关键词 > 5522USST

5522USST Embedded Systems Programming and Applications in the Environment


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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Coursework Title: Sequential Design

Module Name: Embedded Systems Programming and Applications in the Environment

Module Code: 5522USST

Level:                                    5

Credit Rating: 20

Weighting: 15%

Lecturer: Gareth Lewis


This coursework is to be carried out individually or in groups depending on availability of laboratory resources. It is designed to meet learning outcome LO2 of this module, as

presented in the module proforma:

LO2:- Design, analyse and implement finite state machine based digital circuits

Coursework Specification and Corresponding Marks

The aim of this coursework is to develop your practical, analytical and communication skills. You are expected to demonstrate these at all stages of the CW implementation.

You are required to design a synchronous sequential circuit for detecting serial data. The marking scheme for the coursework is given at the end of the document.

Design Exercise

A Mealy sequential circuit has one input and one output. The circuit examines a string of 0’s and 1’s applied to its input and generates an output for a second or fourth consecutive 1 bit  arriving at the input. Design the circuit described above using JK flip-flops

Guide to Performance Criteria

70% and above:

You must show independent thinking and apply this to your work showing originality and consideration of key design and implementation issues. There must be evidence of wider reading on the subject.

Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: performance, cost, complexity, reliability, synchronisation, evaluate, analysis, merits, limitations, alternatives, implementation,


60% - 70%:

You must demonstrate some originality in your work and show this by applying new learning to the key issues of the coursework. There must be evidence of wider reading on the subject.

Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: performance, interrupts,

merits, limitations, analysis, alternatives, identify, contrast, implementation, portability, applications, test.

50% - 60%:

You must show a good understanding of the key concepts and be able to apply them to solve the problem set by the coursework. There must be enough depth to your work to provide evidence of wider reading.

Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: merits, limitations, demonstrate, explain, produce, generalise, identify, compare, conclude, justify.

40% - 50%:

You must show a reasonable level of understanding of the key concepts and principles and you must have applied this knowledge to the coursework problem. There should be some evidence of wider


Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: produce, describe, list, outline, identify, explain.

Below 40%: There is a lack of understanding of key concepts and knowledge and no evidence of wider reading.


Plagiarism is considered as academic misconduct. The University takes cases of plagiarism very

seriously and all alleged cases of academic misconduct will be investigated thoroughly by a School    Investigatory Panel. Students are advised to ensure that any coursework submitted is their own work or, where the work of others is referred to (this includes any third-part material e.g. text, images,

diagrams, drawings), it is correctly referenced. The University defines plagiarism in the following way:

1.   The representation of the work, written or otherwise, of any other person, from any source whatsoever, as the candidate's own. Examples of plagiarism may be as follows:

2.  The verbatim copying of another's work without clear identification and acknowledgement – including the downloading of materials from the internet without proper referencing and


3.   The close paraphrasing of another's work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without clear identification and acknowledgement.

4.   Unidentified and unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another's work.

5.   The deliberate and detailed presentation of another's concept as one's own.

For more information you are directed to following the university websites:

1.   Information regarding plagiarism: http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/StudentServices/81924.htm

2.   Information on study skills: http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/lea/78126.htm

3.   Information regarding referencing: http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/lea/78127.htm

Design Exercise

A Mealy sequential circuit has one input and one output. The circuit examines a string of 0’s and 1’s applied to its input and generates an output for a second or fourth consecutive 1 bit  arriving at the input. Design the circuit described above using JK flip-flops