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COMP5322 Final Project Pet Shop System


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COMP5322 Final Project

Pet Shop System

1 Introduction

1.1 Project background and significance

With all kinds of innovation, the emergence of e-commerce pushes the network informatization to the most exciting part. E-commerce refers to the transaction activities and related service activities in the way of electricity exchange on the Internet, intranet and value-added network(VAN). it is the electronization and networking of all aspects of traditional business activities. E-commerce uses microcomputer technology and network communication technology to carry out business activities. It brings production enterprises, circulation enterprises, consumers and the government into a new world of network economy and digital survival, integrates manual operation and electronic information processing into an inseparable whole, and improves the utilization rate of manpower and material resources. it also improves the rigor of the operation of the department. In addition, e-commerce completes the more complicated business activities in the past in a very simple way, which greatly improves the quality of service of enterprises to customers, and highly integrates all kinds of functions of business activities. at the same time, it also has a high degree of integration of the business subjects who participate in business activities. A high degree of integration makes e-commerce further improve the efficiency.

It is from a variety of advantages that Taobao, JD.com, SUNING and other major online shopping malls emerged. The purpose of this project is to explore a specific online mall and an online pet store. The advantages of collecting electricity in pet stores on the Internet greatly reduce the purchase process of pet goods and add convenience to people's lives. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the online pet store system.

1.2 Current status of domestic and international research

In recent years, China's economy has shown great vitality, although the recent global economic crisis and the recent wave of closure of small and medium-sized enterprises have made China's economy even worse. However, the rapid rise of B2C network mall will greatly promote the process of economic development in the future.

In 2011, Alibaba officially renamed his Taobao Mall to Tmall Mall in order to separate the former Taobao Mall from Taobao Mall. Taobao belongs to C2C online mall, while Tmall is B2C online mall. Tmall has been occupying an absolute leading position in the domestic B2C online mall market, until the latest CNZZ data let people realize that JD.com, SUNING and other B2C malls have slowly approached Tmall. However, pure online pet stores are rare, while foreign countries are more mature.

2 Related Technology

2.1 Front-end

We designed a total of five pages, which are home page, introduction, shopping, about us and contact us. We used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to complete the front-end production.

Above the navigation bar, our GUI design uses visual methods such as color change and underlining to "remind the user".

On the "Contact Us" page, we use the Google Map API to embed the map, so that users can understand the location of the store more clearly and get the traffic route.

On the shopping page, we use JavaScript to operate and display functions such as adding, changing the quantity, and deleting products.

2.2 Back-end

In the backend part, we use PHP and MySQL to design the background management page. The administrator can log in to the background management system through the username and password. After logging in, you can perform operations such as changing product information, putting on and off shelves, etc.

3 Function Analysis

The main functions of this system are as follows.

(1) Pet breeds view.

On the introduction page, users can see the introduction of all kinds of cats and dogs, so as to better understand the breeds of pets.

(2) Online shopping.

On the shopping page,we display 6 different pet products.

Users can add product to the cart, change the quantity, delete products and clear cart.

(3) Barrier-free map navigation.

On the "Contact Us" page, we use the Google Map API to embed the map, so that users can understand the location of the store more clearly and get the traffic route.

4 Database Design

Database logical design determines the overall performance of the database and its applications, and good database logical design can reduce data redundancy and save storage space. The database logic design of this system follows the paradigm theory. The relationship schema converted from the total system entity-relationship diagram is as follows.

(1) Administrator: (account ID,password).

(2) Goods:(ID,name,price,content,img,time).

5 System Functionality Testing

5.1 shopping cart test


Test content

Expected results



ADD 1 Pet leash and 1 Pet collar to the shopping cart

Add successfully,and the price become $94.98



Adjust the quantity of the Pet leash and Pet collar

Adjust successfully,and the price become the corresponding price.



Clear the cart

The shopping cart was emptied.


5.2 Contact information submission test


Test content

Expected results



Fill the contact information with Name,Email,Contact Number and other request.

Jump to the Thanks page


6 Members Contribution


Student ID


ZHAO Qiuchen



Presentation video


