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Spring, 2021 - CS401/601 Final Examination


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Spring, 2021 - CS401/601 Final Examination

1. This question is worth 10 points

Create a HTML page that asks the client to enter random numbers and store only values that are not already in the collection. Have a button, that when clicked, shows all the non-duplicate values that were collected.

2. This question is worth 10 points.

Using either jQuery, fetch or Axios, show how you do a GET request of https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/10. Show each data element and its value that comes back in the response in individual div element dynamically. Each div element must be rendered as a yellow circle with the data inside it, centered.

3. This question is worth 10 points.

Create the HTML matching this image:

4. This question is worth 10 points.

Using Typescript (create a .ts } le), create a function that takes in a course name (String) with a default value of 'unknown', the course number (numeric), an array of days of the week (Strings) of when the course meets, The classroom and building number, both a string. Next, create a function that creates a JSON structure of all the values in this class and their current values. If the value of and class attribute is null or unde} ned, return an empty string.

5. This question is worth 10 points.

Show the differences betweens the collection objects in Javascript: Set, Map and Array by writing HTML and Javascript that highlights or shows the difference(s), if any.

6. This question is worth 10 points.

Write an example that demonstrates how to export:

A function called getFullName() { return 'test'; }

a variable called MAX_FULL_NAME_LENGTH = 256;

Using ES6 notation, create a HTML page that imports both from your module. Show them working by having a button in your HTML that calls getFullName() and also have a h1 element that only has to show the value of MAX_FULL_NAME_LENGTH.

7. This question is worth 10 points.

Using bootstrap, replicate this image:

8. This question is worth 10 points.

Given this XML data structure below, transpose it to be in JSON format.

9. This question is worth 10 points.

Explain each lifecycle method we covered in class regarding ReactJS.

10. This question is worth 10 points.

Explain why a developer would want to use Promises API over async. Why do we have async and await when we can just use standard Promise API objects?