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CAN209 Advanced Electric Circuits and Electromagnetics CW2


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CAN209        Advanced Electric Circuits and Electromagnetics        CW2

Lab: Measurements and Circuit Analysis

Module:      CAN209, Advanced Electric Circuits and Electromagnetics

Components:         Part A (Same for all groups)                        50%

Part B (Different boxes for each group) 50%

Grouping: 4 students per group

Deadline: 00:01 2023/11/21 softcopy only, uploaded on Core


You MUST have your attendance recorded to receive a mark.

Formatting Requirements

You must fulfil each formatting requirement listed below. The percentage point penalty that maybe applied for failing to meet each of the requirements is highlighted on each line below. Formatting penalties will not reduce your mark below 40%.

1.   The entire submitted document must be saved in Microsoft Office Word.

2.   The assignment  must have   a filename in this format: Group  Number.docx (10 percentage points).

e.g., Group 3, filename: G03.docx.

Group 20,then filename: G20.docx

3.   The main text of the assignment must use 1.5 line spacing (5 percentage points).

4.   The main text of the assignment must use Times New Roman font with the font size of 12 point (5 percentage points).

5.   The assignment must include page numbers (5 percentage points).

6.   Handwriting is not acceptable (10 percentage points).

7.   Equations should be edited by the embedded Microsoft Equation Editor in Word or in Mathtype (10 percentage points).

8. Number equations consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses flush with the right margin, such as:

= 94.25 COS(t + 6Z) ̂(x) V/m (1)

(5 percentage points)

9.   Diagrams of Bode plots should be generated by software: EXCEL, MATLAB, or ORIGIN (10 percentage points).

10. You MUST use the cover page template provided on core. Fill it in, scan it, and

then attach it as the first page of your submission (5 percentage points).

11. Any citations should follow IEEE referencing style (5 percentage points).

XJTLU policy is -5% per day up to a total of 25%. Work submitted more than five working days late will receive a grade of zero.


Your  assignment must  be  entirely  your  groups  own  work. Plagiarism,  copying,

collusion, or dishonest use of data will be penalised. Penalties ranging from capped scores to an award of 0 (zero) will apply. Please refer to the University’s Academic Integrity Policy on E-bridgefor guidance. You can also contact the Module Leader if

there is any confusion about academic integrity.

Be advised that more serious instances of academic infringement will be presented at

exam boards, which can result in more serious actions.

Action 1: Measure the output voltage and complete a Table as shown below.

You should decide how many points you need to measure to accurately represent the frequency response (such as clearly showing the ‒ 3 dB points).

Frequency (Hz)

V1 (V)



(e.g,) 20

Action 2: Following Action  1,  provide  a bode plot  of 20log10(V1/Vin)  against  log frequency scale.

Action 3: Derive an equation of capacitance using the information related to the ‒ 3 dB point, calculate this capacitance’s value, and compare it with the actual value measured by DMM (Digital Multimeter). Show all of your working.

Action 4: Measure the output voltage and complete a Table as shown below.

You should decide how many points you need to measure to accurately represent the frequency response (such as clearly showing the ‒ 3 dB points and resonant point).

Frequency (Hz)

V1 (V)



(e.g,) 20

Action 5: Following Action 4, provide a bode plot of 20log10(V1/Vin) against log frequency scale.

Action 6: Derive equations for capacitance and inductance from theoretical analysis, calculate their values, and compare them with the actual component values measured

by DMM.

(Marks: 5+5+15+5+5+15=50)

Please double check the allocated box numbers on Core! Please complete the following Actions 7 & 8 for both boxes.

For BOX A (e.g., For BOX 06):

Action 7: For the first assigned box, complete a Table from DC measurements as shown

below and provide ALL possible circuit topologies for it.

Resistance between terminals




Action 8: Show how you determine the circuit inside your box by:

providing measured data in Tables (e.g., Table I: Experimental data when BD is short circuited).

providing Bode plots labelling all key parameters (e.g., resonant point).

determining all components’ values with analyses.

sketching the circuit topology with all components clearly labelled with values.

For BOX B (e.g., For BOX 47):

Action 7: For the second assigned box, complete a Table from DC measurements as

shown below and provide ALL possible circuit topologies for it.

Resistance between terminals




Action 8: Show how you determine the circuit inside your box by:

providing measured data in Tables (e.g., Table I: Experimental data when BD is short circuited).

providing Bode plots labelling all key parameters (e.g., resonant point).

determining all components’ values with analyses.

sketching the circuit topology with all components clearly labelled with values.

(Marks: 5+20+5+20=50)