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CS110 – Principles of Computer Science Fall 2023


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School of Arts and Sciences

Department of Computer Science

CS110 – Principles of Computer Science

Fall 2023


Welcome to Principles of Computer Science. In this course you will be introduced to the central ideas of computer science, be engaged in activities that show how computing changes the world, explore computer hardware and software features, and gain hands-on experience with spreadsheet software and visualization tools, cloud applications, and web page design. You will also improve your logic and problem-solving skills as you learn to program using the Scratch programming language. CS110 Course information and materials are all accessible through Canvas ( https://canvas.rutgers.edu/ )

CS110 meets Core Curriculum Goals:

• Mathematical or Formal Reasoning (QR)


• Classes begin on Tuesday, September 5th, 2023.

• Recitations begin Tuesday, September 5th and continue through Wednesday, December 13th, 2023.

• All lectures are Face-to-Face for Fall 2023. See for links to specific location details.

• All recitations are also Face-To-Face for Fall 2023. See CANVAS COURSE SITE for specific location/link details.

Exams                       Date and Time                                                   Exam Duration

Hourly Exam 1            Wednesday, October 11th, in class                        60 minutes

Hourly Exam 2            Wednesday, November 15th, in class                     60 minutes

Final Exam                  Monday, December 18th, 12:00pm – 3:00pm         3 hours

Principles of Computer Science (01:198:110) meets for three fifty-five-minute periods a week, two lectures and one recitation. Although you are scheduled for Face-to-Face Instruction for lectures and recitations, the different modes of instruction are listed and described below:

• AR: Asynchronous remote - no time-locked activities required for students. There will be ONE lecture section in each course that will be designated AR.

• SR: Synchronous remote - time-locked activities for students but no in person ones

• FF: Face to face with class satisfying health and distancing rules.

• Hybrid: A remote lecture may be combined with an in-person recitation (both for practicalities, social distancing, and a balance between safety and maintaining the traditional undergraduate experience)

LECTURES: New material is presented in lecture by your lecture instructor.

• FF lecture: Your instructor will meet with you IN PERSON. Locations of your lectures are posted on the Course Home Page in Canvas.

• SR lecture: Your instructor will give you specific directions on the online platform used for lecture classes. You are required to attend synchronous lectures during the time they are presented. Links to the lectures will be posted by your instructor and available via Course Home Page in Canvas.

• AR lecture: Your instructor will record lectures for the week and post the links so that you are able to view the lectures at your convenience during the week. Watching the videos is a necessary element of the course and will account for up to 10 points instructor extra credit. You are encouraged to use Piazza as a communication tool and participate in other discussion/forums set up by your instructor. These discussion tools facilitate student interaction and engagement in the course. Links to the lectures will be posted by your instructor and available via Course Home Page in Canvas.

RECITATIONS: Use of the Course Software is demonstrated during recitations.

• FF Recitation: Your recitation instructor (teaching assistant (TA)) meets with you IN PERSON in Rutgers’ Computer Teaching Labs during your scheduled recitation time to review class material, review assignments and exams, explain software applications, and answer questions related to lecture, software assignments, programming, etc. Questions are always welcome in lecture but can also be asked in your small group setting during recitation. Locations of your recitations are posted in Canvas. Peer coaching (discussions with a classmate) is encouraged during F2F recitations.

• SR Recitation: Your recitation instructor (teaching assistant (TA)) meets with you remotely via WebEx or Zoom during your scheduled recitation time to review class material, review assignments and exams, explain software applications, and answer questions related to lecture, software assignments, programming, etc. Questions are always welcome in lecture but can also be asked in your small group setting during recitation or via Piazza (explained later in this document). The virtual locations of your recitations are posted in Canvas.

• AR Recitation: Your recitation instructor (teaching assistant (TA)) will record your recitation sessions. These videos will demonstrate the use of the tools and explain concepts that you need to be successful completing your assignments. Watching the recorded videos is REQUIRED and verification of the completion of the video lesson will be checked via a recitation “check” in the form of a survey/quiz query. Any questions you have regarding the material presented in the recitation should be posted in Piazza (explained later in this document) or emailed directly to your recitation instructor. Email addresses can be found via links the Canvas Home Page. Piazza facilitates student interaction and engagement. You are strongly encouraged to participate in Piazza discussions and in other discussion/forums set up by your instructor.

You are expected to participate in lectures and recitation every week. If you expect to miss one or two classes, please use the University absence reporting website https://sims.rutgers.edu/ssra/ to indicate the date and reason for your absence. An email is automatically sent to your instructor.

Principles of Computer Science requires a considerable amount of computer work, which you must complete on your own time. All assignments are hands-on. As a general rule, you should expect to complete one assignment each week throughout the semester. If you have technical difficulties, you should first GOOGLE possible solutions. If you can’t solve your problems, you should meet with your TA or instructor DURING OFFICE HOURS for assistance or send an email to your TA. All contact information is listed in Canvas Course Information Module or can be found in the FILES tool→00_Course Information.



Prof. Alan Belowich

[email protected]

Lecture Times (Locations)

Sections 1 – 4: M,W: 2:15pm – 3:10pm (FBO-EHA)

Sections 10 – 13: M, W: 4:05pm – 5:00pm (PH-111)


After completing this course, the student will be able to:

• Identify major hardware components of a computer and the function of each; explain the specifications provided when purchasing a computer.

• Discuss the positive and negative impacts of innovations in computing/technology on society, economy, and culture.

• Identify the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing.

• Explain the levels of abstractions that exist in computer hardware and software.

• Convert numbers among the bases 10, 2, 8, and 16.

• Explain the representation of data in bits and explain the related impact of storing text, photos, and videos.

• Describe different network configurations and the advantages/disadvantages of each.

• Identify protocols that govern the internet and WWW (IP/TCP, HTTP/HTML, SSL/TSL) and explain the function/purpose of each.

• Explain how and why cryptography, steganography, symmetric key and public key encryption, etc. are used.

• Write a computer program that solves a problem or completes a task according to given specifications.

• Identify, explain, and correct errors in a computer program.

• Trace a computer program and describe the program result.

• Appropriately use variables, decision statements, and loops in a computer program.

• Informally compare the efficiency among algorithms.

• Use collections/lists to store and retrieve data in a computer program.

• Write reusable methods (blocks of code) to complete specific tasks in a computer program.

• Identify advantages and disadvantages of big data being available through Internet access.

• Identify cybersecurity concerns and explain privacy and security as it relates to the information available on the Internet.

• Identify beneficial and harmful effects of various technologies as the affect society, economy, and/or culture.

• Explain and give examples of crowdsourcing, mashups, computer simulations and models.

• Create a multipage website following given specifications.

• Create an on-line questionnaire involving different types of questions.

• Use Excel to construct formulas, including built-in functions and relative and absolute references.

• Include appropriate charts and graphs in Excel worksheets.

• Use Excel pivot tables to filter and display data.

• Develop questions that can be answered using data given and refine the answers using available spreadsheet tools.


Listed below are the topics and concepts that are covered in this course. Your instructor may give you a more detailed schedule of topics than what is listed below. Articles and videos related to Concepts Topics are listed in the study guides and resources for each topic in the appropriate Canvas module. Tutorials and sample Scratch programs are available online at http://scratch.mit.edu/.

Programming and Applications

• Programming in Scratch

o Problem solving

o Basic design and analysis of Algorithms

o Conditional Execution

o Repetition

o Error detection

o Mathematical and logical components in a program

o Variables and Lists for storing information

o Algorithms and abstraction

o Methods and parameters

• Information systems

o Spreadsheets

o Databases

• Collecting and analyzing data

• Cloud computing applications

o Scarlet Apps

• Web page design and creation

• Working in a collaborative environment


• Creating artifacts with various software tools

• Programming languages and pseudo-code

• Computer hardware and software

• History of computing

• Representation of data

o number bases, binary, reasoning about digital data, hexadecimal, octal numbers

• The Internet and the World Wide Web

• Network concepts

• Cloud computing concepts

• Privacy and security as it relates to big data

• Influence of the Internet on our global world

• Cyber crimes

• Careers in Computing

• Social and Ethical Issues involving technology and computing

• Creative aspects of computing

• Current trends of computing, technology, and the Internet.

• Social Networks and their positive and negative impacts on Society

A detailed schedule for this course and detailed Learning Objectives are posted in the Course Information Module in Canvas.


The Department of Computer Science strictly adheres to the Rutgers University Policy on Academic Integrity, as described on the Academic Integrity at Rutgers website http://academicintegrity.rutgers.edu/ . Students enrolled in Department of Computer Science courses are advised that all allegations of academic dishonesty will be fully investigated, and any evidence of academic dishonesty will be reported to Office of Student Conduct for appropriate action. Regarding software applications assignments and programming assignments, it is a violation of academic integrity to copy someone else's work or to permit another person to copy your work. While you may discuss programming and software assignments with other students at a general level, all coding, debugging, preparation, refinement, and testing of assignments should be entirely your own work. Regarding assignments, exams and quizzes, it is a violation of academic integrity to search out answers on the internet, to use on-line tutors or AI applications (ChatGPT, Chegg, etc.), or to ask any other human (in person or via technology) for assistance. Just as copying or collaborating on an examination is dishonest, turning in a program or software applications assignment which is a clone of someone else’s work is also dishonest. Students enrolled in computer science courses are required to follow department guidelines and responsibilities on academic integrity. Failure to accept these guidelines will result in denial of access to Canvas.

Do not work with others on assignments. This is considered cheating and, if detected, will earn you 0 points for the incident. If two identical (or VERY similar) pieces of work are handed in, both parties receive a ZERO. If one student’s name appears on an assignment submitted by another student, both students will receive a grade of ZERO. If a solution that a student submits is found online, a grade of 0 will be recorded for that assignment. IN ALL CASES, an Academic Integrity Violation will be filed at the University Level. SUBMITTING WORK THAT YOU DID NOT COMPLETE ON YOUR OWN IS A VIOLATION OF RUTGERS’ ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICIES.

Watch the following short videos about Rutgers Academic Integrity Policies.

• Rutgers New Brunswick Academic Integrity: Violation Types

• Rutgers New Brunswick Academic Integrity: Violation Levels and Outcomes

Rutgers University takes academic dishonesty very seriously. By enrolling in this course, you assume responsibility for familiarizing yourself with the Academic Integrity Policy and the possible penalties (including suspension and expulsion) for violating the policy. As per the policy, all suspected violations will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes (but is not limited to):

▪ Cheating

▪ Plagiarism

▪ Aiding others in committing a violation or allowing others to use your work

▪ Failure to cite sources correctly

▪ Fabrication

▪ Using another person’s ideas or words without attribution–re-using a previous assignment

▪ Unauthorized collaboration

▪ Sabotaging another student’s work


All students will need to sign the Rutgers Honor Pledge on every major exam, assignment, or other assessment as follows:

On my honor, the work I am submitting is my own work. I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on this examination (assignment, paper, quiz, etc.).


ANNOUNCEMENTS are made through Canvas Announcement tool. Any changes in schedules or other course information your instructors and TAs wish to share with you are commonly shared via this tool. You will get an email indicating when an announcement has been posted.

THE MODULES TOOL in Canvas contains all course resources. You will find the Course Syllabus and Recitation Locations in the Course Information Module. You will also find the email addresses of the course instructors and teaching assistants (TAs) as well as their office hours and lab support hours in this module. Lecture topics, resources, and study guides are also posted in Modules labeled by week-in-the-semester and topics covered.

THE ASSIGNMENTS TOOL is where you find all the CS 110 assignments and where you go to submit your assignments. You can view the assignment due date and the assignment details here. All of your graded work is listed in this tool. You will see the different “categories” of grades: Assignments, Quizzes, Exams, Extra Credit.

THE GRADES TOOL keeps a list of the assignments given and your grade for each assignment, quiz, exam, and extra credit opportunity. Failure to submit an assignment through Canvas will result in a grade of 0. It is your responsibility to check your grades frequently and report any discrepancies to your TA and your instructor immediately.

THE SYLLABUS TOOL links to the official course syllabus and also has a list of all due dates for all graded items.

THE FILES TOOL is similar to a file folder. This main folder contains all files that are linked to by the other Canvas tools. There are several sub-folders in here. The materials for each Module are located in the sub-folder with the same name. You can access the materials directly from the FILES tool without downloading the files.


CS110 has no required textbooks. However, there will be several required reading assignments from Blown to Bits (BTB), Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion, 2nd edition by Hal Abelson, Ken Ledeen, Harry Lewis, Wendy Seltzer.

Links to other required readings will be provided in Resource Documents for each topic. The pdf form of Blown to Bits (2nd edition) is available at:



Links to articles and videos related to conceptual and practical information on computer hardware, software, and applications will be found in the Modules tool in Canvas. You may find it helpful to use the following websites to locate definitions of terms introduced in lecture and listed in the study guides.

• Webopedia                     http://www.webopedia.com/

• How Stuff Works             http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/tech

• ChatGPT                        https://chat.openai.com/ Be careful, the answers generated may not be completely correct.


You should always make sure to backup all of your work to a cloud-based folder just in case you have “issues” with your computer!


• Programming: Programming concepts and structures will be presented using the visual programming language Scratch version 3.0 and is available at http://scratch.mit.edu . Scratch 3.0 is normally an on-line application, but an off-line editor is available for download at https://scratch.mit.edu/download

• Spreadsheets: MS Excel 2016 will be used during the semester. Rutgers provides free MS Office – including MS Excel - to its students (https://it.rutgers.edu/microsoft-office/microsoft-office-for-students/)

• Flowcharting software:

o Draw.io is available free online (https://app.diagrams.net/ )

o Optional: Flowcharting software Flowgorithm is available for free download only for Windows machines (http://flowgorithm.org/).

o MS Word 2016 can also generate flowcharts, but some students find it more cumbersome to utilize.


ScarletApps is a cloud-based, cross-application, collaborative environment that will provide software applications, website development tools, email, and a portal start page. Using ScarletApps means your files are available from any computer at any time. Resources for ScarletApps are available at https://oit.rutgers.edu/scarletapps/training-resources. Some of the software applications you will use throughout the semester are all available online at ScarletApps. ScarletApps tools include Documents, Forms, Spreadsheets, Draw, and Google Sites.


All CS 110 students should open a ScarletMail account by the end of the first week of classes. Tutorials for ScarletMail are at http://scarletmail.rutgers.edu.


• Assignments submitted to Canvas must be readable in software used for this course.

• Assignments submitted to Canvas which cannot be opened will receive no credit.

• Exam topics may include questions on features and operations of software used in this course.

• All work MUST be done such that it satisfies the requirements of assignments and executes correctly.


Please visit the Rutgers Student Tech Guide page for resources available to all students. If you do not have the appropriate technology for financial reasons, please email Dean of Students [email protected] for assistance. If you are facing other financial hardships, please visit the Office of Financial Aid at https://financialaid.rutgers.edu/.


Your final grade for this course is based on the total points accumulated throughout the semester and posted on Canvas. There is no rounding of total points. The maximum number of points is 500, divided as follows:

Activity                  Points

Hourly Exam 1       60 points

Hourly Exam 2       60 points

Final Exam             120 points

Assignments           210 points

Quizzes                  50 points


Grades are earned using the following scale (Note: the percentages are listed only as reference):

Points Ranges                                  Percentages

450 or more than 450            A         (> 90%)

435 to less than 450 points     B+      (> 87%)

400 to less than 435 points     B         (> 80%)

380 to less than 400 points     C+       (> 76%)

350 to less than 380 points     C         (> 70%

300 to less than 350 points     D         (> 60%)


Examinations will be Face-to-Face and will be scheduled by the University as COMMON HOUR EXAMS.

