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BIOS3024 Example Exam Questions for Applied Bioethics 1


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Example Exam Questions for Applied Bioethics 1 (BIOS3024): Animals, Biotechnology and Society (Exam - January 2024)

1         Format for the Applied Bioethics 1: Animals, Biotechnology and Society Exam Paper (January 2024)

APPLIED BIOETHICS 1: Animals, Biotechnology and Society (2023-2024)

Answer TWO questions from a choice of THREE questions.

800 words per question.  Not including references

Please note: You will have 24 hours to complete the open book exam paper

2         Example Exam Questions

Please find below example exam questions for AB1.

1.  Discuss three different theories of ethics, providing examples of how different theories might be employed in both supporting and criticising the human use  of farm animals. Give at least one example.

2.  Describe the Three Rs concept proposed by Russell and Burch in 1959. With reference to legislation, describe and discuss how this concept is applied in practice, providing examples, and critically assess the application of this concept in decisions to use animals in experimentation.

3.  Describe and discuss the concept of animal welfare. Describe the principles and criteria applied in any animal welfare assessment.  Critically assess the concepts of positive welfare and the notion of ‘ a life worth living’.

4.  Discuss the ways in which utilitarian and deontological reasoning may be used to i) support and ii) oppose the use of live animals in experimentation. Indicate the limitations of each theory and discuss the role of ethical analysis in the regulation of animal experiments.

5.  Describe the Ethical Matrix (EM) and discuss the use of this method. Give an example of how the EM might be used to assess the ethical issues raised by a named biotechnology.

6.  Describe the ethical theories that underpin the ethical framework, the Ethical Matrix. Critically assess the strengths and limitations of this framework and  how it might be applied to assess the ethical issues raised by a novel animal biotechnology.

7.  With reference to animal welfare, discuss the difference between the concept of ‘a life worth living’ and a good life for an animal. With reference to at least   one example, discuss the role of animal law in defining a good life for an animal.