关键词 > ABW505-231

ABW505-231: Group Project 2


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ABW505-231: Group Project 2 (20%)

You are required to write a program to address the scenario listed as follows:

The Random Password Generator

The password generator is a Random Password generating program that generates a password mix of upper and lowercase letters, as well as numbers and symbols strong enough to provide great security.

Step-by-step to develop a program.

The random password generator program will do the following:

1. RANDOM MODULE is used to perform the random generations. If you don’t want to repeat characters or digits in the random string, then use random.sample()

2. The STRING MODULE contains a number of useful constants, classes and a number of functions to process the standard python string.

3. Greet the user.

4. Ask the user for the length of the password.

5. Print the password.

6. The examples of passwords shown should have a minimum of 8 digits to a maximum of 16 digits.

Your report should consist of:

1. Algorithm development

2. Flowcharts

3. Pseudocode

4. Coding

5. Conclusion (What have you learned)

The report should be written in Font Type>>Times New Roman with Font Size>>12 pt. The total pages of the report should not be more than 10 pages with 1.5 lines spacing.

The assignment report should be submitted in form of a soft copy PDF, you need to upload the final report to Elearn@USM.

NO handwriting, No scanned document, NO hard copy

This group project will be due on 29th December 2023, 11.59 p.m., the group leader need to upload the report to Elearn@USM before the due date. Any late submission will not be considered.
