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SMO103 Introduction to Organisation and Management


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1st SEMESTER 2023/24

Introduction to Organisation and Management

ASSESSED COURSEWORK: Organisation Case Analysis (30% of the module mark).

This assignment has  been  designed  for the following primary purposes.  It is an opportunity for students to demonstrate your achievement of the learning outcomes in this module. That is, in the process of completing this case analysis, students will need to critically engage with organisational behaviours knowledge you learned and apply it into analysing an actual case. In the meantime, during the process of completing this assignment, students will have the chance to practice the skill of academic writing.

General Guidance:

In the case analysis, you are expected to formulate a report in which you critically analyse an organisation. The focus of your case analysis should be critically to analyse the OB practices of one organisation based on two of the listed topics on page 3. The organisation  being  analysed  in  your  assignment  is  of your selection.  Remember  to choose an organisation which you are confident in terms of accessing relevant materials, so that you can have enough resources to base your discussion and analyses on.

When searching for materials for your analysis, you will need to find information to understand  and  describe  the  current  circumstances  of  your  chosen  organisation. Consider using the company’s website, other internet sources or other relevant materials for this part. This information will provide important background context for your analysis.

In addition to the above  mentioned, you should  also critically engage with  relevant academic materials and try to apply relevant knowledge framework to your analysis. That means you will need to review and include the discussion of academic literature that is relevant to the chosen topics of your critical analysis. This is to encourage and provide opportunity for you to practice evidence-based thinking and arguments. In doing so, you will provide clear definitions, detailed explanations, and logical justification in your writing. To facilitate this, it is required that you review at least two reliable academic sources (preferable from handbooks, review papers, peer-reviewed academic journals, or open access journals). You should reference and cite these resources in the text, using APA or Harvard referencing styles.


.    Understanding and respecting diversity and individual differences

.    Paying attention to employeesjob attitudes

.    Decision making process in the organisation

.    Encouraging employees psychological well-being

.    Performance management, motivation and creativity facilitation

.    Groups and teams dynamic in the organisation

.    Ways of handling communication, negotiation, and conflict

.    Identifying the main leadership styles

.    Creating and organising job design

.    Looking at organisational structure and organisational culture

.    Adapting to change and stress

To be more specific, you will need to demonstrate in your case analysis:

l Whether your chosen organisation have been practicing effective OB approaches relating to the topics you choose

l Or if you have identified any issues/challenges/problems relating to the topics you choose from an OB perspective

l Recommendations for action or change

Relevant Learning Outcomes:

A. Interpret key concepts and theories with regard to individual differences and apply these appropriately to specific situations.

B. Examine the role and functions of groups and teams in organisations.

C. Identify characteristics of organisations in terms of structure, change and culture.

D. Explain how organisational performance can be improved through the effective use of human resources.

Submission and formatting guideline:

.        The  DEADLINE  for  submission  is  17:00  (Beijing  time),  Monday  18th December, 2023. Please complete your submission through Learning Mall Online  (LMO).  Close  to  the  deadline,  there  will   be  a  section  set   up exclusively for the submission of this assignment.

.         Please use the cover sheet for this assessment task uploaded on Learning Mall Core (the format is also attached at the end of this task sheet) as the first page of your report.

.         In the text, please set your font to size 12, and use 1.5-line spacing.

.         Please do abide  by the deadline stated above. Late submissions will be subjected to penalties according to the university’s late submission policy for coursework.

.         Please submit this case analysis using Microsoft Word file formats so that your assessors can see the correct formatting you set for your assignment and directly provide feedback on the document.

.         Please set the filename according to the following format when you submit: The file  name  should  begin  with  the  module  code,  then  your  student  ID, followed  by  organisation  case  analysis.  For  example,  SMO103_ 1234567_ organisation case analysis.docx

.         Plagiarism of any form will not be tolerated. For more guidelines regarding the issues of plagiarism and relevant penalties, please refer to the University policy and  the  module  handbook.  Before  you  submit,  please  utilize  Turnitin  anti plagiarism software to check the originality of your work against plagiarism.

Word Limits:

Please make sure to manage the word counts of your case report to 1200 words (+/– 10% is allowed). The word limits are exclusive of the cover/title page as well as footnotes,  graphs,  tables,  appendices,  and  reference  lists.  Please  be  reminded  to arrange your writing with consideration of the suggested weighting of each section (See the   next   section   “Structure   Guide”   for   more   information).   Especially   for   the

Introduction  part  where   you  need  to  illustrate  the  background  of  your   chosen organisation, try to keep this within 250 words. It is strongly recommended that you focus your effort on critically analysing the case.

Please state clearly on the title page an honest and accurate total word count. Both exceeding the word limit or having less content than the word limit will result in deduction of 5% of your coursework mark. Please know that this could substantially affect the mark you receive. So please make sure to manage the word limit well J