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ITD104 – Building IT Systems CS, 2023


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ITD104 – Building IT Systems

CS, 2023

AT 1 - Assignment 1: RADAR CHARTS

Client’s Briefing - Transcript


Hello,   I’m   representing   your    client   who    has commissioned you to build a program to solve a data visualisation problem.

We need you to develop a small Python program to produce a simple visualisation tool for statistical data.

Radar charts, a.k.a. star charts or spider plots, are a  common  way  of  visualising  multi-variate  data, i.e.,  a  collection  of   related   but  fundamentally different data values.

In this task you will use Python’s Turtle graphics module to implement a function which, given lists of percentages (‘data points’), visualises that data on a radar chart.

You  will  need  to  submit  your  solution  as  a  single  Python  file  uploaded  via  the  Canvas submission link before the agreed deadline (see Canvas).

To get you started, we’ve provided you with a Python template file and two separate modules that you must not change at all.  One is a configuration module (AT1_config.py), which helps setup the turtle environment. The other is a data source module (AT1_data_source.py) that is responsible for generating random data for your program to work with.  These two files must be stored in the same directory as the template.  Let’s have a look at the template and see how it works.

[Shows   that you   need   to enter your   student number and name   in   the  file AT1_template.py before it will run]

For cyber security purposes we need to know who wrote the software, so you must sign your name and student number at the top of the template file before the program will work.

[Adds name as astring, and student number as an integer.]

Now it works by displaying a very simple drawing canvas, with your name proudly displayed as the author at the bottom.

[Show the initial layout of the drawing canvas]

If you don’t have the data source module in the same directory, you will also notice a message in the shell:

No data source module available ...

If you don’t have the configuration module in the same directory, your program will abort, with a message in the shell:

Cannot find file 'AT1_config.py', aborting!

Specific Requirements

To   complete    this   task,    you    must   complete    the    supplied    Python   function    called draw_radar_chart that accepts a multi-dimensional list (the ‘dataset’) and uses Turtle graphics to draw a corresponding radar chart.  The first element of the dataset will contain a list  of  colour  strings,  and  the  remaining  elements  will  be  lists  of  numeric  values  which represent the data points to be plotted on the radar chart.

Each data point value represents a percentage between 0 and 100, inclusive.  For instance, consider the following list of data points which contains 10 percentages:

[50, 100, 75, 25, 90, 0, 12, 45, 90, 23]

[Runs a demo to produce a chart for plotting those 10 data points]

Your solution must work for any number of data points between 3 and 10.  Let’s see what our radar chart would look like with the above list of percentages.

[Demo plotting a single list of data points]

Your program must work for any size dataset.  That is,a dataset with between 2 and 7 lists of data points, all of the same length.  Each of the list of data points will be represented on the chart with a connected line.  The lists of data points can be of any length between 3 and 10. It doesn’t make sense to have a radar chart with fewer than 3 data points.  The length of the list of datapoints will determine how many spokes on the chart.

Your draw_radar_chart function must be able to plot multiple of these lines on a radar chart.  The supplied data source module is designed to generate a dataset of between 2 to 7 lists of data points, with each list of data points being of the same length (between 3 to 10).

So that the sets of data points on the chart can be distinguished from each other, each line drawn from a list of data points must be done in a unique colour.  So as well as the list of data points,a list of colours is also generated by the data source module.

[Demo generation of a dataset]

If you supply an integer (seed) to the call to this function, it will produce the same dataset each time so you can check/debug your work during development.

[Demo generating same list of values - with seed 52297]

Let’s look at producing a radar chart from multiple lists data points.

[Run demos to plot multiple sets of data points]

One of the problems with radar charts is that they tend to be less readable when there is a large amount of data displayed.  For this reason, we want you to limit the visualisation to a maximum of only four (4) lines on the radar chart.  Your program must still work with larger datasets, but it should simply stop plotting data after processing the fourth list of data points.

So that the user can determine if all the data has been visualisedor not, there must be a final message written on the turtle canvas to advise if all, or only the first four, lists of data points have been plotted.

[Run demo where more than 4 sets of data points are supplied]

Summary of Requirements

1.   From a supplied dataset, you are to:

•   draw a ‘web’ for plotting the data points.  The web must:

o have the same number of ‘spokes’ as the length of each of the list of data points

o be numbered sequentially (from 1)

•    From each list of data points, up to a maximum of four:

o use each supplied colour string (in order) for each of the list of data points

o plot each value (in order) on a spoke of the web

o when a value is 0, 25, 50, 75 or 100,a dot should be drawn at that point

o connect, with a line, all of the values in a list of data points

2.   Each line drawn on the web must be easily distinguishable from the web itself.

3.   Write a message at the top of the canvas to advise the user if all data was plotted, or if it was limited to only four sets of data points.

Development notes

You will need to be very familiar and well practiced with the first 5 topics in this unit.   In particular:

o   Function definitions

o   List processing (using iteration)

o   Conditional branching

o   Function calls (including from the Turtle module)

There are many pre-defined Python packages available online to plot charts.  Obviously, you may not use such a package in your solution!  The point of the task is for you to demonstrate your understanding of those topics, and develop your own solution using nothing other than basic Turtle operations. Therefore, no other modules, other than Turtle, are to be imported by your solution.

This task is not particularly difficult and should not be time consuming.   Remember that the sooner you start coding, the longer it will take!  So do a decent amount of thinking, problem- solving  and  designing   before  you   let  loose  with   Python!    That   is,  analysing  the  client instructions, and developing a strategy in the form of a set of steps (algorithm) which you will retain as comments to document your solution.

The hardest part of this task is representing the data values on the spokes and connecting them up with a line.  How can you work out where a data value would be in relation to the radar chart?  Can you directly use the data value itself? Will you need to store coordinates? If so, how?

If you don’t finish the whole task, submit what you have been able to achieve – for potentially part marks.  Keep backups of your work!  Each time you work on your solution, submit the new version to Canvas.  You can ‘submit’ as many times as you like.   I will only mark the last version submitted prior to the deadline.


The deliverables for this task areas follows.

•   A Python program that contains a function draw_radar_chart capable of drawing diagrams like those shown above, given a list of lists (of colours and percentages).  This program must be developed from the provided AT1_template.py file.  The template contains a function for randomly generating a data set for your function.  Your function must work for any valid data set.

•   A sworn “Statement of Authorship” at the beginning of the Python file to confirm that this is your own work.  (Marks cannot be awarded if you are not identified!)

The solution must have the following characteristics.

•   The visual output must be clear,i.e.:

o   the ‘web’ must be easily distinguishable from the data lines

o   the individual data lines plotted must be easy to identify;

o   only data values that intersect exactly with a concentric line (i.e., any value of 0, 25, 50, 75 or 100) are to be marked with a dot; and

o   all labels (i.e., the spoke numbers) must be easy to read and appropriately positioned.

•   Your  code   must  be  well   laid-out  and   made  easy  to  understand  through   helpful commenting and meaningful choices of variable names. The ITD104 Code Presentation Guide must also be adhered to in all other respects.

•   The program must be easily customisable.   In particular, it must be easy for the user to change the overall dimensions and appearance of the chart. This  can be achieved by using named constants rather thane.g., “magic numbers” .

That’s all of the client’s requirements, for now.  Be sure to check the usual communication channels for updates and amendments.  Be sure to ask your client if anything is unclear!