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CPT109 C programming and SW engineering 1 Lab Practice 3a – Basic Operations


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CPT109 C programming and SW engineering 1

Lab Practice 3a - Basic Operations

Use your preferred compiler to investigate the programming exercises below. In each case, try to work out what the programs or sections of code will do BEFORE you compile and run the code. This will help you to test your understanding. Note Exercise 1 is a mathematics question; it does not require you to write any code.

Binary Numbers

Exercise 1

Choose four numbers between 0 and 255 and write them in the table below in binary and hexadecimal form.

Decimal number

Binary number














Operator Precedence, Associativity and Type Casting

Exercise 2

Assume all variables are of type int. Find the value of each of the following variables:

a) x = (12+6) / 2 * 3;

b) y = x = (2+3) / 4;

c) y = 3 + 2 * (x=7/2);

Exercise 3

Assume all variables are of type int. Find the value of each of the following variables:

a) x = (int) 3.8 + 3.3;

b) x = (2+3) * 10.5;

c) x = 22.0 * (int)3/10;

d) x = 22.0 * (int)(3/10);

Exercise 4

Write a working program that calculates each expression given in Exercise 2 and 3, in turn, and prints the result after each computation. Compile and run the program. Does the program produce the results you anticipated?

For example:

x = 3 * 4 + 2 / 3;                                               /* compute  expression  */

printf(“the result of the above is = %d” , x);          /* print expression  */

                                                                           /* compute next expression here, etc… */

Exercise 5

Try to figure out what values the following program will output; do the following:

.    Write them down next to each executing line that generates an output.

.    Compile and run the program.

.    Write the values printed on the screen.

.    Does the program produce the results you anticipated?




int a = 1, b = 1, aplus, plusb;

aplus = a++;

plusb = ++b;

printf(“a aplus plusbb \n”);

printf(“%1d \t%5d \t%5d \t%5d\n”, a, aplus, plusb, b );


Note the numbers between % and the conversion character d in printf(). The number indicates the minimum field width (number of digits). For %f conversions it is possible to indicate the precision you want to display the floating-point number. For example:


/*will display 5 digits to the right of the decimal point of my_float.*/

The increment and decrement operators have a very high precedence of association. Only parentheses “( )” are higher. Therefore x*y++ means (x)*(y++). The increment and decrement operators affect a variable (unary operators) - not a combination of variables. Do not confuse precedence with the order of evaluation!

Exercise 6

Suppose you have the following:

y = 2;

n = 3

result = (y + n++) * 6;

What value does result get? Remember that the nature of the increment operator (postfix or prefix) determines when the value of n is changed!

Playing with strings

Exercise 7

Compile and run the following program. Write down what the program output will be.

#include <stdio.h>

#define PRAISE "you look great today :-)"



char name[40];

printf(“What is your name?\n”);

scanf("%s", name);

printf(“Hello, %s. %s\n”, name, PRAISE);
