关键词 > Mathematica代写



Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit

You are expected to conduct a small, individual, research project into a subject of your own choice but closely related to Economics of Science topics of the module. The output of that project will take the form a written report of 1500-2500 words


You will be expected to write the report using the text-editing software, such as for example the Mathematica software package and to use the standard Essay format provided as a Mathematica notebook on Moodle. Sticking to an appropriate format will earn you 20 marks.


Your research project consists of

- Finding and exploring an interesting topic with a clear connection to one or more of the themes of the module,

- formulating a clear and concrete research question that can be answered either via a literature study and/or via modelling & simulation,

- reviewing a set of 10-15 relevant academic papers beyond those used in class, at least 3 of which are published after 2015,

- a well-argued and clearly written conclusions concerning your research question.


Your report should contain the following sections, or sufficiently analogous sections,

- Introduction: a discussion of any necessary amendments/changes to research question and/or research method.

- Method: Description your method of work: [1] when your method is that of a literature study you must discuss how you selected your sources, how you ensured the sources were sufficiently heterogenous / critical and how you weighed the different sources in terms of their credibility. [2] When your method was a modelling & simulation method, then you should discuss what model you used, how it compares to models in the literature, how you approached implementing / coding it, which checks you made to ensure the code works properly, and provide the code in an appendix.

- Results: Description of the 'raw results' of your work, i.e. describing the results without necessarily going much into interpretation issues.

- Discussion: critical discussion, interpretation & Conclusions

Each of these 4 sections must be present.