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COMP 636: Web App Assessment


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COMP 636: Web App Assessment

Milestone submission due: 5pm Wednesday 24 January 2024

Final submission due: 5pm Wednesday 14 February 2024

Worth:  50% of COMP636 grade

Submit via Akoraka | Learn, with files set up and available on GitHub and pythonanywhere.


Selwyn Panel Beaters have decided that they want to upgrade their internal system from the text-   based system to a web-based system. Your task is to develop a small Web Application to help them manage customers,jobs, services, parts and billing. You will also write a report.

In the existing system, Selwyn Panel Beaters record multiple items (services, parts) by entering them multiple times. In the web system they want to be able to enter a single job for a vehicle and then record the quantities of services and parts within that job.

There are two different types of users who will use the system. The first is a technician who can select a customer job and add services and parts to that job.

The second is an office administrator who can book (create) jobs, add customers, services and parts, bill customers and enter payments.

Download the Web Application Project Files from the Assessment block on the Learn page. These will get you started, including for the Milestone. You will add more routes and templates as you develop   your app.


This is an individual assessment. You may not collaborate or confer with others. You

may help others by verbally explaining concepts and making suggestions in general

terms, but without directly showing or sharing your own code. You must develop the logical structure and the detail of your code on your own, even if you are working

alongside others. Code that is copied or shares a similar logic to others will receive zero marks for both parties. The University policy on Academic Integrity can be foundhere.

Functional Requirements

There will be two interfaces:

•   An interface for the technicians as the main users of the system. This allows technicians to update customer jobs with parts and services.

•   An Administrator interface for admin staff to use to update, edit and add data. This interface requires administrators to access the system via a link from the menu system (do not add password functionality – security would be added to a full system to restrict access, but will lose marks if added for this assessment). The Admin link will provide a gateway to the Admin features. The Admin features must not be visible in any of the technician interface (apart from the Admin linkin the menu).

Technician Interface on the default / route

Current Jobs: Change the currentjobs page to display the customer’s name, rather than the ID only. Modify or tidy the template as appropriate. This page only shows jobs that are not completed.

Job: A job is selected (via a link) from the currentjobs page. On this page services and parts can be added to a job. The technician can select apart or service from existing lists (which are maintained by the Admins). The technician enters the number of units of each part or service used (e.g., 2 headlights or 1 respray). This page should also show the services and parts that   have already been used in the job. A job can also be marked as completed.

After a job is marked complete, the job total cost is calculated. Once a job is marked complete it cannot be modified.

Administrator Interface

Customer list: Display a list of customers, ordered by surname, then by first name.

Customer search: Search for customers by first name or surname, allowing for partial text matches.  Order the results appropriately.

Add customer: Add a new customer to the system (surname, phone number and email address are required fields)

Add Service: Add a new service to the system (name and cost are required)

Add Part: Add a new part to the system (name and cost are required)

Schedule Job: Select a customer and a date for the job to be booked for. The date must be today or in the future. Only the date is required – a time on that day is not required.

Unpaid bills & Pay Bills: Shows all unpaid bills in date then customer order, which can be filtered by customer. A bill can then be selected so that it can be marked as paid by the Admin. Bills that are paid should not show on the list.

Billing History & Overdue Bills: A report showing all bills that, with bills that are unpaid more than 14 days after the date of the job highlighted in red. The display should include the customer details, the date of the job, the total cost of the job. Bills should be grouped by customer, so that the customer details are only shown once above the list of bills for that customer. Customers should be shown in lastname, first name order. Bills should be shown with the oldest bill first.


Your report must be created using GitHub Markdown format and saved in the README.md file of your GitHub repository. It does not need to be a formal report – a tidy document using the following headings will be sufficient. Write a brief project report that includes:

Web application structure:

o Outline the structure of your solution (routes & functions, and templates).  This should be brief and can be text-based or a diagram (as animage).

o It must indicate how your routes, functions and templates relate to each other, as well as what data is being passed between them.

o Do not just give a list of your routes.  Do not include all of your code.  This relates to the code, not the user experience – so do not describe the interface, user experience or HTML layout.

Design decisions:

o Discuss the design decisions you made when designing and developing your app: what design options you weighed up, why you designed your app the way that you did, your decisions about the routes, templates, navigation, broad layout, etc., that you made.

o For example, when the edit button is clicked on a page, does that open a different template for editing or does it use the same template with IF statements to enable the editing? Did     you use GET or POST to request and send data, and how and why? You will have considered many design possibilities. These are only two examples.

o Note your decisions as you work, so you do not forget them!

Database questions:  Refer to the supplied spb_local.sql file to answer the following questions:

1.    What SQL statement creates the job table and defines its fields/columns? (Copy and paste the relevant lines of SQL.)

2.    Which line of SQL code sets up the relationship between the customer and job tables?

3.    Which lines of SQL code insert details into the partstable?

4.    Suppose that as part of an audit trail, the time and date a service or part was added to a job needed to be recorded, what fields/columns would you need to add to which tables? Provide the table name, new column name and the data type. (Do not implement this change in your app.)

5.    Suppose loginswere implemented. Why is it important for technicians and the office administrator to access different routes?  As part of your answer, give two specific examples of problems that could occur if all of the web app facilities were available to everyone.

Image sources: It is not necessary to use any external images in your web app, but if you do, ensure you reference the image source in your report.

Data Model

Model Notes:

Child table.field *

(refers to)

Parent table.field











* the ‘Foreign Key’

Project Requirements

You must:

•   Use only the COMP636 technologies (Python & Flask, Bootstrap CSS, MySQL). Do not use SQLAlchemy or ReactJS (or other similar technologies) in your solution.

Do not use any scripts, including JavaScript, except for the <script> at the bottom of base.html. Do

not write your own CSS (use Bootstrap).

•   Use the provided SQL files to create the database within your MySQL database & PythonAnywhere.  This also creates initial data in the database.

o You can re-run this SQL script at anytime to reset your data back to the original version and remove any changes you made to it.

•   Use the provided files to develop a Flask Webapp that:

Must be in a folder called ‘spb’ (locally and on pythonanywhere)

o Meets the functional requirements.

o Is appropriately commented.

o Connects to your database.

o Uses %s to insert values into SQL statements.

o Provides appropriate routes for the different functions.

o Provides templates and incorporates HTML forms to take input data.

o Uses Bootstrap CSS to provide styling and formatting.

•   Include your report as outlined above.

o This report must be created using GitHub Markdown and saved in the README.md file of your GitHub repository.

•   Create aprivate GitHub repository that contains:

o All Python, HTML, images and any other required files for the web app.

o A requirements.txt file showing the required pip packages.

o Your project report as the README.md document.

o Your repository must have a .gitignore file and therefore not have a copy of your virtual environment.

o Add lincolnmac ([email protected]) as a collaborator to your GitHub repository.

o Your repository must show a minimum of two commits per week after the milestone submission.

•   Host your system (including database) using pythonanywhere.

o Add lincolnmacas your teacher” via Account > Education.

o The webapp must be in a folder called ‘spb’