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CS 0447 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Midterm Project


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CS 0447 Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Midterm Project


In this project,you will be implementing a simplified version of wordle  game  using MIPS assembly,

The principle  is the  same  as  the  original  one.But  we'll  introduce  a  simplification:

Players  can  try  to  guess  non-existing  words,like  1sdkf .Otherwise,it's    pretty    much the same but in text.

Start early

The  deadline  will  approach  fast!Life  happens,sickness  happens,so  if  you  start  early, you  can  minimize  the  impact.Do  a  little  bit  every  day!1  hour  every  day!30  minutes  every day!SOMETHING!

How the game will work

The program  starts  by  printing  a  hello  message  introducing  itself and  presents  a menu to  select what to do next.You don't need to print the  same thing!Do your own prints!


Welcome    to    my    little    game,let's    play


What do you want to do?

(1) Play

(2) Quit

At this point,if the user selects an invalid value,you can just print the menu again and ask again.If the user selects the option to quit,the program should terminate calling  syscall  10.If the  user  selects  the  option  to  play,the  game  begins.

Example 1 -Lose a game

Make your guess: hello

h (e) (1) [1] o

Make your guess: hello

s p (e) [1] (1)

Make your guess: hello

p (i) x (e) (1)

Make your guess: water

w (a) t (e) r

Make your guess: world

w o r [1] d

Whoops, it seems you could not guess :(

The word was: agile

Example 2 - Win a game

Make your guess: pixel

p (i) x (e)(1)

Make your guess: hello

h (e)(1)[1] o

Make your guess: swine

s w [i] n [e]

Make your guess: guile

(g) u [i][1][e]

Make your guess: agile


Yay :)The word was indeed: agile

Example 3 - Multiple games

Welcome to Wordle, let's play a game

What do you want to do?

(1) Play

(2) Quit


Make your guess: agile

(a) g i l e

Make your guess: skimp

[s] k i (m) p

Make your guess: smart


Yay :)

The word was indeed: smart

Welcome to Wordle, let's play a game

What do you want to do?

(1) Play

(2) Quit


Make your guess: smart


Yay :)

The word was indeed: smart

Welcome to Wordle, let's play a game

What do you want to do?

(1) Play

(2) Quit


Make your guess: smart

[s] m a r t

Make your guess: spell


Yay :)

The word was indeed: spell

Welcome to Wordle, let's play a game

What do you want to do?

(1) Play

(2) Quit



As you can see,during the game you will ask the player to make a guess.Read a 5- letter word from the keyboard.If your program allows the user to input a word larger than 5 letters,validate the word and ask another time.There is a syscall that limits the number of chars that can be input,check it if you'd like to use it instead.

When a letter is not in the word,I just print it on its own x-I added spaces around it for consistency.When a letter was found on the word,but in the wrong location,I print it with parentheses(x).And if a letter is in the right location,I print it with square   brackets    [x].

The player only has 5 guesses.

Your assignment


This includes data structures you are planning to use,user inputs that may be invalid  and  you  need  to   account  for,etc.1.Think  of  which   functions  you  will  need  to implement,and what they will do:1)Start from the main function and split your program  into  multiple  steps.2)This  plan  is  not  going  to  be  enforced,but  it  should be thought through.2.Think of possible user inputs,and how they will impact the program negatively:Run over some examples with pen and paper and see make    sure the behaviour is correct.


Implement the MIPS assembly code that executes the game described above!

1. It begins by displaying a welcome message and an explanation of how to proceed.

2.If you  select  quit,program  exits.

3.If you  select play,the  game begins.

4.Then  your  program  will:

1. Randomly select a word from a list of at least 5!

2.  5 times

3.Ask the player for a 5-letter word.

4.  Wait for user input.

·  If the input is a 5-letter string,continue.

·  Otherwise,ask again.

5.Print  the  user  input  using  the  symbols  []()to  indicate  the correctness.

6.If the player guessed the word,print a victory message,and stop playing.

7.If you ran out of tries,print  a losing message.

5. When the game round is over,display the menu again.

The welcome message

I try to restrict your imagination as little as possible in this project.You do your own thing,as long as it fits the project!So,use the welcome message to explain to the

user anything that is not clear in the game.

User input

Some syscalls that you may want to use:

· print    character

· read  character.

o   read string.

o   randomint range.

Make sure your string variables (the ones you use for user input)can hold enough space for a user input (including \θ)!

Think about which function you need

If you are using strings,you may want to implement functions to compare/copy/etc those strings.(Maybe not!There are many ways to implement this code).Think

about those things.

The game is composed of simpler steps.Print and handle menu,run game loop,ask and handle word input,print guess,etc.

Think about those steps,and which functions you need.

Storing data

How will you store your list of words?Maybe an array of strings?How can you do that?What sort of limitations will it have and how will you access each string?

(maybe a function?).

Because all strings are the same size,I used a matrix of words!

Debug mode

You must have a variable named debug at the top of your code.The grader must be able to change its value to 1 to enable debug mode,or to o to disable debug mode!

In debug mode,the game should print the random word once it's selected!It will help you and the grader figuring out if all is working.

Project Stages

In order to help you be aware of your progress,I will recommend a series of mile

markers to help you divide up the work.You can,of course,ignore these if you wish. However,if you find you need some direction,by all means follow along.

I've divided this into three stages.You could consider accomplishing each stage one by one.

Stage 1-Plan!Create the data structures you think you'll need and print

Solving  a  project  is  more  than  writing  code!So,your  first  task  should  be  designing the  solution.

· How are you doing user interaction?

· What information do you need to store?

●  What will execution look like?

· What are the parts of your program and how do they interact?

So,for the first stage:

· Read the project description and understand it.

· Implement the strings and other variables you think you need.(Like messages for the player)

· Write the input/output functions (e.g.,I wrote a function to ask for a 5-letter word,one to print the menu)

· Break the program into smaller pieces (each should be a funcion).

If you finish early,move on to stage 2.

Stage 2 -Parsing user input

In stage 2,I suggest you tackle parsing user input.Write a function that takes user

input and decides if each input letter is:(1)in the correct position,(2)in the word

but in the wrong position,or(3)not in the word at all.You can print the feedback to the user as you go (making the code simpler).

At this point,you are really close to the end!

If you finish early,move on to stage 3.

Stage 3 -Finish the project

You should have a few weeks to the deadline,now it's time for testing!

Helpful Tidbits

Starting the code

This is a very simple program in a higher-level language!But it is much more

complex in assembly.As such,here are some advice for developing your program.

Plan ahead and start by writing high level comments on how you plan to approach the  problem:

· If you are not sure what to write,ask for help.

· Ifyou need,then write the program in a high-level language,draw a diagram, write pseudo-code,and then translate that into MISP assembly.



· Really!Do not do it!It's the easiest way to get overwhelmed and confused without knowing what to do!

· Implement small parts of the code and test them!

Split your code into functions

Use functions!They will help you manage the cognitive load.Here is a starting point!


jal print_welcome


jal   ·      get_input



Submit a single ZIP file with your project named studentID_MidtermProj.zip

(e.g.,2022141520000_MidtermProj.zip).In the  zip  file,there  should  be  NO  folder, just the following files:

·Your wordle.asm file.(Put your name and student ID at the top of the file in comments!)

·Areadme.txt file (DO NOT SUBMIT A README.DOCX/README.PDF.SUBMIT A PLAIN TEXT FILE.PLEASE.)which should contain:a)your name,b)your    student ID,c]anything that does not work,d)anything  else you think might   help the grader grade your project more easily.

Submit into the Blackboard.Let me know immediately if there are any problems submitting your work.