关键词 > ELEC0136

ELEC0136-Data Acquisition and Processing Systems


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Objective: As a data analyst for an e-commerce company (e.g., Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, eBay, etc) offering a diverse range of products, your task is to identify relevant data sources to (1) improve the understanding of customer needs, (2) boost customer loyalty, and (3) enhance overall sales.

Instructions: Identify and describe the data sources you would use to achieve the objectives outlined above. You can consider sources such as user data, web analytics, customer feedback, and social media. You can also use Week 1 slides for guidance. Explain your choice of each source and strategy.

Address Which, What, Why, and How: Be sure to address the following aspects:

Which e-commerce company did you pick?

What data sources and strategies would you use?

Why have you chosen these sources and strategies?

What advantages do they offer?

How will these data sources and strategies be implemented to enhance customer insights, retention, and sales?

Plagiarism Notice: Originality is crucial. Therefore, please make sure to cite your sources (e.g., research papers, web links, ChatGPT, Quora, etc.) properly. If you discover that a peer has already submitted a similar response to the case study, you should consider revising your answer to make it distinct. You can do this by focusing on different aspects of the problem, using alternative data sources or strategies, or providing unique insights. Plagiarism or submitting nearly identical responses is typically discouraged and can result in penalties. It's important to maintain academic integrity and ensure your response is original and well-differentiated from your peers' work. If in doubt, contact your instructor for guidance on how to proceed.

Resource Citing: If you refer to facts from external resources, provide proper citations. Your response will be assessed based on the feasibility and relevance of your proposed data sources and strategies.

Word Limit: Respond to the use-case using a maximum of 500 words. References/citations do not count in the word limit.