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TRI201 Translation: Theory and Practice Academic year 2023/2024 Semester 1


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Academic year 2023/2024 Semester 1

TRI201 Translation: Theory and Practice



Below is a promotional text for the sports shoes of Adidas. The text is expected to be translated into Chinese and published side by side with its translation in a flight magazine. According to the client, the Chinese translation should highlight the selling points of the shoes that the ST has highlighted. Imagine a situation where you are working as a freelance translator. You are interested in this task and you contact the translation agent for it. You are required to write a 1,500-word essay, in which you are expected to

1.    do a translation brief analysis to prove your suitability for the task; (30’)

2.   demonstrate the considerations, guided by theories learned in class, you shall take into account while translating this piece of work; (40’)

3.    illustrate your translation methods and justify the functional adequacy of your translation with examples.   (30”)

Adidas Sports Shoes

Over twenty-eight  years  ago,  adidas gave birth to a new  idea  in  sports  shoes.  And  the people who wear our shoes have been running and winning ever since. In fact, adidas has helped them set over 400 world records in track and field alone.

Maybe that’s why more and more football, soccer, basketball, baseball and tennis players are  turning  to  adidas.  They  know  that, whatever  their  game, they can  rely on adidas workmanship and quality in every product we make.

So whether you’ re pounding the  roads on a marathon, or just jogging around the  block, adidas should be on your feet.

You were born to run. And we were born to help you do it better. You’ ll find us anywhere smart sports people buy their shoes. Adidas, the all sports people.


1.   The essay should be written with the APA (the American Psychological Association) styles. The format for reference and bibliography should follow the APA Reference System posted on the university webpage.

2.   An electronic copy of the essay (a word document) should be uploaded onto LMO by December 27th .The filename of the soft copy needs to follow the format: First name Surname_Student ID (e.g., Xiaoxiao Zhang_00324]).

3.   Submissions without following exactly the instructions given herein may not reach the instructor, and marks will be deducted for course works that require re-submission.

4.   For late submission, penalties will be given in accordance with the University policy.