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MAT 210, Linear Algebra, WINTER 2024


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MAT 210, Linear Algebra, WINTER 2024

Hello!  I look forward to having a fruitful learning journey with you in Linear Algebra this semester.  Linear algebra is permeating more and more aspects of the sciences and many other fields.  Apart from mathematics, linear algebra comes into play wherever linear or approximately linear equations arise to model some situation.  In particular, linear algebra is essential for many branches of physics, computer science, chemistry, biology, data science, economics, engineering, social sciences and even literature and fine arts.  You will need to assimilate many new concepts and ideas in linear algebra which have an algorithmic and abstract nature.  The goals of this course are to develop a conceptual understanding of basic principles, to learn to use technology to analyze problems at hand and to learn to use the techniques of linear algebra to help solve real-world problems.  The point is not to memorize formulas or to blindly manipulate numbers, but to understand, analyze and be able to communicate major ideas of this subject.

Instructor: Dr. Seonja Kim  skim@middlesexcc.edu

Office: Center I, room 102

Office Hours : details are posted on Canvas in a separate file.

E book and other digital course materials:

-    e-book (WebAssign provides e-book): Ron Larson, Elementary Linear Algebra, 8th edition, Cengage

-    Learning Management System: WebAssign/ MindTap

Online Assignments (more details in separate files)): Using our class WebAssign (W/A) site: To register, goto the separate file ( ‘WebAssign Class Key…’) on Canvas and WebAssign:

Registration and Login Video

Contact Info of digital and technical support for W/A: posted as a separate file on Canvas

Table of Contents

Course Information

Textbook and Tech Requirements Policies

Help and Support

Tentative Weekly Schedule



p. 2-3

p. 3-4

P. 4-5

p. 5-6

P. 7-9

What’s this course about?

This course includes, but is not limited to, the topics of geometric vectors, vector spaces, systems of linear equations, determinants, linear transformations, matrix algebra, eigenvalues and eigenvectors,canonical forms and the application of matrices to the engineering, social, natural, computer, and management sciences.  Advanced topics include complex vector spaces, linear programming, stochastic processes, and numerical computations via the computer.  The   course also provides an overall view of the application of linear algebra in a variety of areas.

What will I get out of this course?  (Learning Outcomes)

Students are expected to gain the mastery of fundamental structure of the concepts as well as problem solving techniques and methods involving the following topics in Course Content Strand.

Content Strand Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to…


Systems of Linear Equations, Gaussian Elimination, Applications of Systems of Linear Equations

•     Solve systems of linear equations using multiple methods, including Gaussian elimination and matrix inversion.

•     Determine and calculate the matrix in row-echelon form or in reduced row-echelon form.

•     Model real-life problems into linear systems and solve them.


•     Perform matrix operations and compute their inverses.


     Use an inverse matrix to solve a linear system.

Operations with Matrices, properties of Matrix Operations, the

•     Find and use an LU decomposition to solve a system of linear

Inverse of Matrices, Elementary Matrices, Their Applications


including Marcov Chains, Stochastic Processes

•     Model real-life problems into matrices including stochastic processes and solve them.

The Determinant of a matrix, Determinants and Elementary

•     Compute the determinant of a matrix, a matrix product, an

Operations, Properties of Determinants, Applications of Determinants

inverse matrix, adjoint and transposed matrix.

•     Use determinants to find the solutions through Cramer’s rule,

the inverse matrix, area, volume, line & planar equations.






Vectors & Vector Spaces and Subspaces, Spanning Sets and Linear

Independence, Basis and Dimension, Rank and Nullity, Change of

Basis, Applications of Vector Spaces

•     Perform computations involving vectors, matrices, vector

spaces, bases and dimension, and understand the relationship between them.

•     Perform matrix operations for inverses and applications.

•     Demonstrate understanding of the concepts of vector spaces and subspaces.

•     Compute the row space, column space, null space of a matrix, and apply to solve systems of linear equations.

•     Find the coordinates and transition matrix in change of basis.

