlining and drafting Tuesday 12/5

● In-class outlining and drafting Thursday 12/7

● One on One conferences with Tiffany and Kelly Tuesday 12/12

● One on One conferences with Tiffany and Kelly Thursday 12/14

● ELC Conference Friday 12/15 @ 2:00PM

● Peer Review Tuesday 12/19

● Final draft (full essay, edited for language): Sunday 12/24 

Essay #4 Rubric

Content (50 points)


The essay has a well-focused thesis (claim) that argues why and how women should be involved in more STEM education and careers in the United States


The essay explains what the STEM Gap is to the reader in a clear and concise way using evidence as support.


The essay effectively argues why and how women can become in and stay involved in more STEM education and careers in the United States


Source integration – The author integrates ideas (quotes or paraphrases) from the approved list of sources above  to strengthen the writer’s argument.

Organization (25 points)


The introduction paragraph(s) captures the reader’s attention, introduces the concept and gives background that conveys the overall focus of the essay.


The body paragraphs show clear and effective organization, and have clear idea progression and relationship between paragraphs. The paper uses appropriate transitions that allows the reader to move easily from one idea to the next.


The concluding paragraph readdresses the thesis nicely and completes the discussion.

Language / Grammar (20 points)


The essay has been edited for language and grammar, language errors do not interfere w/communication.


 the writer effectively uses at least 3 quality paraphrases in the essay, 2 academic templates, and 5 FANBOYS

Format & Title  (5 points)


Effective use of MLA format


A unique, catchy title


Total Possible Points for the paper

Writing Process (20 points)


The student was engaged and wrote for the entire 2 hours on the 1st writing day


The student submitted a revised draft AND was engaged and wrote for the entire 2 hours on the 2nd writing day


Peer Review session attended AND revised draft submitted before the review session


One-on-one conferences: The writer brought a revised draft to the one-on-one instructor/tutor conference


ELC Conference Completed


Total Points (100 for the paper and 25 points for the process)

ELC - English Language Center Signature Form, Essay 4, ESL 90                 

Writing Conference Instructor’s full name:


Date and time of your visit:



● The signature form must be completed by the day you submit your final draft.  

● This sheet must be signed, dated, and completed in order to receive 5 process points for your essay

● You can only get credit for one formal conference per writing assignment, but I encourage you to meet with an instructor more than once during your writing process.

Main Goals for Essay 1

For this assignment, here is the prompt: 

1. Why and how shall we, as a society, increase more STEM opportunities for women?  In your argument, use Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, the movie Hidden Figures, some of the other texts above, and your own critical ideas as evidence.  

Before Your Conference

Here, before your conference, prepare two specific questions about your essay that the ELC instructor can help you with.  Write them down BEFORE your conference below:






After Your Conference

Use the space below to explain what you learned and how you will change your draft based on your conference: