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AI - Assignment


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1. Your friend Lucy recently received a new puzzle “ Lights Out”. The puzzle consists of 3x3 grid of lights. When the game starts, all of the 9 lights are switched on. Pressing any light will toggle it and its adjacent (edge-sharing) lights from on to off and vice versa. The following picture shows what happens when the centre light is pressed in the puzzle.

The goal of the puzzle is to switch all the lights off, preferrably with as few button presses as possible. After playing with the puzzle for a while, Lucy came to you to ask if your knowledge in AI could help her solve the puzzle quickly.

Your first thought is to use breadth-first graph search or A* search to find a solution.

i. What is the state space in this problem? What are the initial state and the goal state?

ii. Write down the set of actions and the transition model.

iii.  Assume  that  a  solution  to  the  puzzle  exists.   Is  breadth-first  graph  search guaranteed to provide an optimal solution (in terms of the number of button presses)? Why? Does breadth-first tree search work for this problem?

iv. You decided to use the number of lights switched on in a state as your heursitic function  for  A*  search.  Briefly  describe  how  the  heuristic  function  will  be  used  to determine the order in which nodes are expanded in an A* search and specify one data structure that can be used to arrange this order.

v. Is the heuristic function in part (iv) admissible? Explain.

After playing with this puzzle a bit longer, Lucy realised that if a solution exists, then every light on the board needs to be pressed at most once and that the order in which the lights are pressed do not matter. This prompted you to model the puzzle as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP).

vi. What are the set of variables, set of domains and set of constraints in this CSP?

vii. What is the constraint hypergraph in this problem? You can either describe the hypergraph in words or draw the hypergraph.

viii. You  have an off-the-shelf CSP solver that can solve any CSP  problem with binary constraints. Explain how you can transform the original CSP problem into a form that you can feed into this solver. Use some example cases to help with your description.

2. Suppose a new viral infection, called Coronix, is discovered to hit on average 10% of the population. Luckily, a laboratory has come up with a test that detects Coronix with a false positive rate of   1% (i.e., out of 100 people not having Coronix, 1 tests positive) and a false negative rate of 2% (i.e., out of 100 people having Coronix, 2 test negative).

i.Suppose you test  positive  at the test. What  is the  probability that you  have contracted Coronix? Detail your computation.

Consider the following Bayes net which describes the relation between Coronix, the seasonal flu and their symptoms.

i.Suppose you know you do not have Coronix. If you happen to have an headache, would this information affect the probability of developing a fever? Explain.

ii.  Determine the probability

P(¬V,¬ Fe,H,C,¬ Flu),

iii. and provide detailed reasoning.

3. In this task, you are asked to submit a piece of python code that can play the following variation of the children’s game Chopsticks” .

Rules of the game: The game is played by two players in turns. At the start of the game, each player stick out one finger in each of their two hands. A hand is called “ busted” if all fingers are folded. In each turn, a player can choose one of the following actions:

. Tap: use one of her unbusted hand to tap on either one of opponent ’s unbusted hand or her own other unbusted hand. Suppose the hand that initiate the action had x fingers sticking out and the hand that was tapped had y fingers sticking out, after the action, the tapped hand will need to stick out x+y fingers if x+y≤5.

If x+y>5, then the tapped hand is considered “ busted” and all its fingers should be folded.

. Split: Use one of her unbusted hand that has x≥4 fingers sticking out to tap her own   other   busted   hand.  After  this   action,  the   originally   unbusted   hand has   гx/2 fingers  sticking  out  and  the  originally   busted  hand  becomes unbusted and sticks out x/2 fingers.

A player wins a game by busting both of their opponent ’s hands.

We will illustrate the rules with a few game plays. As children are confused about left and right, let’s call their hands A and B for player 1 and C and D for player 2. Player 1’s action can be recorded as a two-character string from {AB,AC,AD,BA,BC,BD}, where the first letter denotes the tapping hand and the second letter the tapped hand (whether the action is a tap or a split  can be inferred from the busting status of the tapped hand). We can use an   8-character alphanumeral string to denote the current state of the game. For instance, A2B3C1D0 means that player 1 has 2 fingers sticking out in hand A, 3 fingers in hand B, player 2 has 1 finger sticking out in hand C and hand D is busted (we record 0 fingers for a busted hand). The initial state of the game is A1B1C1D1. Here are some examples of legal moves by player 1 from various states.

state before                           move                         state after







A2B3C1D3                                                BD                                A2B3C1D0

A0B4C1D3                                                BA                                A2B2C1D3

A2B3C0D3                                               BD                                 A2B3C0D0

In the last example, player 1 wins the game by busting both of player 2 ’s hands.

Your task: You can treat yourself as player 1. Please write a python script (ST449_Player_XXXXX.py, where XXXXX is your 5-digit candidate number) containing a function generate_move() that takes in as input the current state of the game (in the format of AxByCzDw, where x,y,z,w∈{0,1,2,3,4,5} and outputs a legal move from the set {AB,AC,AD,BA,BC,BD}.

. Please submit only one .py file for this question.

. Your python script may contain other auxiliary functions, but please keep them in the same file.

. You  may  assume  that  the  Artificial  Intelligence:  A  Modern  Approach  book package      [https://github.com/aimacode/aima-python/archive/master.zip]      is directly importable from the working directory.  For instance, you can use any classes/functions in games4e.py using from games4e import *.

. Use  of  the  above  AIMA   package  or   object-oriented   programming  is  not necessary. You will not be disadvantaged for either using or not using them in your submitted code.

. You are  not allowed to submit  pre-computed  results  in a separate file. Any pre-computation, if required, needs to be carried out when your function is first called.

. Your  function  is  allows  to  generate  and  use  global  variables.  However,  to prevent your code from producing errors due to global variable name conflicts, please   prefix  them  with  your  5-digit  candidate   number,   i.e.   in  the  form of _XXXXX_varname.

. Please make sure that your function produces an output within the time limit described in the marking criteria below.

. Please check that your code runs properly using code_check.ipynb. Upload your code to the ./players/ folder in your working directory and run all code blocks in the notebook.

Marking criteria

The entire assignment has 100 marks, distributed as follows:

Question                 Marks                                  Detailed breakdown



(i) 4 (ii) 4 (iii) 4 (iv) 6 (v) 4

(vi) 5 (vii) 4 (viii) 5



(i) 6 (ii) 3 (iii) 5

Q3                                50                          See below

Your score for Q3 will be determined as follows. The first 10 marks will be awarded    based on the readability of the code you have submitted, measured in terms of clarity   of writing, structure of the code and usefulness of comments. The remaining 40 marks will be awarded through a double round-robin tournament, where your submitted code will play against every other submitted code twice (taking turns to play first). In each   match:

. The match is played for a maximum of 50 rounds (i.e. each player making 50 moves) and a draw is declared if neither player wins at the end of 50 rounds.

. Each player has a total of 5s in each match (for a maximum of 50 moves).  So you should aim to generate each move within 0. 1 second. If your cumulative time exceeds 5s in a match, all subsequent moves will be generated at random. Code timing is done on a desktop machine with 8 cores, each at 2.9GHz. This time limit should be much more than enough.

. You lose a match if your code generates an error during the match. Note in particular that this includes generating illegal moves, e.g. tapping with a busted hand. Please check that your code runs properly using the code_check.ipynb notebook before submission.

In addition to submitted code from the class, three simple bots

(random_bot.py, defensive_bot.py, aggressive_bot.py) will also participate in the tournament. You can find the code for the three bots on Moodle. For each game, you get 2 points for a   win, 1 point for a draw and 0 point for a loss. Suppose you have S points after the

tournament, and the best submission in class has M points and the three bots

have B1, B2 and B3 points respectively. Your final score (out of 40 marks) will be decided by the following formula:

20( 1+S−BM−B),

where B=(B1+B2+B3)/3 is the average of bot points. In other words, the best submission has full mark and the pass mark for this part is set at the average bot points.