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IBDP Computer Science Internal Assessment


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IBDP Computer Science Internal Assessment

Rubrics & Study Materials


Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Submission requirement ................................................................................................................................................ 2

Rubrics ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Timeline ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Student Checklist .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

References ................................................................................................................................................................... 9


Based on the knowledge and skills you learned in OOP-related topics (Option D) and the Introduction to Artificial Intelligent Unit, you are expected to develop an OOP program that includes some AI functions to help a client to solve a specified problem.

     Client: You can find anyone that needs an app to solve his/her problem as your client. Yourself can also be your client.

     Advisor:  An  appropriate  adult  should  work  as  your  adviser to  support  your  product development (could be your client or teachers).

     The Internal Assessment component (IA) accounts for 30% of the Standard Level grade and 20% of the Higher Level Grade.

     Overview of internal assessment (IBO, 2012):

Summary of the internal assessment task

30 hours of class time

Individual collaboration with specified client/adviser

Individual documentation

2,000 words (maximum)

Marked by the teacher

Externally moderated

30% of total marks for SL; 20% of total marks for HL

     Previous IA examples (with a web link to the students work and moderator ):

1.    Help a business owner to build a stock control system (link).

2.    Help a teacher to design a quiz game for children (link).

3.    Help a teacher to build a system for class activities in computer science class (link)

4.    Help a teacher to build a student grading record system (link).

5.    Help a student to build a A-level Biology quiz and review system (link).

6.    Help a teacher to build a computer lab time-table organizer (link).

Submission requirement

The internal assessment should consist of three parts (IBO, 2007):

1. A cover page

- In HTML format with relative hyperlinks to your product and documentation.

- Not included in the overall word count for the project, nor is its functionality assessed.

- Information to access or locate the product, for example, a username and password, must be provided in the cell on the cover page.

- The cover page must be called [cand_no]_[cand_name]_CoverPage.htm and be located in the top level folder.

2. The product, your OOP program

-- Your product should be fully functional and allows the moderator access to its complete internal structure.

3. The documentation including a video

-- The video must be in a commonly used format such as .avi or .wmv. All three of these must be submitted digitally for moderation.


Your OOP program is assessed using the following five criteria (IBO, 2012):

· planning

· solution overview


· Functionality and extensibility of product

·  Evaluation


Planning 6 marks

An appropriate scenario for investigation for an identified client, providing evidence of consultation, is described. The rationale for choosing the proposed product is justified and includes a range of appropriate criteria for evaluating the success of the product.


A client identified.

Evidence of consultation

A rationale for choosing the product and software.

Criteria for evaluate the final product s success


Solution overview 6 marks

The record of tasks and the design overview, including an outline test plan, are detailed and complete. From this information it is clear how the product was developed.


A record of tasks in 5 stages: plan, design, develop, test, and implement.

Design overview: overall structure, internal structures, and descriptions of specific elements.

Outline test plan, which address the criteria for success stated in criterion A


Development 12 marks

The use of techniques demonstrates a high level of complexity and ingenuity in addressing the scenario identified in criterion A. It is characterized by the appropriate use of existing tools. The techniques are adequate for the task and their use is explained. All sources are identified.


A video and appropriate appendix, which includes:

Screenshots to show a compatible product that matches with information in criterion A and B

A list of the techniques used in developing the product with explaination

Evidence of algorithmic thinking

Detailed account


Functionality and extensibility of product 4 marks

The video shows that the product functions well. Some expansion and modifications of the product are straightforward.


A video that addresses all the criteria for success listed in criterion A, use sufficient test data, and show evidence of changes made to data structures and/or files.

The documentation of any code involved.


Evaluation 6 marks

The product is fully evaluated against the success criteria identified in criterion A including feedback from the client/adviser. Recommendations for further improvement of the product are realistic.


Evaluation of the solution

Feedback from client/adviser with a thorough discussion

Recommendations for improvement with justification.


IA Flow chart (IBO, 2012)


Year 1:

March Deliverable 1: Documents - Scenario and Client, Client Interviews/Contact, Journal

May Deliverable 2: Documents - Journal, Scenario, Proposed Solution (half part of Criterion A)

June Deliverable 3: Documents - Journal, Scenario, Proposed Solution, Success Criteria (all Criterion A)

Year 2:

September  Deliverable  4:   Document-Solution  Overview,   Record  of  Tasks  and   Design  Overview (Criterion B)

November Deliverable 5: IA draft (Criteria A,B and Criterion C Development)

January Deliverable 6: Documents-Criteria A, B, C, D, E, Appendices, Video All IA work completed and handled to the teachers.

2nd week of February Deliverable 7: Cover Page HTML file packaged and deliverable, review.

End of February Deliverable 8: Final Product completed, packaged ready to be sent.

Student Checklist

Students should consider the following checklist (IBO, 2012) when completing the research report.

It is recommended that once each section  is completed the student uses the checklist to ensure he or she is on course.

A Planning

The scenario

A client and/or adviser has been identified.


A problem requiring a solution, or an unanswered question has been described.


The word count for the scenario is approximately 250.


Initial consultation with client and/or adviser

The evidence of consultation has been referred to in the scenario.


Any documentation associated with evidence of consultation has been linked to the cover page.


The proposed product

The proposed product has been identified.


The proposed product resolves the inadequacies identified or the unanswered question.


The justification of the proposed product is approximately 250 words.


Specific performance (success) criteria

Specific performance criteria have been drawn up that make it possible to evaluate the success of the product in criterion E.


B Solution overview

Record of tasks

The Record of tasks form has been used.


The Record of tasks form refers to the product proposed in criterion A.


The Record of tasks form has been updated during the lifetime of the solution.


The Record of tasks form provides a realistic plan and timeline for managing the solution, including the gathering of necessary information, the development of

the product and the testing process.


Design overview

The designs refer to the proposed product identified in criterion A and the Record of tasks form.


The designs include a range of design levels.


The design identifies a range of appropriate techniques and original thinking that will be used in the development of the product.


The designs are in sufficient detail to indicate how the product will function.


The test plan proposed addresses the main types of test appropriate to the

product and relates to the specific performance criteria identified in criterion A.


C Development

The different techniques used to develop the product have been identified.


The different algorithms used in the development of the product have been represented diagrammatically.


The product includes a range of appropriate techniques.


The appropriateness of the product structure has been justified.


The explanation of why the techniques in the product have been used, including screenshots, has been included.


All sources have been cited using an appropriate referencing style, for example, Harvard, MLA, and so on.


The technical documentation is approximately 1,000 words.