•     Use Wronskian for differential equations, identify conic sections, and perform a rotation of axes.

Course Objectives

The student will demonstrate the ability to:

1.    Perform computations involving vectors and linear maps, matrices, bases and dimension, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, canonical forms, linear differential equations and programming.

2.    Communicate and understand when and how to apply the tools of linear algebra in a variety of areas, such as other branches of sciences, engineering, and economics.

How will I know I’m learning?

Throughout the course, you will have lots of opportunities to solve problems on your own, with others, and to share what you’ve learned through writing and presentations.

• Homework assignments in WebAssign will give you immediate feedback as well as problem specific support. Use the homework to reinforce learning and achieve mastery.

Tests are designed to assess the content knowledge and skills you develop during the semester. They’re your opportunity to demonstrate what you’ve learned.

Prerequisite: MAT 131, Analytic Geometry & Calculus I, and MAT 132, Analytic Geometry & Calculus II

What book and other resources do I need?

WebAssign with Paperback Textbook: Larson, Elementary Linear Algebra, 8th Edition, Cengage, or

WebAssign with eBook: WebAssign includes an interactive electronic version of the text, a personal study plan, all homework assignments and lots of multimedia resources.

Calculator: A graphing, scientific and/or online calculators are recommended.

Canvas: Canvas is the College’s learning management system.  I use Canvas regularly to post class materials.

What are the technology requirements?

You will need a computer with Internet access to fully utilize the multimedia features on WebAssign.

Cengage offers guidance on setting up your system. Once you’ve logged into WebAssign, be sure to run the Browser Check to find out if you have all the necessary plugins.   You may use some programs of

computer algebra system, online calculator and/or an appropriate calculator.

Grading Policy

Your final grade will be determined as follows (more details in a separate file):

W/A Online Homework:                    40%

Chapter Tests:                                 40%

Final Test:                                       20%

Important Policy Information

Homework Solving problems, working with others, and working on your own is a fundamental part of the learning process. Do all homework when it is assigned and get help when you need it.

Announcement I will announce the dates, relevant instructions and other information at least two weeks in advance before the exams and projects.

Missed Work

As a general rule, I do NOT give make-ups, nordo I accept work turned in late.  If you missa test or fail to complete an assessment on the due date, you will receive a score of ZERO unless you contact me soon and provide proof of a VERY SERIOUS REASON for your absence.  Such cases will be handled on an

individual basis.

Attendance Policy

Student Class Absence Due to Covid-19-related Illness

•     Stay home if you feel sick, especially if you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19. [For inclusion on syllabi for those classes that include on-campus attendance]

•     If you need to missa class due to COVID-19-related illness, you are responsible for contacting your instructor to let them know of the need as soon as possible.

•     You are responsible for completing any work that you might miss due to COVID-19-related illness, including assignments, quizzes, tests, and exams.

•     If you might need to miss more than two consecutive weeks of classes in anyone semester due to COVID-19-related illness, you must contact the Dean of the Division of your major (Dr.

Theresa Orosz,[email protected], Liberal Arts Division; Dr. Donna Howell

([email protected]) Business, STEM, and Health Professions Division). You maybe required to provide a doctor’s note of explanation. The Dean will communicate the receipt of the note (with expected enddate) to the relevant faculty.

Academic Integrity Please take this course seriously and treat me and your fellow students with respect. If you are feeling panicked, overwhelmed, or stressed by the material in this course, please come see me. I am always eager to help and only want you to succeed inside and outside the campus.

Cheating or copying impedes your learning and is harmful to both you and your fellow students.  You are not permitted to copy another’s work and represent it as your own or to assist another student in committing an act of academic dishonesty. Any student found to be cheating on a test, quiz or assignment will receive a score of zero.  A second offense will result in failure of the course and, as a repeated violation of the Code of Student Conduct, may also result in academic probation, suspension, or dismissal from the College.

Registrar Withdrawal Information Students sometimes have a need to withdraw from a class due to personal or academic reasons.

If you do encounter difficulties, please contact me prior to withdrawing. I want to help you succeed.