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ITS63304 Object-Oriented Programming


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ITS63304 Object-Oriented Programming

Group Project (50%)

Semester September


Module Learning Outcome (MLO)

MLO 2: Apply the basic concepts and problem-solving skills to evaluate and solve topic-specific problems and programs

MLO 3: Demonstrate capability to interact positively within a peer group, consider other viewpoints, and foster stable and harmonious relationships in solving computational problems related to an object-oriented language

Project Details

Project Title: Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13) Application

Project Description: Governments, organizations, and startups worldwide are actively working on solutions to address the various targets of Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13), which focuses on Climate Action. Your task in this group project is to develop a computer program or application that supports one of the specific SDG 13 targets listed below. You have the flexibility to choose the technology stack, whether it's a console application or a user-friendly GUI.

Project Objectives:

1. Develop a computer program/application with a minimum of five key features to help achieve your chosen SDG 13 target.

2. Design the program to cater to two types of users: Government (Admin) and Public (Normal User).

3. Provide Government users with the ability to edit, delete, and update information, while ensuring that Public users can only view and share information.

4. Utilize at least three classes, each with three data fields and methods, to create a scalable and maintainable program.

5. Implement a user-friendly keyboard-based search feature for easy information retrieval.

6. Use at least one switch statement and two conditional statements in your code.

7. Incorporate at least one for loop and one do-while loop statement for iterative processes.

8. Include an Array or ArrayList, as needed, to support the program's data requirements.

9. Use at least one access modifier to distinguish between Public and Admin users for security and access control.

Targets to Choose From (Select One):

Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13 or Goal 13) is about climate action and is one of 17 SDGs established by the United Nations in 2015. The official mission statement of this goal is to "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts". There are five main targets of this SDG in total, all of which cover a wide range of issues surrounding climate action.

1. Target 13.1: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters.

2. Target 13.2: Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning.

3. Target 13.3: Improve education, awareness-raising, and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning.

4. Target 13.4: Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible.

5. Target 13.A: Implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change commitments, including those related to a significant increase in climate finance from all sources to the developing countries.

The sky's the limit, so get creative and think big! Good luck!

Project Deliverables:

1. A well-documented program/application with clear explanations of each feature and its functionality.

1. Cover page

2. Marking rubric

3. Role and responsibility of each group member

4. Application description and rational

5. User Interface (UI)

6. Lesson learned

7. References

2. A user manual describing how to use the application.

3. A presentation demonstrating the program's features, design, and functionality.

4. The program must be written in Java

a. Executable JAR file

b. Project Folder

5. Source Code in MS Word or PDF file, please highlight in yellow all relevant criteria stated above.


Report submission: Week 12

Marking Rubric


Excellent (8 – 10)

Good (6 7)

Average (4-5)

Poor (0-3)

Your Score

Description and rationale

A detailed description and outstanding support for the SDG13 aim

Sufficient explanation and backing SDG13 target

Average description and average

support SDG13 target

Poor description and poor

support SDG13 target

User Interface

Extremely attractive and user-friendly

Moderate in terms of both aesthetics and ease of use

Average visual appeal and user friendliness

Not appealing or user- friendly

Source code

Extremely rational, organized, and satisfying every criterion

Acceptable in that it is logically sound, well- structured, and generally


The average logical organization that meets given criteria

Not logical, poor organization and meet few criteria


Extensive and thorough coverage

Detailed and well-written.

There is little detail and the material is average.

Not detailed and not complete

Lesson learned

The acquired knowledge is extensive and exhaustive in every respect.

The lesson is good and covers most of what you need to know.

The lesson learned is adequate and covers

some ground.

The lesson learned is poor and incomplete


Comprehensive and complete in all aspects

Good and comprehensi ve.

Average and cover some ground

Poor and incomplete


10 and more recent references

6-7 recent references

4-5 recent references

Less than 4 recent references



NOTE: Total marks will be adjusted to a maximum of 50% allocated for this assignment.