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AMA1D04 Project Proposal 2023/24 S1


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Project Proposal

2023/24 S1

Project Title: The reformation of New Zealand’s voting system and its’ effectiveness

Topics related: (tick þ if appropriate, you can tick more than once)

o Social choice theory þ Voting system and political power o Game theory

o Fairness and Division o Other (Please specify:  _____________________ )

Opt for the use of AI: (tick þ to one box only, the second option is subject to approval)

þ I will use AI for this project. I will attend the AI workshops and follow the instructions about the use of AI.

o I will NOT use AI for this project. I understand that use of AI in any part of my proposal or project at any extend will be penalized. My justification is as follows:


Abstract: (Please introduce the problem/situation raised in this research, how this can be simulated, the methodology used in your research, what knowledge you learn from this course can be applied, what kind of results do you expect to find, …)

l Introduction: The research aims to analyze the reformation of New Zealand's voting system from a plurality voting system or a First-Past-The-Post to a Mixed-Member Proportional (MMP) and evaluate its effectiveness. This research seeks to understand the impact of the voting system reform on representation, proportionality, and government formation in New Zealand.

Applied knowledge: I can apply the knowledge of the German Federation Election, which was also adopted by New Zealand after the reformation, including the definition, the mechanism and the calculation formula.

Simulation: The research will use a computational simulation model to simulate multiple election scenarios under both the FPTP and MMP systems. By conducting multiple simulations, the study will be able to compare and contrast the performance of the two voting systems in terms of representation, proportionality, and government formation.

l Methodology:

1. Data Collection: Historical election data, including vote shares, seat allocations, and party compositions, will be collected for elections held under both the FPTP and MMP systems. This data will serve as the basis for the simulation model.

2. Calculation: The model will simulate election outcomes under the FPTP and MMP systems.

3. Analysis: The simulated election results will be analyzed to assess the effectiveness of the MMP system compared to the FPTP system. The two systems will evaluate and compare key metrics, such as proportionality and representation of smaller parties.

l Expected Results: The research aims to demonstrate that the MMP system offers better representation and proportionality than the FPTP system. It is expected that the simulations will reveal a greater variety of party representation, an increase in the representation of smaller parties, and a higher degree of proportionality in the allocation of parliamentary seats. This study also contributes to a better understanding of the effectiveness of New Zealand's voting system reform.