Exams                         Date and Time                                              Exam Duration

Hourly Exam 1              Wednesday, October 11th , IN CLASS              60 minutes

Hourly Exam 2              Wednesday, November 15th, IN CLASS            60 minutes

Final Exam                    Monday, December 18th, 12:00pm – 3:00pm   3 hours

Exam Details can be found in Canvas. CS110 includes two hourly exams and a final exam. Details about the exams will be posted via Canvas Announcements.


• You may not take a makeup exam without your instructor's permission. See information on Makeup Exam information below.

• Exams may include material from the textbook, lectures, recitations, assignments, quizzes, and/or recommended readings. Be sure to review the learning objectives for each week and the specific information posted for each exam. Information on the topics and the format and content of the exams is reviewed in lecture and recitation and is posted on Canvas prior to the exam date.

• Discrepancies regarding Exam 1 and Exam 2 grades must be clarified within two weeks after the exam is administered; no consideration will be given after this two-week time limit. Discrepancies regarding the Final Exam must be clarified within one week after the exam is administered.

• Students who require alternate testing considerations must present appropriate documentation to their instructor at the beginning of the semester via email. Accommodations and special scheduling will be handled through the Office of Disability Services and/or the course coordinator. Students with disabilities requesting accommodations must follow the procedures outlined at https://ods.rutgers.edu/ . Use QUICK LINKS on that page to direct you.

• Student athletes must present their practice and competition schedules to their instructor at the beginning of the semester if the events conflict with exam dates.

• You may not take a makeup exam without appropriate documentation and your instructor's permission. If appropriate, makeups are handled through our Second Chance Policy (explained later).



It is University policy that a makeup exam for common hour exams is given only to students who have another common hour exam or regularly scheduled Rutgers University class at the same time as the CS110 hourly exam or a documented explanation acceptable to the instructor and presented within a reasonable time before the exam. The cutoff date for conflict resolutions will be posted in Canvas. Check your class schedule now, speak with your instructor if there is a conflict on any scheduled exam day/time, and provide appropriate documentation. All conflicts must be documented at the beginning of the semester.


Students with three or more scheduled final exams on one calendar day or three or more exams scheduled in consecutive time periods including the CS110 final exam should speak with their instructor and provide appropriate documentation at least two weeks prior to the exam test date. You should retrieve your final exam schedule at http://finalexams.rutgers.edu/ and email a copy of this schedule to your instructor. If you have not met with your instructor and provided documentation of a conflict two weeks prior to the exam, you will not be eligible for the makeup exam.


• Not knowing where your exam is being given, having the incorrect date or time noted for the exam, not feeling prepared for the exam, broken alarm clock, transportation problems, or other mishaps are not legitimate reasons for requesting a makeup exam.

• If an emergency occurs which prevents you from being at a scheduled exam, contact your instructor immediately. An emergency is a situation that could not be avoided. In these situations, you will be asked to provide appropriate documentation.

• Work is not an acceptable excuse for a makeup exam. Advise your employer of your exam schedule now and make arrangements to be excused from work in sufficient time to arrive for the exam.

• Family vacations or events are not excuses for a makeup exam.

• Any illness that prevents you from taking the regularly scheduled exam must be verified by the Dean.

• Documentation for missing any exam must be provided at the time of the exam, not at the end of the semester.


Our goal is to have students learn the material before they leave this course. Incentives to stay in the course and to study for the Final Exam include what we call "Second Chance".

• The 3-hour Final Exam is cumulative.

o Part 1 will be on Exam 1 Material.

o Part 2 will be on Exam 2 Material.

o Part 3 will be on material taught after Exam 2 material (only one chance for this).

• The entire exam counts as the Final Exam grade.

• If the student scores a higher score on Part 1 of the Final than they did on Exam 1, the score they received on Part 1 of the final will replace the score they received on Exam 1.

• If the student scores a higher score on Part 2 on the final than they did on Exam 2, the score they received on Part 2 of the final will replace the score they received on Exam 2.

• If a student received a zero score for Exam 1 and/or Exam 2, the Second Chance Policy will not be applied toward the missed exam. Not taking an exam will result in a zero grade.

• Scores only “flow” from the Final Exam to Exam 1 and Exam 2. Meaning, a higher score on Exam 1 than Part 1 of the Final will NOT impact the Final Exam score.

• There are no optional parts on the Final Exam. The entire final exam is mandatory.


Throughout the semester there will be quizzes administered through Canvas. Each quiz accounts for 5 points of the total course points. The total points accrued by quizzes is 50. Each quiz is posted for three days. You must complete and submit the quiz via Canvas within that three-day window (Wednesday-Friday). Each quiz consists of five questions randomly generated from a pool of questions on the topic. You have a total two attempts for each quiz but since the questions are randomly chosen for you, there may be different questions generated for your second attempt. The highest of your scores on the two attempts will be recorded in Canvas Grades. The quiz dates are listed in the Course Schedule and in the Quiz Listing in the Assignments Tool. You can access the quizzes via the Quizzes tool in Canvas.

All quizzes will reopen on the last day of class for any emergency situations that may have caused you to miss the scheduled time for the quiz.

Missing a quiz will result in a grade of 0 for the quiz.


Principles of Computer Science includes assignments in programming and software applications. Assignment descriptions, due dates, and evaluation criteria are posted in Canvas

Completed assignments are submitted to Canvas and graded by your recitation instructor (TA). Canvas is an online database system developed and maintained by the Office of Information and Research Technology (OIRT). Your TA will demonstrate the use of Canvas in the first recitation. When you submit your assignment to Canvas, you should verify the submission details which confirms the date and time of your submission before you log out of Canvas. In the event of an upload error, contact your TA and Instructor IMMEDDIATELY.

In completing your assignments, remember:

1. All assignments must be uploaded via the Assignments Tool in Canvas, Assignments sent through email will not be accepted.

2. All assignments must be submitted on time to be evaluated at full credit. NOTE: "due date" is listed in each assignment description and specified in Canvas as Due Date. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your assignment.

3. Verify that your assignment was submitted properly to Canvas right after submission. This verification is your responsibility.

4. Assignments cannot be submitted and are not accepted after the Accept Until date. The Accept Until Date is USUALLY ONE WEEK (7 days) AFTER the scheduled due date for the assignment. There are occasionally exceptions to this, so LOOK AT THE DATES LISTED ON THE POSTED ASSIGNMENT!

5. Assignments turned in after the Due Date and before the Accept Until lose points!

Late submission of assignments: A deduction of 7% per day will be applied to any late assignment up to 7 days after the official due date of the assignment. For example, an assignment that is worth 20 points that is submitted 1 hour late can earn a maximum of 18.6 points (7% deduction). This same assignment submitted 6 days late can earn a maximum of 11.6 points (42% deduction). Submissions MUST be uploaded by the ACCEPT UNTIL date.

6. Any assignment not submitted will receive a score of 0 which will not be removed under any circumstances.

7. Malfunction or lack of personal hardware or software are not valid excuses for failing to deliver an assignment since Rutgers provides properly configured computers in its computer labs.

8. Review your assignment before submitting in Canvas. The day and time of your submission will be based on your latest submission of that assignment in Canvas. So, if you submit an assignment before the due date and then decide to resubmit the same assignment after the Due date and before the Accept until date, the assignment will lose points as described above.

9. Discrepancies regarding assignment grades must be clarified within two weeks after the assignment Due Date. No consideration is given after this two-week time limit. Students are advised to keep copies of work submitted and a record of Canvas submission dates until the semester has ended and final grades are published. Students should verify their grades each week in the Canvas GRADES tool and notify their TA if there is a discrepancy. If your TA does not respond within two days, contact your instructor. You should expect your assignments to be graded within a week after they are submitted.

10. All assignments must be worked on individually unless specifically stated otherwise in the assignment directions.

11. No work is accepted after the last class day of the semester (December 13th). All grade-related conflicts must be resolved with your instructor before this date. No work is accepted, and no grades are changed after the semester ends.

12. You are given ONE "free late." This is ONE opportunity to submit a late assignment without penalty. If you choose to use this "free late", you must email your TA before the Accept Until Date for that assignment. You must then submit the assignment by the Accept Until date. You may do this only ONCE during the semester. You MAY NOT use the free late on the last assignment or on any extra credit assignment.

13. To avoid any uploading problems, do your assignments well before the due date. Read your assignment and related documents completely before beginning the assignment so your time is used efficiently and productively. Before you begin each assignment, practice with a sample file to become familiar with the software features required by the assignment, and check Canvas Announcements for changes or corrections to the assignments.


There is one performance task in this course: Explore (Computing in Society)

The performance task (PT) requires you to demonstrate your understanding of certain course topics. The PT requires the completion and submission of well-defined but open-ended assessments. The PT requires written descriptions of your investigations and research on a topic, written descriptions of procedures used to accomplish a task and on the creation of visual or textual artifacts. Refer to the Canvas Assignment Tool for the specific requirements and due date for the Explore PT.


Throughout the semester there are opportunities to earn extra-credit points which are applied to your total points at the end of the semester. These are the only options for extra-credit and must be earned within the time specified. All extra-credit points will be added to total points at the end of the semester; however, total points will not exceed 500.

• Assignment #1 (2 points)

• TA extra-credit (8 points): Up to eight points will be added to your total points based on evaluation by your teaching assistant. These points may be earned through supplementary exercises, attendance in recitation, quizzes given in recitation, and course survey completions. The TA will provide information on earning these eight points in recitation.

• Software extra-credit (5 points): Five extra-credit points will be added to your total points for completion of an assignment using a software package not taught in this course. Information on this assignment will be available later in the semester. This assignment is due the last day of class (December 13 th ).

• Instructor extra-credit (5 points): Up to five points may be added to your total points based on evaluation by instructor. These points may be earned through activities defined by your instructor during the semester.

Very Important Note: With the extra credit being equal to approximately half a letter grade, in terms of overall weight, it is imperative that you do all extra credit. Do the extra credit work. No extra credit will be considered or awarded outside of these, nor will this extra credit be accepted after its due date.


The Recitation Instructors (TAs) will conduct Virtual or Face-to-Face lab support hours throughout the semester. The Lab Support schedule with times and locations is posted in Canvas. There is a link to this information on the Course Home Page. You can meet with any of the CS110 TAs during lab support hours.


1. If you are not officially enrolled in CS110, check for available sections through WebReg, the University registration website. Special permission numbers for CS110 are available after the Drop period, only for available seats, and only for students not currently registered in CS110. If you are already enrolled in CS110 and want to change to a different lecture, use web registration during the Drop/Add period. Special permission numbers are not given to change lectures or recitations.

2. You must participate in the recitation section for which you are registered, or an alternate recitation section taught by your teaching assistant if you have your TA's approval. Email your TA before attending a different recitation section. If you need to change recitation sections because of scheduling conflicts, use web registration to find an alternate section. Special permission numbers are not given to change recitation sections.

3. Computer Science majors (curriculum code 198): If you are a declared computer science major, you will not receive credit towards your major for the course. CS110 will count only as elective credit. You are welcome to stay!

4. Pre-business majors (curriculum code 006 or 373) are required to register for Computer Applications for Business (01:198:170). Admission to the School of Business requires successful completion of Computer Applications for Business (01:198:170). CS110 is not accepted by the School of Business as a substitute for CS170, and you cannot receive credit for both CS110 and CS170.

5. If a problem arises which causes you to miss an exam, if you will miss class for an extended period, or if you experience difficulties of a personal nature, notify your instructor, not the TA, at the time of the emergency. Your instructor will determine what options may be available. The sooner you make us aware of a problem, the more likely an equitable solution may be arranged. No consideration will be given for missed work if you wait until your return to campus to notify your instructor.

6. The Dean of Students Office at Rutgers University-New Brunswick provides solutions, services, and support to help students navigate Rutgers University. By focusing on students’ educational, social, and personal development, staff in the Office promote academic success and student retention The Office serves as a student support network by providing advocacy, problem resolution, and critical incident intervention for those times when additional assistance is needed. Please seek their assistance if needed.

7. Throughout the semester, changes in computer facilities and resources will occur on the New Brunswick campus. Stay informed -- visit the New Brunswick Office of Information Technology website at https://oit-nb.rutgers.edu/ , the class Canvas site, and read email regularly.

8. The Learning Centers online services can be accessed by visiting their remote instruction page for details about how to access services during remote instruction. For general information about the Learning Centers and schedules/updates, visit https://rlc.rutgers.edu/ .

9. You may also visit the Computer Science Collaborative Academic Versatile Environment (CAVE). This is an informal meeting place for computer science majors and is open from 1pm to 11pm Sundays through Thursdays with additional hours on Fridays. If you have difficulties with your programming assignments and you cannot meet with your TA or attend lab support, you may be able to find help from the CS majors in the CAVE.


Note: As Rutgers is a research university there is a possibility that by enrolling in this class or any class in this department, you may be asked to participate in a research study. Participation in any such study will be optional and at no time will participation in a research study be part of a grade or a requirement for this course. This notification does not imply that by enrolling in this class you have provided consent to be a subject in a research study. Should you be asked to participate in a research study, a consent form will be presented to you describing the study and asking for your signature. Participation in research is always voluntary and refusing to participate will have no adverse effects on your standing in the course. To learn more about research at Rutgers University and Human Subject research go to https://orra.rutgers.edu/


Rutgers Computer Science Department is committed to creating a consciously anti-racist, inclusive community that welcomes diversity in various dimensions (e.g., race, national origin, gender, sexuality, disability status, class, or religious beliefs). We will not tolerate micro-aggressions and discrimination that creates a hostile atmosphere in the class and/or threatens the well-being of our students. We will continuously strive to create a safe learning environment that allows for the open exchange of ideas and cherished freedom of speech, while also ensuring equitable opportunities and respect for all of us. Our goal is to maintain an environment where students, staff, and faculty can contribute without the fear of ridicule or intolerant or offensive language. If you witness or experience racism, discrimination micro-aggressions, or other offensive behavior, you are encouraged to bring it to the attention to the undergraduate program director and/or the department chair. You can also report it to the Bias Incident Reporting System http://inclusion.rutgers.edu/report-bias-incident/


• Student Success Essentials: https://success.rutgers.edu

• Student Support Services: https://www.rutgers.edu/academics/student-support

• The Learning Centers: https://rlc.rutgers.edu/

• The Writing Centers (including Tutoring and Writing Coaching): https://writingctr.rutgers.edu

• Rutgers Libraries: https://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/

• Office of Veteran and Military Programs and Services: https://veterans.rutgers.edu

• Student Health Services: http://health.rutgers.edu/

• Counseling, Alcohol and Other Drug Assistance Program & Psychiatric Services (CAPS): http://health.rutgers.edu/medical-counseling-services/counseling/

• Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance: www.vpva.rutgers.edu/


In the last few years, we have all been going through a lot, individually and together. It is important to acknowledge that events and circumstances outside of the classroom can impact our ability to be present and engaged at any given moment. At Rutgers, we are focused on the whole student. If, at any point, you experience anything impacting your performance or ability to participate in this class, please reach out to your instructors. Please also see the academic, health, and mental wellness resources on the syllabus as well as others searchable at https://success.rutgers.edu/ for further support.