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Math 173 – Midterm 2


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Math 173 – Midterm 2

Create a C++ class called ‘Factoring’ with  these constructor, desctructor and function prototypes:

-     Default constructor.

-     User defined constructor with 2 parameters of type integer.

-     User defined constructor with 3 parameters of type integer.

-     A destructor.

-     A static function called  printHeader().

-     A function called binomial() of type integer with 2 parameter of type int (this is the different of 2 squares)

-     A function called trinomial() of type integer with 3 parameter of type int.

-     A function called trinomialPlus() of type integer with 2 parameter of type int (This is the sum of 2 cubes)

-     A function called trinomialMinus() of type integer with 2 parameter of type int (This is the difference of 2 cubes).

Create a function definition file (Factoring.cpp) with the above functions definition.

-     A static function printHeader() to print the following:


CS 173 – Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

(print your name here)


-     A function called binomial() of type integer with 2 parameter of type int (this is the different of 2 squares):

a2 – b2 = (a – b)(a + b)


4x2   - 9 = (2x – 3)(2x + 3)

-    A function called trinomial() of type integer with 3 parameter of type int.

a2 + 2ab +  b2  = (a + b)2


x2 - 6x + 9 = (x – 3)2

-     A function called trinomialPlus() of type integer with 2 parameter of type int (This is the sum of 2 cubes)

a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 – ab + b2)


8 + 29  = 23 + 33

=  (2 + 3)(4 - 6 + 9)

-     A function called trinomialMinus() of type integer with 2 parameter of type int (This is the difference of 2


a3 - b3 = (a - b)(a2 + ab + b2)


8 - 29   = 23  - 33

=  (2 - 3)(4 + 6 + 9)

Create a test file to test all functions from the Factoring.cpp file.