关键词 > FIN5561

FIN 5561 Financial Statement Analysis


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FIN 5561

Financial Statement Analysis


Novice = 1

Developing =2

Experienced = 3

Professional = 4


Content: Information

communicated by written report.

(30% of total)

1. The information failed to  summarize the issue/topic.   2. Questionable conclusions were reached that were not supported by research.

3. The conclusions were

based on dated not relevant.

1. The information left some gaps in issue/topic.

2. Conclusions reached were  inconsistent in their logic and lacked support.

3. The conclusions were based on outdated information that   was still relevant.

1. Overall, the information    adequately summarized the topic/issue.

2. Conclusions reached were reasonable but lacked

supporting documentation in a few cases.

3. The conclusions were based   overall, on current information.

1. The information sufficiently summarized the issue/topic.    2. Conclusions reached were    logical and fully supported by  research.

3. The conclusions were based on the mostrecent

documentation available.


Communication: Ability to  express oneself so as to be understood by others.

(25% of total)

1.    Ideas   were   vague   and difficult to understand.

2.    Visuals    aids    distracted from presentation.

3.   Report  was   messy,   with errors      in      spelling      and grammar.

1. Both ideas and words

required much effort to


2. Visual aids were relevant to information given, but did not clarify or reinforce it.

3. Report contained slight

smudges, blurred letters and  grammatical errors that were distracting.

1. Ideas were expressed clearly with only a few words being

difficult to understand.

2. Accurate visual aids added

some support to the

information given.

3. Report was neat but

contained minor errors that did not detract from total project.

1. Ideas were expressed clearly in language that was easy to


2. Accurate visual aids

supported focused, clarified and reinforced information  given.

3. Report was neat,

grammatically correct and



Organization: How the

information is put together.

(15% of total)

1. Main points were difficult to follow.

2. Sections ran together or difficult to locate.

3. Supporting documentation was not provided.

1. Main points were logical but difficult to follow.

2. Some sections were not   identified and several items were difficult to locate.

3. Some supporting

documentation was missing and some was inaccurately   labeled.

1. Main points were generally easy to follow and logical.

2. Sections were clearly

identified and only a few items were difficult to locate.

3. Supporting documentation was clearly labeled, but some items were missing.

1. Main points were easy to    follow and logical with points building on each other.

2. Sections were clearly

identified and material was easily located.

3. Support documentation was complete and clearly labeled.


Analyze Business Situation:  Ability to use course skills to analyze a situation.

(30% of total)

1. Focuses on tangential

rather than key issues.

2. Qualitative and

quantitative analysis too


3. Conclusions and

recommendations are


1. Focuses on key issues but

spends too much time on some tangential issues.

2. Quantitative and qualitative analysis is adequate to make     reasonable conclusions and/or recommendations.

3. Conclusions and

recommendations are

reasonable and believable.

1. Focuses on key issues and    avoids or dismisses tangential issues.

2. Quantitative and qualitative analysis persuasively supports  the recommendations and


3. Conclusions and

recommendations are well supported by logic and


1. Focuses on key issues and shows very strong analytical skills.

2. Quantitative and qualitative

analysis strongly supports the recommendations and


3. Conclusions and

recommendations exceeds expectations