关键词 > STAT3025Q

STAT3025Q (Statistical Methods) HW 11


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(1) (4.5 points) Use the given information in problem 49 (page 351) to solve the following questions.

(a) (1.5 points).

(b) (1.5 points).

(c) (1.5 points) What should the sample size be to ensure that β(0. 1) = 0.01? Use a  = 0.01.

(2) (One point) Let μ denotes true average serum receptor concentration for all pregnant women.

The average for all women is known to be 5.63. It is reported that P − value  > 0. 10 for a test of

H0 : μ = 5.63 versus Ha : μ  ≠ 5.63  based on  n  = 176 pregnant women.

Using a significance level of 0.01, what would you conclude?

(3) (5.5 points) Use the given information in problem 54 (page 356) to solve the following questions.

(a) (2.5 points).

(b) (2 points).

(c) (One point).

(4) (1.5 points) Exercise 55, part (b) (page 356).