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CS7IS3 End of Semester Assignment


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CS7IS3 End of Semester Assignment

Your end of semester exam replacement assignment is to choose a paper from a recent SIGIR conference and create a presentation that will explain what is carried out in the paper.

Please submit a 20 minute video including both slides and commentary provided by you that explains the paper content to the best of your ability.

Everything should be expressed in your own words and graphics should be created by you.

Please make sure to include the following sections in your presentation for which you will be marked:

• Aim of the paper      [15 marks]

• Related work in that area      [15 marks]

• Methodology applied      [15 marks]

• Evaluation carried out      [15 marks]

• Conclusions drawn from the evaluation      [15 marks]

The further 25 marks will be assigned as follows:

• Critique of Paper      [25 marks]

Further points on marking:

It is important to demonstrate your understanding of the paper, as this will indicate how much you have learned about IR from the course. Creative explanations using graphics are always a good idea - as a picture tells 1,000 words, this can include diagrams, plots, charts etc. but do not copy these directly from the paper or any place, you should create them yourself.

Notice there are marks going for critique. As you know, academic papers are reviewed and critiqued before being published. This critique is an important part of the scientific method and work that is published should stand up to scrutiny. To critique a part of the paper, you can provide your opinion about whether or not you think it is a good aim/suitable methodology and so on. If you are sure it is a good approach, provide reasons for this. If you think it is not a good approach, you should provide reasons for thinking this, and best case in addition suggest a better method. For example, a critique in terms of evaluation of the paper could be omission of a specific kind of metric score and then suggestion of that metric score to include. Something to look out for in terms of a critique is whether or not the authors make their code available. Making code available means the work is more useful and the results can be tested for replicability.

Please note that rules on plagiarism mean that any text copy and pasted from the paper onto the slide must be placed within double quotation marks with a citation to the original author. You cannot use generative-AI to create any part of your presentation.

Submission details:

Make sure you have added the details of your paper to the shared spreadsheet and checked that nobody else has chosen your paper:

Record your Exam Replacement Assignment Paper here

Final submission. Please share the following with the course email address:

[email protected] on or before 6pm on Sunday December 17th:

● A link to your presentation video

○ File named <student name>_<student_id>_video

● A pdf file containing your slides

○ Filename: <student name>_<student_id>_pdfslides

● Plagiarism Declaration form (signed and dated)

○ File name: <student name>_<student_number>_declaration

Please do not publish or share your video with anyone until at least one week after the deadline. If you wish to do so after that it is fine to.